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CA Department of Education
Community College Alignment: Access community college CTE program information for each college: Moorpark College, Oxnard College, and Ventura College. The agenda, powerpoint, and recording from the November 12, 2020 HQ CTE webinar featuring our community college partners are located here.
SWP Updates: Data uploads to Cal-Pass Plus are due December 15. Information about K12 Data submission is located on this page under the heading Uploading K-12 Data. Ventura County districts with high schools are required to upload data. Contact Pathway Coordinator Dr. Scott McNutt with inquiries.
Training Opportunity for CTE Coordinators and CALPADS Administrators on new Work-Based Learning File Data Collection: The CDE will be hosting a training opportunity on new WBL data collection. Space is limited and may be at capacity. Date: November 24, 2020, 9am-12noon. Space is limited. Register in advance here.
CTEIG Updates: December 31,2020 is the spending deadline for CTEIG funds, VCOE MOU's of 2017-2018 and 2019-2020 school years. Financial and narrative reports on these expenditures are due in January; VCOE will be requesting spending information from grant consortium partners in early January.
Program Spotlight: Patient Care Pathway at Hueneme High School
The Hueneme High School Patient Care pathway is thriving. The program offers courses Medical Terminology, articulated with Moorpark College, and Emergency First Responder, articulated with Oxnard College. A collaborative relationship has been established with the Westminster Clinic to educate 35 students per year in a two-year classroom/field-based medical assistant program operating in the south part of Oxnard. Upon completion of the program with the Westminster Clinic, these students are ready to enter the workforce having all the hours needed to qualify for working in the front and back office of a medical facility. In addition to the programs described above, some HHS students currently are participating in the Dental, CNA, and Medical Assistant programs offered at the CEC. With all of these options in the healthcare industry available to students at HHS, a Health Careers survey class for tenth graders has been established to provide a survey of the industry and educational options available to students.
Program coordinator and teacher Rosa Soliz recognized the need for a patient care pathway while teaching health at HHS and has taken that idea to heights not commonly seen at the high school level. By successfully mentoring and inspiring students and working collaboratively with HHS Principal Adrian Ayala, OUHSD CTE Director Monica Phillippe, and Moorpark College Counselor and Articulation Specialist Trevor Hess, Ms. Soliz has produced remarkably strong and relevant programs that serve her students and the community well.
Industry Spotlight: Business & Entrepreneurship
Business Academy, Moorpark HS
FFA, Agriculture Science Pathway, Santa Paula HS
SklllsUSA, Product Innovation Pathway, Camarillo HS
Business and Entrepreneurship skills are highly desirable in the workplace in Ventura County. In spite of the high demand for Business and Entrepreneurship skills, only 7% of the students in high school career pathways participate in K12 pathways in these Industry sectors Marketing, Sales and Service and Business and Finance.
How might high school CTE programs prepare students for community college programs or jobs in Business and Entrepreneurship? Career Technical Student Organizations, CTSO's, prepare students with Leadership skills often involving entrepreneurial projects. DECA, FBLA, SkillsUSA, and FFA all actively involve students in projects with elements training students in basic principles of marketing and business. Business and Entrepreneurship skills also can be taught in the context of other pathway programs, such as AME and Engineering.
Community College and K12 Industry Sectors do not perfectly line up. The Community College Industry Sector Business and Entrepreneurship aligns with two K12 industry sectors: Marketing, Sales, and Service, and Business and Finance.
Regional Director of the Business and Entrepreneurship industry sector Gayla Jurevich has seen the entrepreneurial spirit thriving in many cases during the shutdowns associated with COVID. People are figuring out how to stay relevant, reinventing themselves, solving problems, and answering needs associated with the challenges presented by the pandemic. The younger generation has shown to be in tune with adapting to the current work landscape and appreciate and take pride in the freedom, flexibility, and adventurousness of being an entrepreneur in the gig economy.
Industry Fact: K12 Industry sectors Marketing, Sales and Service and Business and Finance each accounts for 13% of the annual openings in middle skill jobs in the Ventura Region.
This past spring VCOE and our Navy partners collaborated to connect FIRST Robotics teams throughout Ventura County with funding. If you missed out and are interested in starting a FIRST team and would like to be considered for funding, please complete this form. Due to a collaborative partnership, Navy funding is limited to FIRST activities. Registration information and the tentative timeline for FIRST Robotics scrimmages and tournaments are available at Events are slated to be held remotely this year.
We have started initial planning for our annual Hackathon and Seaglide events. At this time, the Hackathon tentatively is scheduled for late February. Designed for all grade 9-12 students, it will encompass activities targeted for females in lieu of a separate June event. Both Hackathon and Seaglide are being designed to take place remotely. We are soliciting teachers interested in being on planning teams for either event. Teacher Joe Chacon is our point of contact for Hackathon and may be reached at Pathway Coordinator Scott McNutt is our point of contact for Seaglide and all additional inquiries and may be reached at
Please let us know the point of contact at your school site for all STEM and Robotics activities. Join our email list now. We strive to keep all teams informed about Robotics related items, whether your team be FIRST, VEX, or other. Enter your information here.