Children and YA Newsletter
September 2024
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Fall. Is. BUSY. Enjoy the sunshine while it's here.
The sweet late days of summer seem to have collided full force with the early back-to-school days of autumn. To fill the nooks and crannies, we have some things for you: Brain Architecture, iREAD's Level Up at Your Library, the new GELS Grant, and more. Read on to learn all about it.
| Kymberlee Powe | Children and YA Consultant | |
Brain Architecture and Public Libraries
Thursday, October 17 | 10-11:30 am
Register: Brain Architecture and Public Libraries
In person at the Middletown Library Service Center
The Brain Architecture Game is a tabletop game initiative that builds understanding of the powerful role of experiences on early brain development - what promotes it, what derails it, with what consequences for society. Join Children/ Young Adult Consultant Kym Powe in person at the Middletown Library Service Center to go through the Brain Architecture Game and discuss as a group the potential impact of public libraries on early childhood experiences and outcomes. What are we doing, what could we be doing, and what supports do we need as library workers, to uplift our youngest patrons.
Recording and Slides
Please plan to attend this program as scheduled as it will not be recorded and there are no slides. This workshop will be in person.
Who Should Come?
Perfect for anyone interested in understanding how the experiences had from birth to age eight, may impact the brain development of a potential library patron, children and adults alike.
Captions on a screen will be made available during the instruction portion of the game and facilitated conversation at the end. Please note, this game involves the manipulation of materials such as drinking straws and pipe cleaners, as part of group work. If you require another access service to participate fully, please use the Accommodation Request Form at least 7 days prior to the event.
About the CT Ready to Read Series
CT Ready to Read is a new initiative of the CT State Library designed to equip public library staff with the information, skills, and tools needed to promote and develop early literacy skills and reading readiness in their communities. Through research backed learning models, workshops, and resources, library staff will have the opportunity to learn to model for, and work with, parents, caregivers, and children.
Using programs like Every Child Ready to Read, Reimagining School Readiness, Supercharged Storytime, strategic partnerships and more, participants will learn how to incorporate intentional practices into traditional theme based storytimes and early literacy programs. As community anchors, libraries are emblems of public service, lifelong learning, and equitable access, and CT Ready to Read was created for libraries so that they have the capability to help prepare all Connecticut children for reading.
To learn more, explore the CT Ready to Read LibGuide Page.
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Connecticut Libraries Get Ready for 2025 Summer Reading with iREAD!
Tuesday, October 23 | 11 am ET
Register: Connecticut Libraries Get Ready for 2025 Summer Reading with iREAD!
Registration is required, and recording will be available afterward.
iREAD Webinar Agenda:
- Welcome & General introduction to the program
- Introduction to 2025 theme & artists for Level Up at Your Library
- Opportunity to contribute to the 2026 Resource Guide
- Presentation of general theme concept and voting on taglines for 2027
- Details about the iREAD online store, 2025 Resource Guide redeemable code access and download, online ordering process, deadlines, shipping, accounts, etc.
- Q&A
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Youth Services Critical Conversations
Tuesday, November 19 | 1-2 pm
Register: Critical Conversations
Relationship-building, professional learning cohorts, and idea sharing are integral ways for library staff to stay inspired, engaged, innovative, and intentional. To this end, the Division of Library Development will begin to hold Youth Services Critical Conversations to serve as an informal and open-ended opportunity for Youth Services folks in Connecticut to connect, talk, idea-share, and build community.
Four times a year, the Connecticut State Library will provide a virtual space for youth services, early learning, school-age, and teen services workers in public libraries to come together. While Zoom sessions will be hosted by Children/ Young Adult Consultant Kym Powe, conversations are intended center and run primarily with public library voices. Bring your successes, questions, ideas, and challenges! Ask questions and ask for resources. What supports are needed, what information is needed, help us help you!
These meetings are intended as interactive spaces, so we ask that registrants have a camera, microphone, and a designated space to allow for vocal conversation. These meetings will be driven by voices of attendees!
Recording and Slides:
Please plan to attend this program as scheduled as it will not be recorded and slides will not be shared.
Who Should Come?
Perfect for anyone currently working in the front lines of youth services who would like to participate in open conversation that center youth service experiences and needs.
This webinar will be captioned. If you require another access service to participate fully, please use the Accommodation Request Form at least 7 days prior to the event.
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GELS Grant Information Session
Tuesday, September 17 | 10-11 am
Register: GELS Grant Information Session
Growing Equitable Library Services (GELS) is a workshop series that strives to provide the trainings that help libraries become strength-based, trauma informed, social and emotionally conscious community institutions. To learn more, visit the Growing Equitable Library Services (GELS) LibGuide.
Join us for an overview of the GELS Grant and the application process. The GELS Grant will cover a six-month initiative to support a library on their journey to providing equitable services in their community. Applicants are required to submit a detailed description of how their service and/ or program aligns with the mission of the GELS initiative and the needs or interests of the marginalized community group(s) with whom they intend to work.
Recording and Slides:
This program will be recorded. The recording and slides will be made available on the GELS Grant LibGuide page. (Please allow up to five business days for recording to be posted.)
Who Should Come?
Perfect for any library staff engaging in community-centered, equitable library services that are considering applying for a GELS Grant including Library Directors/Administrators, Children’s and YA Staff, Librarians, Library Technical Assistants, Library Board Members and Friends.
This webinar will be captioned. If you require another access service to participate fully, please use the Accommodation Request Form at least 7 days prior to the event.
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Session 3: Assessing Internal Library Assets and Staff Capacity with Libraries Without Borders
In this session, we will provide strategies that support libraries in identifying and leveraging their existing assets and resources in order to optimize their reach. Participants will leave with the tools to 1) identify internal library assets and resources, 2) evaluate library offerings in relation to community needs, and 3) outline current staff capacity and establish goals for optimization.
This workshop includes a working session for participants to draft a staff capacity analysis plan for their own library.
This session is part of the Reimagining Library Outreach and Access series of 10 workshops taking place through March 2025 that will provide library staff with strategies, tools, and frameworks to expand their reach and impact within their communities. Using their own library and local data, participants have the opportunity to evaluate barriers to access within their own communities and to reconsider their approach to outreach utilizing their existing assets and structures.
Libraries Without Borders US (LWB)
LWB revolutionizes the reach of the library, expanding community access to critical information, education, and resources. Using local assessment and community engagement strategies, LWB partners with library systems to sustainably expand reach and utilization.
Nina Safane (she/her)
Nina is a community-based leader and educator with a background in organizational development. For the last 15 years, she has built and led systems, teams, and organizations that increase access to education and public health services. She previously led COVIDCheck Colorado, a social benefit enterprise, and co-founded the Girls Athletic Leadership Schools, an innovative school model. Nina has a BA in Education Studies from Brown University and an MA in Education from Columbia University.
Vanesha McGee (she/her)
Vanesha is a community advocate with ten years of experience as an educator, building communities within classrooms. Her expertise as a professional writer focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion across industries. Vanesha holds a Bachelor of Arts from Temple University and a Master of Science in Education from the University of Pennsylvania.
Recording and Slides:
This program is being recorded and will be made available on the Libraries Without Borders LibGuide page. (Please allow up to five business days for availability.)
Who Should Come?
Perfect for anyone who would like to look inwards to assess library assets, priorities, and staff capcacity with an eye towards access and outreach. Consider attending if you are a library director, department head, librarians, library staff, or plan to do any type of outreach in your community.
This webinar will be captioned. If you require another access service to participate fully, please use the Accommodation Request Form at least 7 days prior to the event.
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Introducing the Growing Equitable Library Services (GELS) Grants
Created by the CT State Library, Division of Library Development, Growing Equitable Library Services (GELS) is a workshop series that strive to provide the trainings that help libraries become strength-based, trauma informed, antiracist, social and emotionally conscious community institutions.
The GELS Grant is a six-month grant initiative to support a library on their journey to providing equitable services in their community. Principal public libraries can apply for up to $3,500.
Important dates:
Applications accepted – Tuesday, September 3-Thursday, October 31, 2024
Application deadline – Thursday, October 31, 2024, by 4:00 pm
Grant awards announced – Monday, December 2, 2024
Grant period – Thursday, January 2-Monday, June 30, 2025
Midpoint Report due – Tuesday, April 1, 2025, by 4:00 pm
Grant funds must be fully expended – Monday, June 30, 2025
Final Report due – Wednesday, July 31, 2025, by 4:00 pm
Learn more and find all related grant materials including Instructions, Applications, Reports, and more on the GELS Grants LibGuide page.
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In case you missed it...The GIANT Room!
A panel presentation from The GIANT Room staff and your colleagues at Ansonia, Bristol and Killingly Libraries was held in August. View the recording of Creative Community Engagement with The GIANT Room to hear about their year of working with The GIANT Room on creative family programming for their communities. And learn about upcoming opportunities this Fall for your library to be a part of this.
We are kicking off a series of three The GIANT Room Fall workshops starting at the end of this month. Workshop information and registration link below:
For more information, go to The GIANT Room LibGuide.
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ReadSquared Fall Trainings
We hope you had a successful summer with ReadSquared! Did you know you can use your ReadSquared site year-round? Join us for a free information session to learn how to set up fall and winter programs. We will demonstrate how to wrap up summer data, add new programs, and highlight fun (and free!) extras available to your library.
No sign up required.
Simply use the link below to join.
- Thursday, September 19, 2:30 pm EST
- Tuesday, October 15, 2:30 pm EST
- Wednesday, November 13, 10:30 am EST
Join ReadSquared Training
For audio, call:
Conference ID: 518-509-521 #
Access Recorded Trainings: If you cannot attend any of the sessions, you can always access a previously recorded training in the knowledgebase.
If you need to speak to one of our team members, email us at
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DLD Youth Services Handbook
Did you know we created a DLD Youth Services Handbook?
A new DLD Youth Services Handbook has been compiled à la the handbook for Connecticut Public Library Directors, and this one is all about sharing DLD resources with youth services library workers. The handbook contains information about professional development, grants, summer reading, and more. Read it online, or download and save it to your computer.
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Transforming Teen Service
Transforming Teen Services is a series of trainings designed to help improve library services for teens. There are five basic content areas: The Pursuit of Equity, Ages and Stages of Teen Development, Connected Learning, Computational Thinking, and Youth Voice and Program Facilitation. This series was developed as part of an IMLS grant partnership between YALSA and COSLA. In the fall of 2019, State and local library staff from around the country were trained to implement the Transforming Teen Services trainings in their states.
The Transforming Teen Services workshop is now available on the Connecticut State Library Niche Academy. There is a section for each of the five subject areas, and a workbook to help you keep track of notes and assignments. After completing the entire tutorial, you will have the knowledge and skills (and maybe even a plan!) to provide high quality programs and services for and with teens.
Unlike previous online Transforming Teen Services trainings, there will be no mandatory Zoom sessions for this tutorial. You can work through it at your own pace. Fair warning: it’s long. But, it’s worth it. Here are some ideas on how to take the course:
- Do one module each week for five weeks. If you have questions or would like one-on-one coaching, contact Kym Powe at
- Connect with others from your library system or school district to learn the material together.
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Reading Up on Youth Services
Welcome to our new feature where we will share the latest articles on youth services in libraries that have popped up on our reading list.
Read Transformative Outcomes Through Community Engagement: How Public Library Staff Foster Connected Learning Teen Services
- Transforming and Scaling Teen Services for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Project. 2024. Transformative Outcomes Through Community Engagement: How Public Library Staff Foster Connected Learning Teen Services. Irvine, CA: Connected Learning Alliance.
Read Partnering with Future Ready with the Library: Lessons learned from working with rural and small public library staff
Allen, Anna-Ruth, Amanda Wortman, Sari Widman, Vera Michalchik, and William Penuel. 2020. Partnering with Future Ready with the Library. Irvine, CA: Connected Learning Alliance.
Reading professionally - that's what we do! Did you know all CT library staff can access professional library journals through researchIT CT? You can peruse School Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, Horn Book and many more. Begin exploring magazines and journals for librarians on the Children's and YA Services Collection Development LibGuide page.
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DLD on YouTube and Niche Academy
Looking for self-paced library trainings?
Did you miss an interesting DLD workshop or webinar?
The CT State Library is here to help! The CT State Library Niche Academy is available to all CT library workers and contains self-paced trainings and webinars that can be viewed and completed at will. Trainings can be found on:
- Community Engagement
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Programming
- Management
- Cataloging
- and more!
The CT State Library Division of Library Development YouTube Channel holds all DLD recorded webinars and presentations sorted by subject for any library worker to reference when they need information.
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MLSC Out in the Wild
The wilds of CT library land, that is! The collections materials from MLSC travel far and wide within the borders of our state, and sometimes, we want to know just what they get to do on their journeys.
First stop, Ansonia Library with Children's Librarian Jen Shuart where an MLSC Book Bundle got to attend the annual Grandparent's Day Tea Party! In Jen's words, "The book bundles have totally jazzed up our cozy Children's Room at the Ansonia Library. Sadly, we can't squeeze in 35 books on tea parties and grandparents, even though we're all about those charming topics! Requesting books tailored to our special events, like the yearly Grandparent's Day Tea Party, has been a game-changer. It's like having a fairy bookmother – could it get any better than that!?"
Do you have an MLSC Out in the Wild story to share?
Contact Abbey Lynch at
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Stay Connected! Join our Email Lists
Our many email discussion lists for the library community help you connect with your peers. Conntech has the greatest reach across the state, and both Goodnightmoon for children's services and Speak for YA services have lively discussions and professional interchange.
Browse the full email list and subscription information.
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Kymberlee Powe
Children and YA Consultant | (860) 704-2207
Connecticut State Library | Division of Library Development
Middletown Library Service Center
786 South Main Street | Middletown, CT 06457
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