April 2017
Quarterly newsletter highlighting grant deadlines, upcoming workshops and available resources for municipal recycling and solid waste leaders.
CT WRAP Plastic Film Recycling Initiative
Survey finds most residents not aware of how or where to recycle plastic bags and wraps 
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Commissioner Rob Klee announced the campaign at a Price Chopper store in Middletown, one of the many retail stores that accept plastic bags and wraps for recycling in storefront bins. The Commissioner was joined by State Senator Ted Kennedy and State Representative Mike Demicco, two of the co-chairs of the General Assembly’s Environment Committee, who spoke about the importance of increasing plastics recycling.
Background on WRAP
The campaign is part of Connecticut WRAP (Wrap Recycling Action Project), an innovative public/private partnership that promotes recycling of plastic “film” beyond bags. The partnership is comprised of public officials, municipalities, recycling officials, retailers and grocers such as Price Chopper, plastics makers, Trex, which makes recycled plastic lumber products, and other recycling advocates.
Grocers and retailers accept plastic bags such grocery bags, newspaper bags, produce bags, bread bags, dry cleaning bags, and even zipper bags for recycling. They also accept plastic wraps from water bottle cases, diapers, bathroom tissue, and paper towels, as well as bubble wrap and shipping pillows. The plastic bags and wraps must be clean and dry and placed in storefront recycling bins. Plastic bags and wraps get recycled into products such as new grocery bags, benches, and decking.   Link to Additional Resources

Learn about the statewide marketing campaign, harmonization of acceptable materials across the state and tools and resources available to solid waste and recycling professionals.  Contact Sherill Baldwin
Are you in compliance with the Comprehensive Materials Management Strategy?

Are you in compliance?  

The Comprehensive Materials Management Strategy (CMMS) focuses on the important role of municipalities in waste reduction and recycling and refocuses state and local efforts on helping municipalities meet existing statutory provisions and best management practices.  

Specifically, the CMMS calls for all municipalities to ensure compliance with the following statutory provisions and best management practices by December 2017:  

Municipal and Regional Grants & Technical Assistance Program
The Sustainable Materials Management program at DEEP is committed to providing technical assistance and support to municipalities and regions on reducing waste, saving money, and increasing recycling.

For more information about DEEP’s Municipal and Regional Grants and Technical Assistance program,  or CMMS compliance assistance, please visit the Municipal Recycling Resource webpage at  
or contact Chris Nelson, (860) 424-3454 or [email protected] or Pete Brunelli, (860) 424-3536 or [email protected].
DEEP Commissioner Rob Klee and Sherill Baldwin, DEEP's CT WRAP coordinator
WRAP Artwork Downloads
Posters, Signs & More

The American Chemistry Council's WRAP Program has free downloads so you can print posters, signs, magnets,
& more.  Find artwork here.

DEEP has 200 ClearStream recycling bins available for special events, concerts, fairs, and festivals are now available.

If your group would like to borrow recycling bins, including plastic bag liners, for your special event, please contact the Lend-A-Bin contact person in your region. The bins will be loaned out on a first come, first served basis.  More information here

     Upcoming Events:

April 20, 10:30am - Packaging Task Force, Presentation from Cities and Towns on needs and costing and what there roles should be, LOB

A pril 20, 2:00pm - PAYT Questions Answered, webinar, hosted by SERDC

April 25 9:30am - Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting, Hartford or on-line  This is a public meeting and an opportunity for solid waste and recycling professionals to stay up-to-date on regulations, legislation and innovation in CT and the region.
Join the CTRecyclers listserv. Stay up to date on upcoming events, ask your colleagues questions, etc. This list is open to professionals and community volunteers working on municipal recycling efforts and is for discussing recycling and solid waste recovery challenges and opportunities. DEEP is sponsoring this discussion list to encourage cross-pollination of ideas, hear new concepts, approaches and technologies, share successes, projects and programs and overall provide each other support in an effort to increase recycling and solid waste recovery in Connecticut.  To be invited, email Sherill Baldwin.
CT DEEP  |  Source Reduction & Recycling Group | 860-424-4193 | www.ct.gov/deep/recycle