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February 11, 2024


Transfiguration Sunday

Sermon by Rev. Mary Herbig

"Divine Razzle Dazzle"

7 AM - Atherton Memorial Chapel

9 AM - Sanctuary

11 AM - Parish Hall

View the worship bulletin

10 AM - Online

Via Zoom or Facebook

Webinar ID: 871 4936 7567; Passcode: cuc


Children (birth to age 3)

The Nursery will be open during the 9 & 11 AM worship service.

Children (age 3 to grade 5)

Sunday School will be available during the 9 & 11 AM worship service.

Contact: [email protected]

Youth (grades 6 to 12)

Youth will gather, meet in Parish Hall for 11 AM service.

Contact: [email protected]


38 Kaneohe Bay Drive, Kailua, Hawai‘i 96734

808-254-3802 • [email protected]

Central Union Windward Ministry

Sunday Worship

10 AM - Windward Sanctuary

Sermon by Rev. Rushan Sinnaduray


Lorna Bright, Worship Musician

Central Union Pohnpei Ministry

Sunday Worship

11 AM - Atherton Chapel



Hear a voice from Palestine. Our sister UCC church, Church of the Crossroads, will host a conversation this Friday evening from 6-7 PM. All are invited to attend and learn!

Calling All Young-ish Adults

(generally ages 18-45 with wiggle room)

Lent Begins on Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday, which falls on Valentine's Day this year, is the start of the season of Lent — the 40 days that precede Holy Week and Easter. It's a solemn time for deeper prayer and reflection in preparation for the Good News of Easter. In this Ash Wednesday service, there will be a time to receive ashes on your forehead or back of your hand. Ashes are a sign of repentance and remind us of our impermanence and humanity.

Plan to Participate in Lenten Study

Morning option added!

The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (February 14, 2024) and includes the six weeks leading up to Easter. During this time, we are invited to take on spiritual practices that draw us nearer to God.

Have you failed recently? Do you feel lost, or like the road ahead is unclear? Are you ever tempted? Do you find any part of your life exhausting? Do you feel out of place among your peers, or society at large?

Join Pastor Rushan for this study throughout Lent! Based on themes explored in Eric Elnes’ book, Gifts of the Dark Wood, we will explore the proposition that our best help on life’s journey often comes from the most unlikely and misunderstood of places: a place known famously, or infamously, as the Dark Wood.


New Members Class

Interested in becoming a member of CUC?

Join Pastor Rushan to learn more about church membership on Sunday, February 18 at 10 AM (between the 9 AM and 11 AM services), in the Rewick Board Room in the Admin Building.

RSVP by Thursday, February 15, 5 PM to to [email protected].

Learning Tree Opportunity

February 18: “What the Bible Says (and Doesn’t Say) about Easter”

Join us for a time of Bible study, learning, and discussion on February 18 from 10-11 AM in the Women's Building! Our guest teacher will be The Rev. Dr. Donald Schmidt, a leading voice in progressive studies of our scriptures, and the former Associate Conference Minister of the Hawai‘i Conference UCC. Pastor Donald will invite us to read the texts anew and listen for what our Stillspeaking God is saying to us today.

Get Your Tickets for Church-Wide Event!

If you haven’t yet purchased your tickets for our church-wide event on February 24, please do so by February 17! This evening of dinner, entertainment, fun, and fellowship is also an opportunity to welcome our Senior Minister and his family, our new church members, and connect with fellow church members and friends in the community. This event will celebrate our unique multi-ethnic and multi-cultural makeup here in Hawai‘i and at Central Union and will also highlight a few of our ministries.

Tickets are $25 for adults and $18 for children ages 4-12 and can be purchased every Sunday between 10-11 AM on the lanai, or every Wednesday between 10 AM to 2 PM in the Church Office, or you can mail a check (made payable to Central Union Church Women's League) to the church with “ATTN: Feb 24 Event” indicated on the envelope.

Don’t miss out on the fun and fellowship in store on Saturday, February 24, 5 PM in the Parish Hall! ALL are invited!

Click below to learn more & reserve tickets:


Readers Needed for Worship!

Worship is one of the heartbeats of our church – it is the work of the whole church community in praising God, hearing God's word to us and responding in faith. One way to help each other in our worship is by reading scripture and other parts of our service. It enhances our experience of worship when we can have different faces and voices leading worship.

If you are willing to read in a worship service, please join our pool of readers! Learn more and sign up by clicking below.


Scholarships Available

The Women's League of Central Union Church is happy to announce that we are now accepting applications from students for the Kenneth O. and Doris A. Rewick Educational Aid Fund and the Ruth C. Scudder Scholarship for the 2024-2025 academic year. Applications will be accepted through the ScholarsApp online platform only. Deadline for applications: February 28, 2024.


[email protected]


Volunteer at the CUC Thrift Shop

  • Wednesdays and Saturdays, between 9AM3PM
  • Volunteers are needed to assist customers on the sales floor
  • Contact Joanne Matsumoto [email protected]

Volunteer with the Flower Committee

  • Fridays or Saturday mornings
  • Contact the church office for more info

Volunteer at Serving Aloha

  • Wednesdays, 10 AM1:30 PM; check in outside Women's Building
  • NEED FOOD? Walk-in: 11 AM - 12 PM; Drive-through: 12 PM - 1 PM

Volunteer with Community Ministry

  • Second Tuesdays, prep and cook 2:30–5:30 PM, distribute meals 5:45–6:45 PM


Virtual Aloha Lanai Zoom Online Fellowship

  • Sundays following the online worship service, around 11 AM
  • JOIN ON ZOOM (Meeting ID: 859 7383 9801; Passcode: Aloha)

Centering Prayer Meditation

  • Mondays, 7 PM • JOIN ON ZOOM
  • Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM • Music Building, Honolulu campus

Mindfulness Meditation with Marion

Mindful Movement with Bamboo Sticks

Men's Bible Study on Zoom


  • Give thanks for all those who helped with the Youth's Punahou parking fundraiser and made it a success!

  • This Transfiguration Sunday, pray for revelations that would help to transform hearts and minds to better embody Christ's love in the world.

  • Pray for the young-ish adults who will gather on our campus this weekend for fun and fellowship!
Share Prayer Request



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Coconut Wireless

The Coconut Wireless is a weekly e-newsletter of what is happening in and around the Hawai‘i Conference United Church of Christ. Get word on the latest news, events, learning opportunities, and more. Connect, share news and resources with sister churches.


We welcome relevant news and events to share on the CUC website, e-blast, and/or to post on our bulletin boards. Please submit items to [email protected] by Wednesday to be published in the following days.

Visit our website!


for your week


The Spire

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Beware of Email Scams!

Scams come in many forms, whether it's someone impersonating a church leader, or a stranger seeming to have a good deal for you on a special product or service. Please be cautious when checking emails! Know that church staff will never ask you to purchase something or give personal information. Often you can identify an email's authenticity by verifying the sender’s email address (CUC staff emails end with, but it's also possible for scammers to mimic email addresses. So if you receive any strange message at all and are ever in doubt, just delete it, don't reply or click on any links. You may call the church office (808-941-0957) to confirm.