Dear CTL Community,
Happy November to all.
It is nearing the end of November, the end of classes and the first term. I hope that your courses have gone well and that you are looking forward to a winter break in a few weeks.
The leadership of our three programs and CTL staff have been very busy with planning the course schedule for 2023-2024. This process sets the course offerings and the course delivery mode. We look forward to sharing the schedule with students in March for the Intersession and Summer sessions.
The practicum for the year one Master of Teaching students started this month. I hope that the teacher candidates have a wonderful experience with new insights and opportunities to practice teaching strategies to enhance their understanding of the teaching profession. Thanks to our instructors, staff and practicum coordinators for their work in preparing and supporting the practicum experience. I also recognize the time and effort that year two students are putting into their research time this month.
The search for the new chair of CTL is well underway. Thanks to the members of our community who have agreed to serve on the committee. Our new Dean, Erica Walker, will chair the committee. The deadline has been extended to early January 2023. If you know someone who could serve in this role, please send the ad.
We are fast approaching that time of year where many fondly anticipate the activities and distractions of the winter break. However, some may need other supports during the holidays. With that in mind, I want to highlight the UofT Student Union’s Food Programming for students, navi, and My SSP and the resource sections of the student and instructor handbooks. For staff, faculty or students who will not be on campus, includes the ability to search for local food security resources and general help connecting with supports. I also encourage everyone to review the Wellbeing and Counselling support resources that are included at the end of this communique.
I hope that you have a great end to classes and have an opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments over the next few weeks.
Have a great day.
Doug McDougall