January 2023
Please forward this newsletter to teachers, staff, and colleagues.
VCOE Career Education
CDE - State
ShopTalk for CTE Teachers, new for 2022-2023, is an opportunity for teachers to come together by industry sector to strengthen a community of practice and explore a network of resources to create opportunities for learning, building capability, sharing knowledge, and relationship building. See the flyer below for more information and to sign up.

805 Industry Day, sign up now to learn about each college’s career education programs. Learn more and register by clicking on the links below:
CTEIG Expenditure Reports are due January 31, 2023. 

CTE Completer Data is due February 24.

K12 SWP Round 2 Expenditure Reports are due February 28.
Spotlight on Canvas: Skills Crossing Industry Sectors
Canvas modules available to districts!

Project Management and Business & Entrepreneurship skills are high-demand skills desired across industry sectors. VCOE has developed Canvas modules focusing on instruction for these skills, now available to teachers throughout the county. Districts may access modules in Canvas through the Commons: click on filter, and select CTE Ventura County Collaborative [VCOE]. Courses are listed as Project Management Master and Entrepreneurship, Kidz-in-Biz.
Opportunities for Teachers