Season's Greetings!

Wishing you and your family a joyous holiday and happy new year.
Director's Insights
Dr. William Storrar shares his insights on the life and work of CTI.
CTI brings together scholars from across the United States and the world - not only in theology, but also in the sciences, humanities, and law to work together in residence in our program to address complex global questions.

We are committed to asking the challenging questions of our time. Our mission is to offer "fresh thinking" on the problems of religion and society in a global era where these issues are deeply connected.

Research Insights
What We Are Learning: A Chorus of Planets
Andrew Davison, CTI Member 2016-2017
"...the prospect of life elsewhere in the universe does not pose any great threat to Christian theology."

Evidence of planets around other suns has been secured only relatively recently, and dates back only so far as 1992. While the scientific data might be new, however, Christian theologians have been thinking about the repercussions of life since at least the 15th century.

The Founders: A Vision for CTI
Harold Holmes Helm (1900 - 1985)
Harold Holmes Helm graduated from Princeton University in 1920 and immediately went to work for the Chemical Bank of New York. His talents were rewarded by rapid preferment. As chairman of the board and chief executive officer, he guided the bank through a series of mergers to become one of the largest in the United States. Not only that, he led the committee that recommended admitting women to his alma mater.
CTI Releases New Podcast:
The Use of Monetary and Economic Language in Religion
What resources can we find in religious traditions for thinking through the moral challenge of economic inequality?

Join the conversation with Devin Singh, current CTI scholar-in-residence, and CTI's Josh Mauldin on how theology relates to the growing concern of widening inequality in many countries around the world looking at economic metaphors, images, and structures at the heart of Christian thought.

Every year, CTI endeavors to strengthen its program and outreach, bringing the wisdom gained from theologians working in concert with other disciplines to a wider audience, providing for a greater global impact.

Your contribution will go directly to ensuring the range and reach of our innovative program, connecting rigorous academic scholarship with its practical application in our world.

Thank you for your support!
CTI Member Breakfast attracts
large crowd in San Diego!
It was wonderful to see so many CTI Members and interested colleagues attend the Member Breakfast at the AAR/SBL Annual Meeting in November. It is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect and reconvene during this international conference.

Some of our CTI members, Paul Middleton and Wolfgang Palaver, shared how CTI provides a "wonderfully stimulating intellectual environment" the impact of which continues well after the time in residence. Current member Devin Singh discussed this year's workshop theme of Religion & Economic Inequality and his project on debt. Soon-to-be member Manitza Kotze gave a preview of her upcoming work evaluating how human enhancements through biotechnology could exacerbate existing economic inequality and how new inequalities could arise.

CTI looks forward to welcoming Members in 2020 in Boston!
Looking for something to read this holiday season?
CTI has the answer: three volumes of its
Fresh Thinking magazine, all on-line.
Our Mission:
We convene leading thinkers in an interdisciplinary research environment where theology makes an impact on global concerns, and we share those discoveries to change the way people think and act.
Henry R. Luce Hall
50 Stockton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540 | 609.683.4797