CTL COMMUNIQUÉ – November 2022 


Dear CTL Community,

Happy November to all.

It is nearing the end of November, the end of classes and the first term. I hope that your courses have gone well and that you are looking forward to a winter break in a few weeks.

The leadership of our three programs and CTL staff have been very busy with planning the course schedule for 2023-2024. This process sets the course offerings and the course delivery mode. We look forward to sharing the schedule with students in March for the Intersession and Summer sessions.

The practicum for the year one Master of Teaching students started this month. I hope that the teacher candidates have a wonderful experience with new insights and opportunities to practice teaching strategies to enhance their understanding of the teaching profession. Thanks to our instructors, staff and practicum coordinators for their work in preparing and supporting the practicum experience. I also recognize the time and effort that year two students are putting into their research time this month.

The search for the new chair of CTL is well underway. Thanks to the members of our community who have agreed to serve on the committee. Our new Dean, Erica Walker, will chair the committee. The deadline has been extended to early January 2023. If you know someone who could serve in this role, please send the ad.

We are fast approaching that time of year where many fondly anticipate the activities and distractions of the winter break. However, some may need other supports during the holidays. With that in mind, I want to highlight the UofT Student Union’s Food Programming for students, navi, and My SSP and the resource sections of the student and instructor handbooks. For staff, faculty or students who will not be on campus, includes the ability to search for local food security resources and general help connecting with supports. I also encourage everyone to review the Wellbeing and Counselling support resources that are included at the end of this communique.

I hope that you have a great end to classes and have an opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments over the next few weeks.

Have a great day.

Doug McDougall


Doug Profile (Circle)

Doug McDougall

Professor and Chair


Broadening & Problematizing Socioscientific Issues Education

Dr. Larry Bencze, Associate Professor Emeritus at OISE, conducted an interactive presentation to graduate students enrolled in a science education course instructed by Dr. Dana Zeidler at the University of South Florida on Nov. 3, 2022. The presentation, entitled Critical & Proactive Civic Engagement in/through Science & Technology Education, aimed to broaden and problematize common perspectives and practices in socioscientific issues education.


Book Launch: Critical Action Research Challenging Neoliberal Language and Literacies Education: Auto and Duoethnographies of Global Experiences Edited by Antoinette Gagné , Amir Kalan , Sreemali Herath

The launch of the book by Antoinette Gagné, Amir Kalan & Sreemali Herath took place on Wednesday, November 16 from 4 to 6 pm EST at Nexus Lounge on the 12th floor of the OISE Building and was also Live-streamed

Visit their YouTube channel

Podcast on Taoism and Holistic Education

This podcast by Professor Jack Miller will explore: How the Tao and nature teach us that if we are quiet, the action(s) that will be helpful will arise, which is particularly necessary in this time of crises; How a holistic education requires a curriculum of connectedness.

Listen to the podcast


Keynote at Spirituality in Education Conference, Teachers College, Columbia U.

Jack Miller gave a keynote, Jack's Journey: Connecting the Personal with the Practical at the Spirituality in Education Conference at Teachers College, Columbia.  Oct. 22.

Learn more about the event

Dr. Cassie Brownell & Research Team Present at Annual Conference in Anaheim

Dr. Cassie J. Brownell & her research team presented twice at the annual convening of the National Council of Teachers of English in Anaheim, California. With Ph.D. student Melissa Drake & M.A. student Paddy Watson, Dr. Brownell presented on her SSHRC-funded project with the New Orleans-based Be Loud Studios.

She also presented alongside undergraduate students Maria Fernada de Almeida & Ibnat Islam about portrayals of women politicians in children's books. 

Learn more about the event


We would like to extend our congratulations to the recent CTL PhD candidates who successfully completed their Final Oral Exams this month. 

Nov 3    

Rebecca Starkman    

Religious Girlhood and Secular Schooling: Experiences of Faith and Gender in Toronto Area Public High Schools

Nov 14    

Lucy El-Sherif    

Dabke on Turtle Island: Race, Subjectivity and Cultural Production in Canada

Nov 25    

Majd Zouda    

STEM Discourses and Distinction in an Elite School: Leadership Through Relationships to Knowledge

Nov 28    

Michelle McKay    

Supporting Kindergarten Students' Development of Knowledge, Skills and Understanding about Truth and Reconciliation


Assistant Professor Brownell Attends National Academy of Education Event

Dr. Cassie Brownell recently attended the annual meeting and fellows retreat of the National Academy of Education, hosted in conjunction with the Spencer Research Foundation. As a 2020 Postdoctoral Research Development Awardee, Dr. Brownell was among a select group of early career scholars invited to attend the professional development event from November 15th-18th in Washington, D.C.

Learn more about the event

Annual Food and Toy Drive

Each Fall, Housing Services, the Family Care OfficeUniversity of Toronto Students’ Union (UTSU) and the Varsity Blues come together for U of T’s annual Food and Toy Drive.

All proceeds of the drive will be given to student families registered with the UTSU Food Bank.

This year we are collecting food and toy donations at various locations across campus.

Learn more about the event

Exploring Accessibility Considerations for In-Person Teaching

Register for the workshop that will explore considerations for making your face-to-face classroom learning experience accessible for your students. The workshop will provide a variety of strategies for ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed.

Date: December 9

Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm ESTw

Learn more about the event


Support for writing your thesis in the spring term 2023 Thesis in Motion is there for you!

Join us for "Write-Ins" on Saturdays from January 7th to June 2023. "Thesis in Motion" will again hold face-to-face full days in a pleasant seminar room at OISE.

Doctoral candidates can write from 10 am to 4:30 pm in a pleasant room in OISE, with snacks, and faculty support.  There will be a hybrid (Zoom and in-person) debrief meeting at 3:30 pm.

Contact if you are interested in being added to the mailing list.

OISE Wellness Restorative Rest

Join us for our weekly Restorative Reset with Jennifer Baradi | Tuesdays | 12:30 - 1:00 pm | Hybrid mode | OISE | Room 12-199 | REGISTER HERE

OISE Wellness: ROSE-sponsored Weekly Practices 

  • Mindful Mondays | Mondays: 8:00-8:50 am | Rebecca Osterlee | Get Zoom link
  • Cultivating a Gratitude Practice | Tuesdays: 8:00-8:50am | Rebecca Osterlee | Get Zoom link
  • Mindful Walking | Thursdays 5:10pm-6pm | Emily Springgay | Meet in the OISE lobby at 5:10pm for introductions. The walk leaves promptly at 5:20pm
  • Visual Arts-Based Mindfulness | Fridays 12:10pm-1:00pm | Emily Springgay | Get Zoom link
  • Workshops sponsored by U of T Integrated Wellness Seasonal Stress | Thursday, December 1st | 11:00 AM | presented by LifeWorks | Register

Did you know? 

Students studying at U of T this Fall have access to an expanded suite of mental health services and supports. Find out more

Employee & Family Assistance Program (EFAP) A reminder that staff and faculty have access to immediate crisis support, confidential short–term counselling, resources, and support for all types of work-life issues. To access EFAP services, contact 1-855-597-2110 or visit here.

The Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (CTL)

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