December 2024 | Vol. 12 No. 8 | |
Initiatives & Announcements | | |
Announcing the Connecticut State Library Excellence in Public Libraries Awards 2025
The CT State Library is pleased to announce the launch of the inaugural Excellence in Public Libraries Awards 2025. The Awards will open for nominations on January 2, 2025, with the announcements and ceremony taking place in the Spring of 2025.
The Awards are designed to honor and celebrate outstanding public libraries—those that demonstrate excellence in service and innovative programming and have a profound impact on their communities.
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The Awards aim to highlight the exceptional work of public libraries, encouraging growth and evolution in library services and acknowledging libraries’ outstanding contributions while inspiring others to strive for excellence in serving their communities.
Open to all public libraries within the state, the Awards categories are:
- Community Engagement
- Innovative Programming
- Outstanding Children's Services
- Technology Integration
- Advancement in Literacy and Education
- Civic Champion
- Cultural Amplifier and Heritage Preservation
- Accessibility and Inclusion
Libraries can be nominated by local legislators, peers, patrons, or staff members, and self-nominating will be encouraged. A diverse panel of reviewers, including library professionals, educators, community leaders, and representatives from the State Library, will evaluate nominations and select awards recipients.
To learn more, visit the CT State Library Public Libraries Awards Libguide.
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Towards Accessibility in Libraries (TIAL) Upcoming Events!
After a successful launch with Dr. Clayton Copeland on November 6, TIAL continues with more workshops and webinars! Consider attending if you are focused on accessibility and inclusion in your library.
Descriptions of upcoming events and registration links can be found below.
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TIAL: Survey Results! Aging & Inclusion Training Needs with the CT Age Well Collaborative
Thursday, December 12 | 11:00 am-noon
Register for Survey Results! Aging & Inclusion Training Needs
The Connecticut Age Well Collaborative will present a summary report of key themes gathered through the survey of library employees and other stakeholders and propose training content and schedule recommendations in this one-hour virtual kick-off event for Connecticut library staff.
Accessibility in Libraries Series with Dr. Clayton Copeland
Join us for the continuation of our inaugural series with Dr. Clayton A. Copeland, faculty and director of the Laboratory for Leadership in Equity of Access and Diversity (LLEAD) at the University of South Carolina’s School of Information Science.
Developing an Accessibility Lens
NEW DATE! Wednesday, January 8, 2025 | 10-11:30 am
Register for Developing an Accessibility Lens
This session offers an in-depth discussion of disability as a social construct and how social constructivism can – both positively and negatively – inform thinking and human responses to differences (i.e. disabilities or differing abilities) in society. Participants will be invited to explore (either privately or by sharing with the group) how they feel about working with people with disabilities. They may share what they feel may be their strengths in terms of their prior knowledge and skillsets in fostering inclusive libraries, as well what they feel may be their greatest needs/areas of opportunity.
Taking Action with Accessibility
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 | 10-11:30 am
Register for Taking Action with Accessibility
This session will focus on low-cost, no-cost accessibility solutions. Topics will include communication, programming, services, and marketing. Participants will be introduced to strategies for actively seeking lived experiences, offering outreach and developing practices (including programs and services) that integrate principles for universal design and Universal Design for Learning. Such practices will be responsive to identified community needs, including for example, the power and importance of language.
During both sessions, online resources will be provided and there will be opportunities for Q&A and discussion.
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TIAL: New Series Starting in January!
Welcoming Deaf Patrons to the Library Series with Kathy MacMillan
We are thrilled to welcome Kathy MacMillan – writer, nationally certified American Sign Language interpreter, librarian, editor, and signing storyteller – for a new series beginning in January 2025! Kathy will share her expertise about the experiences and needs of deaf and hard of hearing individuals to help make your library accessible to and inclusive of all members of your community.
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Welcoming Deaf and Hard of Hearing Patrons to Your Library
Wednesday, January 22 | 10:00-11:30 am
Register for Welcoming Deaf and Hard of Hearing Patrons to Your Library
In this interactive overview, you’ll learn communication tips for interacting with deaf patrons, information about American Sign Language and Deaf Culture, and even some basic ASL vocabulary to introduce yourself and help patrons navigate the library.
Upcoming in the Series:
Providing Accommodations for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Patrons at Your Library
Wednesday, February 26 | 10:00-11:30 am
Register for Providing Accommodations for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Patrons
This session unpacks the legal requirements for communication access under the Americans with Disabilities Act and provides a guide to effective use of accommodations such as interpreters, captioning, technology solutions, and more. We’ll also cover easy and inexpensive solutions that can be used by library staff at all levels.
Working with Sign Language Interpreters at Your Library
Wednesday, March 26 | 10:00-11:30 am
Register for Working with Sign Language Interpreters
Communicating through a third party can be stressful for everyone involved – but it doesn’t have to be that way! In this workshop, you will find out about best practices for hiring interpreters, develop an understanding of the interpreter’s role, and learn how to effectively communicate through an interpreter.
Welcoming Deaf Kids and Families at Your Library
Wednesday, April 23 | 10:00-11:30 am
Register for Welcoming Deaf Kids and Families
In this interactive overview, you’ll learn communication tips for interacting with deaf kids, teens, and parents, information about American Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf Culture, best practices for program access, and even some basic ASL vocabulary to introduce yourself and help families navigate the library.
Little Hands Signing in Storytime
Wednesday, May 21 | 10:00-11:30 am
Register for Little Hands Signing in Storytime
This presentation will cover the benefits of using basic American Sign Language with all children and offer a variety of simple techniques for making your programs more fun, educational, and participative through the use of signs with audiences of all ages. Participants will leave armed with a vocabulary of very basic signs to start using right away.
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All CT Reads 2025 is Coming!
On Monday, December 9, the CT State Library Division of Library Development will announce the All CT Reads 2025 lineup. Stay tuned to the listservs, social media, and the All CT Reads website.
Stay in the Loop!
About All CT Reads
All CT Reads is a year-long initiative to promote lifelong reading, learning, and connection that uses a rotating community committee structure to select one main book title and three shortlist book titles, each calendar year for three age groups: children (ages 8-12), teens (ages 13-18), and adults. In addition to the books, All CT Reads provides a supported programmatic structure built around the titles with room for individuality and creativity.
Why All CT Reads?
We want a way to read together. We want continuous conversations across Connecticut. We want to offer avenues of participation for spaces big and small to talk about inclusivity, cultures, acceptance, mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors. We want adventure, mystery, and relationships, too.
Our Partners and Sponsors
All CT Reads is an initiative of the Connecticut State Library Division of Library Development and partners with the Connecticut Library Consortium (CLC) and the Connecticut Association for School Librarians (CASL).
All CT Reads is supported by a generous grant from EBSCO Information Services to the Connecticut Heritage Foundation.
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Practical Strategic Planning Series –
Part of Lead Your Library: Practical Management of Public Libraries
We are pleased to bring back Jerry Nichols to continue the Practical Management for Public Libraries series with a focus on Practical Strategic Planning.
The three workshops will be virtual and run from December 2024 through February 2025. They will be recorded and posted on the Lead Your Library: Practical Management of Public Libraries Libguide following the live sessions.
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Evaluating the Director and Board
Wednesday, December 11 | 1:00-2:30 pm
Register for Evaluating the Director and Board
Director evaluations and board self-assessments are critical to the organization – while boards evaluate the director, they must also engage in self-assessment in order to best serve the Library and community.
Practical and effective models of evaluation and assessment, designed to deal with the current challenges your library faces and help you plan for the future will be reviewed in this interactive online workshop.
Effective Succession Planning for Your Organization
Wednesday, January 15 | 1:00-2:30 pm
Register for Effective Succession Planning
Few libraries and their Boards engage in serious succession planning; not just for the Director, but for critical staff as well. Is your Library prepared if your Director leaves suddenly? What about your senior staff?
This online workshop will also review the process for selecting a new director who is right for your organization, including job description, search process, community/staff involvement, and interviewing.
Your Strategic Plan: What to Do When it Isn’t Working
Wednesday, February 19 | 1:00-2:30 pm
Register for Your Strategic Plan
Often our “best laid plans” fail to meet the changing needs of our communities (Think: COVID). “Stuff happens” and makes our well-considered strategic plans less relevant to the challenges we now face. Rather than continue with a plan that is not working we will consider some effective strategies to be ready for change and respond quickly.
About Jerry Nichols:
In addition to a long career as a public library director, library system director, and consultant, Jerry Nichols created, managed, and taught the Advanced Certificate Program in Public Library and the Palmer School of Library and Information Science for over twenty years. He brings his real life and teaching experience to each of these educational programs.
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Perfect for anyone who would like to bring a new and fresh community program into their local library with a focus on energizing and engaging families with children 3 to 12 years old, this virtual, interactive, live series will provide a framework for creating engaging and accessible community engagement programs for families.
The framework outlines ways in which The GIANT Room partners with librarians to bring community publication programs into libraries through “Remix Publication Stations,” as well as in-person family STEM workshops. GIANT Remix is a new program funded by the CT State Library, DLD, for local libraries through which families will be given “creative missions” to contribute writings, illustrations, and ideas to “community books” and “trading cards” throughout the year.
Consider attending if you are a library director, department head, librarian, library staff, or plan to do any type of outreach in your community.
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Upcoming in the Reimagining Library Outreach and Access Series
Join us for the journey of Reimagining Library Outreach and Access, a nine-month series of 10 workshops through March 2025 that will provide library staff with strategies, tools, and frameworks to expand their reach and impact within their communities.
Using their own library and local data, participants have the opportunity to evaluate barriers to access within their own communities and to reconsider their approach to outreach utilizing their existing assets and structures.
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To learn more, explore the Libraries Without Borders LibGuide.
Community Canvassing as Effective Awareness and Promotion Strategies
Tuesday, December 10 | 1:00-3:00 pm
Register: Community Canvassing
Optimizing Community/ Library Partnerships
Wednesday, January 15 | 1:00-4:00 pm
Models for Expanding Access through Community Partnerships
Tuesday, February 4 | 1:00-3:00 pm
Developing Internal Processes and Systems for Ongoing Outreach
Thursday, March 6 | 1:00-4:00 pm
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This project is made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the CT State Library. | |
News of Note
In honor of the United Nations' International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3, we are sharing articles related to accessibility and inclusion.
Please feel free to pass them along to colleagues and patrons!
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Have Questions? We’ve Got Answers!
All information, programs, resources, and services related to CT libraries have been curated and organized and are only a click away! The information you need can be found on DLD's LibGuides, which offers the most comprehensive overview of library information in CT, including:
Bookmark our homepage and add it to your desktop!
And remember, your DLD Library Liaison is also your go-to resource for answers to all your questions.
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Coming Soon – Connecticut Public Libraries’ Statistical Profile for FY2024!
A draft of FY2024’s Statistical Profile will be ready for review in early December with a final version release for the end of the year.
Keep an eye out on your inbox for more information!
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Upcoming Program!
Counting Programs and Activities - Update for FY26
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 | 10:00-11:00 am
Register for Counting Programs and Activities
Programs and activities are integral to library services, and keeping track of programs and attendees is an important part of the CT Public Libraries' Annual Report.
Please join us for a refresh on how to count programs and activities as well as how to use the Program and Activity Counts Spreadsheet, which is updated for FY26.
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E-Rate News
Action Required: Updated E-Rate Procedures
Since 2016, the CT State Library has been pleased to administer the Connecticut Libraries Fiber Consortium (CLFC), which distributed $3.6 million in state bond funds to help libraries get high-speed fiber connections to their libraries.
With the final dispersal of funds for the Fiber to the Library grant program, the Consortium is ending. With this discontinuation, the CT State Library will no longer be conducting the consortium competitive bidding for internet for public libraries who currently have a dark fiber IRU connection.
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In an effort to ease the transition, the CT State Library will be offering transition assistance. Please note that there is extensive training for Form 470 available on the Universal Services Administrative Company’s (USAC) website.
New Requirements
Beginning this fall, each affected library must do the following:
File a Form 470.
- Libraries who need to file a Form 470 should make time to upload this outreach to vendors during September, October, or November.
Evaluate vendor responses according to a USAC-model rubric.
- Libraries must set aside hours to evaluate internet provider bids before January 10.
Select their vendor before they can file for a discount during the January-March application window.
Transition Assistance
Daily training sessions were held during the week of September 9, 2024. If you were unable to attend, please schedule an appointment with Chris to have your questions answered. Chris is remaining State E-Rate Coordinator and will continue to consult with public libraries and give instructions to public libraries on E-Rate.
In addition, feel free to email Chris at Christine.Gauvreau@ct.gov if you need additional assistance in filing.
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Professional Development & Continuing Education | | |
The framework outlines ways in which The GIANT Room partners with librarians to bring community publication programs into libraries through “Remix Publication Stations” as well as in-person family STEM workshops. GIANT Remix is a new program funded by the CT State Library, DLD, for local libraries through which families will be given “creative missions” to contribute writings, illustrations, and ideas to “community books” and “trading cards” throughout the year.
This session is one of three sessions as part of The GIANT Room professional development for the Remix program. Librarians are encouraged to join all three sessions - we will share recordings of the sessions with those who register for the workshop in case you cannot join the live session.
Key take-aways:
- Participating librarians will have a chance to brainstorm on the themes for GIANT Remix stations to better align with their library programs such as monthly themes, summer reading, holidays, visiting author book readings, and more.
- Participating librarians will be introduced to AI tools that make these community publications possible. Expect fun and interactive activities using AI to bring your ideas to life. These activities are designed to help librarians work with creative AI tools in a very engaging and accessible way.
- Participating librarians will be considered to be chosen as one of the stations that receives GIANT Remix Stations and Family Events, free of charge, in their libraries.
Select libraries from those registered for the workshops will receive 5 copies of the final book publications and trading cards to add to their library collection as well as a link to the e-book publication which families could access free of charge at home. This is a wonderful program for your community to gain a sense of belonging to their local library, keep coming back to the library to make more publications and read their books, and invite other families to join the program.
Join us to brainstorm, learn, and dream the next series of community publications for your library!
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Participants will leave being able to analyze the effectiveness of different canvassing strategies and identify the optimal timing for using canvassing strategies within their community.
This session is part of the Reimagining Library Outreach and Access series of 10 workshops taking place through March 2025 that will provide library staff with strategies, tools, and frameworks to expand their reach and impact within their communities. Using their own library and local data, participants have the opportunity to evaluate barriers to access within their own communities and to reconsider their approach to outreach utilizing their existing assets and structures.
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Lead Your Library: Practical Management for Public Libraries Series
Lead Your Library: Evaluating the Director and Board
Wednesday, December 11 | 1:00-2:30 pm
Register for Lead Your Library: Evaluating the Director and Board
Director evaluations and board self-assessments are critical to the organization – while boards evaluate the director, they must also engage in self-assessment in order to best serve the Library and community.
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Practical and effective models of evaluation and assessment, designed to deal with the current challenges your library faces and help you plan for the future will be reviewed in this interactive online workshop. | |
TIAL: Survey Results! Aging & Inclusion Training Needs with the CT Age Well Collaborative
Thursday, December 12 | 10:00-11:00 am
Register for Survey Results! Aging & Inclusion Needs
The Connecticut Age Well Collaborative presents a summary report of key themes gathered through the survey of library employees and other stakeholders and propose training content and schedule recommendations in this one-hour virtual kick-off event for Connecticut library staff.
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The Connecticut Age Well Collaborative
The Connecticut Age Well Collaborative is a statewide, cross-sector initiative that fosters aging, dementia and disability-inclusive communities. The Collaborative is an initiative of Connecticut Community Care. Delegated by the Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity & Opportunity, we’re leading the state’s Livable Communities initiative (Section 17b-420a of the Connecticut General Statutes) Livable communities are inclusive, vibrant places where we can all thrive across the lifespan.
This webinar is perfect for anyone focused on accessibility and inclusion in the library, including Library Directors/Administrators, Children’s and YA Staff, department head, librarians, and library staff.
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Share These Business, Job, and Career Resources in researchIT CT with Your Patrons! | |
OneSearch can be used to search for business information. Use the OneSearch Business Profile from EBSCO to search for high quality business information that is contained across the whole suite of EBSCO databases.
Need more information? Check out EBSCO’s Small Business Reference Center, which offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books as well as tools to address many small business topics including business videos, a help and advice section, and details on how to create business plans.
We also offer ABI/Inform from ProQuest which offers international coverage and provides researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends from around the world. You can find these and other resources in researchIT CT!
And don’t forget about Workforce Solutions. Whether you’re looking to find a new job in your current field or pursue a career in a different industry, Workforce Solutions – including Job & Career Accelerator™ – has the powerful tools and expert guidance to help you through every step of the process!
You can find marketing materials to promote these resources on our Libguide.
EBSCO has provided five online training sessions so far this fall. If you missed them, you are welcome to access the recordings on our researchIT CT Libguide. Please see below for EBSCO trainings taking place this month!
For more information about these and other FREE resources, visit the researchIT CT Libguide or contact Brad Bullis at Bradley.Bullis@ct.gov.
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EBSCO Online Trainings - December
Experience the Evolution of EBSCOhost - for Academic Libraries
Tuesday, December 10 | 3:30-4:30 pm
Register for Experience the Evolution of EBSCOhost - Academic Libraries
Get to know the new EBSCOhost! Join us for a demonstration of the enhanced user experience. We will cover improvements in accessibility, full text viewing, saving and sharing tools, and the new My Dashboard. Bring your questions and we’ll explore together!
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Experience the Evolution of EBSCOhost - for Community Colleges
Thursday, December 12 | 3:30-4:30 pm
Register for Experience the Evolution of EBSCOhost - Community Colleges
Get to know the new EBSCOhost! Join us for a demonstration of the enhanced user experience. We will cover improvements in accessibility, full text viewing, saving and sharing tools, and the new My Dashboard. Bring your questions and we’ll explore together!
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New eAudio Titles Now Available in the Palace Project app! | |
Seasonal Picture Books from MLSC
Stock up on Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Winter books for upcoming story times and displays! We can send 20-25 seasonal large print books through deliverIT that will be yours to circulate for 90 days.
If you are interested, please feel free to reserve a book bundle in our Equipment catalog or email Abbey at Abbey.E.Lynch@ct.gov.
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Please let us know if there are specific topics or holidays you would like included! | |
Seasonal Large Print Books
Winter is on its way! Supplement your large print collection with Christmas and winter books from MLSC.
We can send 10-15 seasonal large print books through deliverIT for you and your patrons to use for 90 days. If you are interested, please email Abbey at Abbey.E.Lynch@ct.gov.
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Professional Development Titles | |
Stay Connected! Join our Email Lists
Our many email discussion lists for the library community help you connect with your peers. Conntech has the greatest reach across the state, and both Goodnightmoon for children's services and Speak for YA services have lively discussions and professional interchange.
Scout the full list and subscription information.
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Middletown Library Service Center
Open Hours: Monday-Friday | 8:00 am-4:30 pm
MLSC staff, whether in the office or telecommuting, are responding to voicemail and e-mail during business hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday, except for state holidays.
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Connecticut State Library | Division of Library Development
Middletown Library Service Center
786 South Main Street | Middletown, CT 06457
(860) 704-2200 | libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/dld
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