Children and YA Newsletter

January 2024

Bitmoji of Kymberlee Powe riding a pteradoctyl in the sky

Happy 2024! We are thinking lots about our puppets...

It's the New Year, time for new things, and while our puppets are classic, Puppets in the Equipment Catalog are new! Of course, we have other things for you too: Summer Enrichment Grants, All CT Reads Author Launch, Weeding, and more. Read on to learn all about it.

Kymberlee Powe | Children and YA Consultant

Bitmoji of Kymberlee Powe with animals in a savannah scene including a turtle, elephant, sloth, hippo, and rooster, and the text: Puppets

Summer Enrichment Grants

Grant applications open today!

Applications Due: Monday, February 26 at 4 pm

The purpose of the Connecticut Library Summer Enrichment Grant Program is to empower libraries to offer enrichments opportunities during the summer of 2024 by providing library-led programs or program series that spark creativity and productivity, engage individuals, and benefit their communities. 

**Please note this is not a grant to fund a library's summer reading program.**

Enrichment activities must include expected outcome goals as defined by IMLS that provide a benefit to the people. This is positive changes to one’s:

  • Skill
  • Knowledge
  • Attitude
  • Behavior
  • Condition or status

Principal public libraries may apply for up to $2000 in federal LSTA funds to support their Summer Library Program (SLP). Local matching funds are not required for this grant.

Libraries may use the awarded federal funds to purchase program materials, supplies, and/or contractual services for the program offered to the community as a part of the 2024 summer grant program. Please refer to the FAQs and the Activity Criteria to Consider for specific guidelines on the use of awarded funds. Check out great examples of past Summer Enrichment Grants!

Applications are due to Kymberlee Powe at by Monday, February 26 at 4 pm.

All CT Reads banner. Additional details in the text.

All CT Reads 2024 Virtual Author Launch

with Kelly Yang, Nick Brooks, and Daniel Black

Friday, January 19

11 am-12:30 pm | Register for Author Launch

Join us for an extra-special virtual launch with the authors of the 2024 All CT Reads primary selections. Each author will discuss their work and answer questions from our community. 

Recording & Slides: Recordings will be available on the All CT Reads website.

Who should come? Everyone! Please share this with your patrons - they're invited to join the event too! You can add it to your library calendar and newsletter.

Accessibility: This webinar will be captioned. If you require another access service to participate fully, please use the Accommodation Request Form at least 7 days prior to the event.

All CT Reads partners banner. Additional details in the text.

Weeding in the Garden of Good and Evil

Tuesday, February 27 | 10 am-12 pm

Register for Weeding

Weeding your library's collection can be a daunting task, but it is a critical component to providing excellent library service to your community. This workshop will give you the tools and enthusiasm that you will need to assess your collection and make decisions on what material needs to be weeded out of it. Our approach to weeding is that it isn't the irresponsible disposal of the library's property, but rather a part of good public service to borrowers in terms of maintaining the best possible collection for the community.

Graphic with books and woman weeding in a grassy flowerbed.

Meet and Find Our Puppets!

There’s a new category in our Equipment Catalog: Puppets! MLSC’s extensive puppet and doll collection has moved to the equipment catalog with photos to make browsing and booking these items easier for you.

Puppets circulate for 90 days and can be reserved up to 365 days in advance. Items can be picked up at MLSC or sent to the public library of your choice via deliverIT CT. 

Puppets and dolls make great story time sidekicks, escape room set decoration, reading buddies and more! 

Photo of snowy owl puppet.

Book Bundles from MLSC

Middletown Library Service Center Collections

The Middletown Library Service Center (MLSC) has many, many collection items worth knowing about, exploring, and of course, borrowing! We lend resources to public, school and academic libraries throughout the state of Connecticut to help supplement collections or provide access to resources that otherwise might be out of reach. We lend Picture Books, Non-fiction, Book Discussion Sets, and more!

Graphic with small human hidden behind a large open book sitting atop a stack of books.

Valentine’s Day, Black History Month, and Women’s History Month are coming soon! Stock up for your story times and displays with a picture book bundle from the Middletown Library Service Center. Browse our book bundle offerings in the Equipment Catalog.

Book bundles include a mix of 15-20 titles, have a 90-day loan period, and the books included can be lent to your patrons or students. Bundles can be reserved up to 365 days in advance, so keep the celebrations going all year long! Please leave a note in the reservation form with which topics you’d like included.

Not sure how to request items? Don’t worry, we made a video!

Do you work in a school? Have your MLSC items sent to the public library of your choice. That can be the town your school is in or the town you live in - your choice! Find your deliverIT CT number.

And remember you can book items up to 365 days in advance and there are NO LATE FEES! 

CT Ready to Read

Coming soon!

Let's get CT Ready to Read! With this new initiative, the CT State Library Division of Library Development will equip public library staff with information, skills, and tools needed for them to promote early literacy and reading readiness in their community. Through workshops and resources, DLD will offer librarians the opportunity to learn to model for, and work with parents and caregivers as well as children in the pursuit of reading!

Logo: CT Ready to Read with drawn bookshelf above text full of books and a plant with splotches of color all within a drawn blue double circle.
CT Pages logo with photos of Find your Voice library mural, teens and gardens. Additional details in the post

New CT Pages!

Watch the new CT Pages and meet Leah Smith, Assistant Director and Youth Services Librarian at the Prospect Public Library, who shares the experience of growing a Community Garden with Teens with support from a CT State Library Summer Enrichment Grant

From constructing raised beds to planting vegetables and maintaining the gardens throughout the summer, teen volunteers had lots of hard work to document in their journals alongside their learnings about gardening, horticulture, and planning for community projects. The Prospect community had the chance to learn, too, with a four-part program series including Backyard Beekeeping by Backyard Beekeepers of Naugatuck Valley, Container Gardening by Tri Gable Lea Farm, Seed Development by White Memorial, and Chopped by Food Explorers.

CT Pages is a channel for sharing community engagement success stories by libraries with and for their communities. We partner with CT libraries to create and release short video conversations with the library staff who make things happen. 

Do you have a creative program, service, activity, partnership, or project that you want to share with your library neighbors? We are always seeking submissions for consideration – Submit your idea!

Take Your Child to the Library Day logo.

Take Your Child to the Library Day

Saturday, February 3

On the first Saturday in February, thousands of libraries across the world celebrate Take Your Child to the Library Day by offering free, fun, fabulous activities for families. Your local library is an ideal place for children to play, discover, make friends, and have fun. And Take Your Child to the Library Day is the perfect time to discover some library magic. From magicians to craft programs, ice cream socials to storytimes, each library offers something unique and delightful.

Do you need ideas and resources as you plan for your Take Your Child to the Library Day programs? Explore all the offerings we have at the Middletown Library Service Center! You can borrow puppets, storytime resources, STEM kits, and so much more.

nErDcampCT - Save the date!

Saturday, March 2

Sedgwick Middle School, West Hartford

The CT Association of School Librarians is pleased to announce NErDcampCT 2024! This free in-person event is for any and all educators and lovers of literacy.

Visit for more information.

Event registration coming in January.

Logo: nErD camp CT

Stay Connected! Join our Email Lists

Our many email discussion lists for the library community help you connect with your peers. Conntech has the greatest reach across the state, and both Goodnightmoon for children's services and Speak for YA services have lively discussions and professional interchange.

Browse the full email list and subscription information.

Bitmoji of Kymberlee Powe with text: Any questions?

Kymberlee Powe

Children and YA Consultant | (860) 704-2207

Connecticut State Library | Division of Library Development

Middletown Library Service Center

786 South Main Street | Middletown, CT 06457

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