Christ the King School Newsletter - September 11, 2018
Dear Christ the King School Families,

We Appreciate You
In memory of the historic tragedy that took place on September 11, 2001, a special blessing was given today at morning assembly by Father Paulson, recognizing and honoring first responders in our community. To all the police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, EMT and military personnel we thank you for your bravery and service. A special thank you to Rosie Butler (CTK 5th Grade) and Mrs. Butler for guiding this ceremony to our community.

Kindness is Contagious
Support, love and compassion were evident on campus last week as our community rallied around the Carmelite of Mary Immaculate Congregation, school in Kerala, India. As mentioned previously, the school was severely damaged by flood waters. Through your generous contributions we raised $550. I appreciate your kindness and ask that you continue to pray for Father Santhosh and his community and to all those affected by this natural disaster.

Monsignor Wade Golf Tournament
CTK’s 22nd Annual Msgr. Wade Golf Tournament was held yesterday at Oakhurst Country Club. This tournament honors Msgr. Wade, builds community, and supports CTK’s tuition assistance fund and enrichment programming. Special thanks to Leo Lopoz, Golf Tournament Chair, and Dalton Brown, Director of Partnerships, for their commitment, stewardship, and leadership in designing such a legacy driven, life serving, and fun-filled event. Special thanks to all committee members who dedicated their time, talent, and resources: Emily Brown, Megan Lopoz, Marisa Mathis, Raul Ortega, Rob Ostrander, Shay Hansen, Jon Larsen, Morgan Hall and Adrian Meyer. Special thanks as well to the amazing team of CTK parents, volunteers, golfers, donors, and community members who continue to make this annual event such a huge success.

CTK Safety
The safety of our students, employees and visitors is a top priority. A shout out to LifeSaver Co. who trained/certified our full faculty and staff in CPR and first aid at the commencement of this school year. Further, within this day’s professional development opportunity we thank Police Officer Todd Jung and Police Officer Michael Hurlbut for the afternoon active shooter/intruder training. It is important to stay diligent in following safety protocols. Listed below are tips on how you can contribute to keeping our campus safe.

  • Make sure all volunteer requirements have been met.
  • If volunteering make sure to sign-in at the office.
  • Volunteer badge should be worn while on campus.
  • Carpool Safety: Drive slow and careful in a school zone.
  • Suspicious behavior from members outside our community who travel on our toward campus should be reported to the office immediately.
  • Know the school safety procedures in our school’s handbook.

Abundant blessings,
Mr. Silveira
Let's pray for all those who are suffering from illnesses. Let's also pray for the victims and the families that suffered in the wake of the tragedy that took place on September 11, 2001. May God keep them in His tender and loving care.
Important Dates
Wednesday, September 12 - 2:15pm dismissal . Auction Meeting 7pm (media center).
Thursday, September 13 - Hot lunch- Mac & cheese.
Friday, September 14 - School Mass 8am (4th prep). Dress Uniform. 8th grade dance at St. Raymonds.
Wednesday, September 19 - 2:15pm dismissal.
Thursday, September 20 - Hot lunch- pasta with meat sauce. Hearing test for grades K,2,5,8 and new students.
Friday, September 21 - School Mass 8am (6th prep). Dress Uniform
Sign and Return: If you have not yet returned the 2018-19 Photo/Video Authorization Form please sign and return tomorrow. If you do not return your form we are assuming we have your approval to photograph you child and publish work.

Carondelet Applications for 2019-2020 school year: Online applications are now available. The deadline for early bird registration and pricing is November 7th, 2018 . The final due date for the application is December 3rd .

DLS Applications for the 2019-2020 school year: Online applications are now available. Open House will be held on November 4th.

Hot Lunch: "Thursday Orange Ticket Hot Lunch": In an effort to alleviate confusion, please purchase your tickets prior to Thursdays. Orders received tomorrow will be sent home with your child at the end of the day. Click here to purchase Hot Lunch Tickets.

Ice Cream: Sold every Tuesday to grades 1-8. Click here for order form. Orders received tomorrow will be sent home with your child at the end of the day.
Note from the Office
New Newsletter Format : To ensure that you are able to view the newsletter entirely click view entire message at the bottom of the screen. To view pictures click view images at the top of the screen.

Tuesday Family Envelope: If you have any information you would like placed in CTK School's Tuesday Family Envelope, please submit it the office the Friday before.
PTG - Spirit-wear Sales
  Spirit-wear Sales Tuesday, Sept. 4 – Friday, Sept. 17:  
The Parent Teacher Group (PTG) is excited to announce Spirit-wear Sales for CTK Students and families. 
Spirit-wear can only be purchased through an online store during  September 4 - September 17. Purchases will be delivered to your child’s classroom in October. Adult and child sizes are available, there are no returns or exchanges so please review the sizing charts on the website. Spirit-wear will not replace uniform requirements, but will share our school spirit outside of school and on the occasional non-uniform dress day. Click here to place your order with our vendor Gryco.
The Walk-a-Jog-a-Thon is only two weeks away! Now it is time for the fundraising to begin! Students will be seeking FLAT RATE tax deductible sponsorships. Please collect money at the same time as the pledge. Return the completed Pledge and Prize Envelope and money raised to class teachers NO LATER than WAJAT morning, September 25.

In today's Family Envelope you will find an informational flyer and a Pledge and Prize Selection Envelope. Did you know many Bay Area employers have donation matching programs designed to give back to the community and support their employee’s interests? It is a great way to double (even triple or quadruple!) your student’s fundraising efforts and help support our school. Easy and effective with a great impact! Just speak with your company's HR department so they can direct you on their procedure. The grand prize for the student who collects the most money will be a Sony Digital Camera, which will be awarded at the Medaling Awards Ceremony on Thursday, October 4.

Don't forget we need LOTS of volunteers to make this amazing event happen. Hours worked on the Walk-a-Jog-a-Thon count toward fundraising hours, plus you can cheer on your kids as you work. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Jen Wilson at . For additional flyers please click here .
Garden of Blessings - Work Party
The CTK Garden of Blessings needs your help . Please join us on Saturday, September 29th from 9am-12pm and Saturday, October 13th from 9am-12pm for a volunteer work party. Earn volunteer hours by harvesting fruits, vegetables, uprooting weeds, and caring for the chickens. We will also be will preparing the garden for the 2018-2019 Garden Awareness classes and start the fall planting. Bring a pair of gardening gloves and your enthusiasm! Bagels and coffee will be provided. 
Did you know?
CTK Reading Specialist and former First Grade Teacher, Nicole Yackee gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Wednesday, September 5th. Luke Thomas was born weighing 7lbs 5oz. Mother, Father and baby are all doing great!
Purchasing scrip is an easy way to support the school! Click here for details and directions on how to sign up. Shop scrip for local vendors such as Melo’s, La Mordida, Kinder’s, DeVino’s, Jack’s, Lunardi’s and Classic Designs along with weekly specials. This week additional rebates will be given on Chevron, Boston Market, Burger King and Royal Caribbean. If you have questions contact Maryann Harrison at Happy Shopping!
Volunteer Opportunities
Thursday Hot Lunch Helpers Needed! Contact Amy Ghisletta if interested at (925) 765-9023 or

Walk-a-Jog-a-Thon Volunteers Needed. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Jen Wilson at
After School Opportunities
Boy Scouts: Cub scout Pack 401 invites all boys, Kindergarten thru 5th grade to join the Pack! On Sunday, Sep. 16th we will have a fun get together on the lawn by the amphitheater after the 9:15am mass. We will be launching 2 liter rockets and there will be an obstacle course and snacks. Uniformed scouts and leaders will be present to answer questions. Our first pack meeting of the year will be in the parish hall on Monday, Sep. 24th at 6 pm. Everyone is welcome to join. Scoutmaster Dan: ( 805) 459-9605 or
Parish News and Notes
SAVE THE DATE! Men’s Day of Recollection on Thursday October 11: begins at 6:30 pm and concludes by 9 pm.  CTK Parish Hall, Fr. Paulson as presenter. Click here for more information.

SAVE THE DATE! Women’s Day of Recollection on Saturday October 13: begins with 8 am Mass and concludes at 12 pm.  CTK Parish Hall, Fr. Paulson as presenter.
Click here for more information.

If you host a meeting in one of the Parish facilities please leave the room clean and as you found it. Lights should be turned off, trash should be placed in the dumpster outside, and chairs and tables left in order. Your cooperation is appreciated.
The Italian Catholic Federation (IFC) is holding their Annual Fall Charity Dinner on Saturday, October 6th. Tickets can be purchased after mass or by contacting Judi at (925)212-8063 or
CTK altar servers needed: Click here for information. Click here for registration form.