Please forward this newsletter to teachers, staff, and colleagues.
CTE Collaborative, January 25, 10:30 am: Join us along with community college partners for a Zoom presentation on the topic of Dual Enrollment & Articulations. MS & HS counselors and site leaders are invited and encouraged to join. Click here to access the Zoom meeting.
CEC Fall Registration: Join us March 4 at our quarterly Counselor Connection for information about CEC 2022-2023 programs. Student registration is scheduled to open Monday, March 7. Click here to access the Zoom meeting.
Hackathon 2022: March 11-19. Scroll down for details.
Watch for updates:
February 25 - 805 Industry Day, Ventura College
March 10 - Career Education Day for HS students, Moorpark College
CTEIG 2021-2022: Allocations are scheduled to go to the State Board of Education for approval at the March 9-10, 2022 meeting; preliminary grantees and allocations will be posted on February 10, 2022.
CTE Completer Data: The 2022 CTE Completer data reporting period began January 4; all LEA's operating CTE programs need to submit and certify Postsecondary Status Files to the CDE by March 4, 2022.
Program Spotlight: ACE Charter School
Architecture, Construction & Engineering (ACE) Charter High School stands apart from typical schools in Ventura County.
ACE was conceived by Ventura County business, labor, industry, and trade partners and learners. The school’s education model allows every student to consider a four-year pathway in the field of architecture, construction, engineering, and computer science. Interim Acting Principal John Middleton proudly shares, “ACE is like any other comprehensive high school, WASC accredited, A-G courses, but we are unique in that we provide a 4-year pathway for every student who chooses our school. Every student chooses an education plan based on their interest, and we prepare every student for either college or career.”
ACE offers a CISCO Networking Academy for Networking Programming, an apprenticeship program with industry partners and building trade unions, and OSHA 10 Certification. Workspaces and storage facilities have been designed and constructed by students applying project-based learning and opportunities for real-world work experience through International Baccalaureate Career-related Programme. Many courses offer articulation credit through Oxnard College and Ventura College. While many ACE graduates choose post-secondary opportunities, others enter the construction industry with career-ready skills and earn living wages. Whether students are planning to attend college or pursue a job in skilled trades, ACE is helping students pave the road.
Industry Spotlight: Arts, Media, & Entertainment
A reshaping of AME pathways is underway! AME is in the process of convening leaders from across the entertainment industry to determine viable career pathways, create registered youth apprenticeship with employer partners, and backward map those apprenticeship competencies into a new vision for pathways within the AME industry sector. The first ever registered youth apprenticeships in California representing AME include Multimedia Production, Digital Editing, Animation, Visual Effects, and Game Production.
Participating industry advisors include professionals from Illumination, Disney, Nickelodeon, Epic Games, Riot Games, DreamWorks, Dolby and more. Foundation partners include the BRIC Foundation, Music Forward Foundation, Grammy Museum, Women in Animation, Visual Effects Society, Animation Guild, LA Urban League, and LA County Arts and Culture.
For the latest and greatest in all things AME, we invite teachers to register for the 2022 AME Institute, Shock of the Now, virtual event on April 4-6. VCOE SWP consortium partner districts may receive a code to register by completing this google form. The live conference will be held in Burbank on June 20-22. We invite teachers to participate in a new California AME Educators Organization, CA-AME-EO, which offers monthly community of practice meetings to bring together educators around these new changes and best practices in AME. Membership in CA-AME-EO is included with conference registration. Please contact Ashley Adams for more information on either.
Opportunities for Teachers and Students