Children and YA Newsletter
May 2023
It's that time...Summer Reading is here!
We pretty much have summer reading on the brain at this point in May (along with gardening!) and thus we have things to share with you... from changes to summer reading reporting to understanding summer reading outcomes to Canva summer reading templates, summer meals, and more! Read on to learn all about it.
Kymberlee Powe | Children and YA Consultant
Breaking News! Changes to the Summer Reading Report
centering equity and accessibility, we’ve begun to make big changes, one of which centers on the Summer Reading Report.
NEW questions have been added to the CT State Library Annual Report FY 2023 (forthcoming) to gather statewide information about summer reading in CT libraries. We are giving you a preview of those questions below:
- CT 2.35 NEW in 2023: For Summer 2023, did you run a summer library program for kids 0-5?
- CT 2.36 NEW in 2023: For Summer 2023, did you run a summer library program for kids 6-11?
- CT 2.37 NEW in 2023: For Summer 2023, did you run a summer library program for teens 12-18?
- CT 2.38 NEW in 2023: For Summer 2023, did you run a summer library program for adults?
- CT 2.39 NEW in 2023: For Summer 2023, did you run a summer library program for families?
- CT 2.40 NEW in 2023: For Summer 2023, did you partner with schools on your summer library planning?
- CT 2.41 NEW in 2023: For Summer 2023, did you partner with other local institutions on summer library planning?
- CT 2.42 NEW in 2023: For Summer 2023, did you use the iREADresource guide?
Measuring and Understanding Summer Reading Outcomes
Summer Reading is part of the foundation of library services. Naturally, we want to know what our communities think of this core offering. Does summer reading make folks feel welcome? Does it make people want to return to the library? We are all seeking to remain in connection with and relevant to our communities. Measuring and understanding outcomes feeds this work.
DLD supports and encourages libraries to think deeply about the outcomes we’re working toward and what difference we want to see in skills, behaviors, and attitudes. Going beyond outputs to outcomes will help you to better understand the assets and challenges of your communities and how the library can continually work with stakeholders and community members to support the entire community during the summer months.
Towards this, we offer you the tools we've developed and offered in recent years. Though optional this year with the inclusion of Summer Reading in the CT State Library Annual Report (discussed above), we strongly encourage taking advantage of the Summer Reading Reports for 2023:
2023 Summer Reading Canva Templates
Need some quick and ready Find Your Voice themed activity templates? We have you covered - explore Summer Reading: Summer Program Templates for a paper reading tracker, bookmarks, bingo boards, and more Canva templates!
End Hunger CT - Summer Meals
No-Cost Meals for All Kids, All Summer
The CT Summer Meals Program is federally funded by the USDA and state-administered by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE). The program provides free, nutritious meals to kids during summer break. Summer Meals meet federal nutrition guidelines and are composed of milk, fruits, vegetables, grains, and meat or another protein. Summer Meals are offered at hundreds of sites around the state from June to late August, serving combinations of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Meals are free to any child age 18-and-under, no questions asked.
Planning Ahead for 2024 Summer Reading?
We know that preparing, planning, and implementing summer reading is practically a yearlong cycle - which is why we are thinking ahead!
The theme for 2024 is Read, Renew, Repeat, featuring environmental conservation. "C onservation as a movement focuses on protecting species from extinction, maintaining and restoring habitats, enhancing ecosystem services, and protecting biological diversity." Visit the iREAD website to learn more.
Congratulations to our Summer Enrichment Grantees!
The CT State Library is pleased to announce awards in the amount $22,759 to 13 Connecticut public libraries for the 2023 Summer Enrichment Grant. The purpose of the Summer Enrichment Grant is to empower public libraries to enhance their Summer Reading Programs with additional enrichment opportunities for their public by providing library-led programs and activities that spark creativity and productivity, engage individuals, and benefit their communities.
All CT Reads 2023 Virtual Author Launch
with Rosena Fung, Samira Ahmed, and Dawnie Walton
Pick an All CT Reads book for a summer program!
The CT State Library Division of Library Development held an extra-special virtual launch with the authors of the 2023 All CT Reads primary selections – Rosena Fung, author of Living with Viola, our kids pick; Samira Ahmed, author of Hollow Fires, our teen pick; and Dawnie Walton, author of The Final Revival of Opal & Nev, our adult pick. Each author discussed their work and answered questions from our community.
Books for Borrowing
Book discussion sets of all twelve titles are available for reservations and borrowing by public, school, and academic libraries from the Middletown Library Service Center.
Explore the All CT Reads Website!
Stay in the loop!
About All CT Reads
All CT Reads is a year-long initiative to promote lifelong reading, learning, and connection that uses a rotating community committee structure to select one main book title and three shortlist book titles, each calendar year for three age groups: children (ages 8-12), teens (ages 13-18), and adults. In addition to the books, All CT Reads provides a supported programmatic structure built around the titles with room for individuality and creativity.
Our Partners and Sponsors
All CT Reads is an initiative of the Connecticut State Library Division of Library Development and partners with the Connecticut Library Consortium (CLC) and the Connecticut Association for School Librarians (CASL).
All CT Reads is supported by a generous grant from EBSCO Information Services to the Connecticut Heritage Foundation.
Growing Equitable Library Services (GELS)
Breaking News!
DLD will be presenting on our Growing Equitable Library Services (GELS) initiative at the American Library Association’s Annual Conference taking place this June in Chicago! We are excited for the opportunity to share information about GELS with fellow library professionals.
Stay Connected! Join our Email Lists
Our many email discussion lists for the library community help you connect with your peers. Conntech has the greatest reach across the state, and both Goodnightmoon for children's services and Speak for YA services have lively discussions and professional interchange.
Kymberlee Powe
Children and YA Consultant
Connecticut State Library | Division of Library Development
Middletown Library Service Center
786 South Main Street | Middletown, CT 06457