Please forward this newsletter to teachers, staff, and colleagues.
805 @ Ventura College, April 22:
805 @ Oxnard College, April 29:
REGISTER TODAY! For counselors and site and district leads. Scroll down for more details.
Project Management PD for SWP Partners, Thursday, May 12: 3:30-4:45 pm. Industry needs employees who understand how to manage projects. This PD for CTE teachers addresses how we train students to manage projects in the workplace, using the google platform. Click here to join the Zoom session.
Regional K16 Education Collaboratives Grant Program: Learn more here. Momentum is gaining for a regional approach involving K12, community colleges, and CSU and the UC system. More details to follow.
AME Leadership Institute: Live in Burbank is set for June 20-22; VCOE will fund costs for K12 SWP Round 2 Media partners as funds permit, preapproval required. Contact Erica Perez with questions. Learn more here.
Legislation Updates: AB 2058 proposing the streamlining of CTE Funds is moving forward. This consolidates K12 CTE funding under CTEIG, effectively eliminating K12 SWP.
Program Spotlight: Building & Construction Trades
Building and Construction Trades students at Thousand Oaks High School recently participated in the 2022 Southern California Design Build Competition in Orange County. The competition is offered by the Construction Industry Education Foundation.
TOHS students were awarded 2 of 4 scholarships, including Best in Show for Overall Team Safety and Best in Show for on-site Designated Safety Person (DSP), and a Ganahl Lumber Gold Medal Safe Worker Award. This winning team is guided by CTE Teacher Daniel Bell, a self-described lifelong student with a California Contractors License and his own construction business. Reflecting on the success, Mr. Bell proudly asserts, "We swept the house in all safety categories and 2 of 4 scholarships our first year competing against 17 teams that included trade schools and community college programs. We owe a big thanks to all of our community sponsors and volunteers that helped us along the way."
Dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion, Mr. Bell has worked with the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) to run a county-wide summer camp for young women interested in construction. Over the years, the projects have included a tiny house, a greenhouse for ROP, and a homeless shelter for River Haven in Ventura. His construction build team has one female this year who won the Gold Metal Safety Worker award. Mr. Bell proudly asserts that she “will most likely move up to take the role of team leader or foreman for next year's competition."
TOHS offers multiple Construction Technology courses: Woodworking Principles, Construction Technology, Drafting, and Computer Aided Design. Students can earn an OSHA 10 certification, demonstrating training on critical workplace safety topics.
Industry Spotlight: Intersection of AME & Social-Emotional Learning
The pandemic has highlighted the need for social-emotional support for our students. Many students have experienced different types of traumatic experiences and high levels of stress. Social-emotional learning (SEL) is essential for academic success and students’ mental well-being. The arts are a strategy to engage students and inherently have the opportunity to be therapeutic. Most teachers are not trained to do therapy-based interventions. Teachers can be trained to provide therapeutic opportunities for students, and these often already are embedded in curriculum.
Dance is one specific area providing therapeutic experiences for students. For the dancer, it feels good to move the body a certain way and to focus energy on something constructive, creative, and physical. Dance provides an outlet to express a temporary state of emotion. Careers in Dance Therapy focus on the intersection between the arts and mental health. Therapeutic experiences provide opportunities and practices to help students express that energy they are holding in their bodies.
Similarly, Music provides another therapeutic outlet for emotional expression. Therapeutic activities include releasing one’s emotions through drumming or singing out loud. Breathing exercises support self-regulation. SEL in the schools can be supported or enhanced by therapeutic experiences. Following recent research on benefits, there is increased demand for careers in both Dance and Music therapy.
Opportunities for Teachers and Students
805 Industry Days: Events are designed to engage high school counselors to learn about the array of Career Education programs in our local community colleges. Counselors throughout the county are invited to events at each campus to learn about programs and tour facilities. Site and district administrators are invited to join as well. Masks are required indoors, and a COVID health screening is required before entering campus buildings.