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May 21, 2023


Seventh Sunday of Easter

Annual Meeting

Sermon by Rev. Mary Herbig

**10 AM - Sanctuary**

View the worship bulletin

10 AM - Online

Via Zoom or Facebook

We will come together for one in-person worship service prior to the Annual Meeting. Our online worship will remain the same!


Children (birth to age 3)

The Nursery will be open during the 10 AM worship service

Children (age 3 to grade 5)

Sunday School will be available during the 10 AM worship service


Childcare will be available during the Annual Meeting. Check in at the Nursery.

Youth (grades 6 to 12)

Youth will meet at 10 AM and assist with childcare during the meeting

This counts toward service hours for the summer trip to Kaua‘i!


Annual Meeting

CUC Annual Meeting 2023 on Sunday May 21 2023 at 11AM in the Parish Hall and Zoom

The Annual Meeting of the members of Central Union Church will be held this Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 11 AM in the Parish Hall and on Zoom.

A separate email reminder with more information (including Zoom info) will be sent to members tomorrow, May 19.

Note on the Annual Report:

Hard copies of the Annual Report are available at the Church Office. A limited number will be made available on Sunday. Electronic copies are available on the website ( and linked below.


Central Union Windward Ministry

Sunday Worship

10 AM - Windward Sanctuary

Sermon by Kahu Dick Walenta

"Hearing The God Within"

Dr. Sunyong Hwang, Worship Musician

38 Kaneohe Bay Drive, Kailua, Hawai‘i 96734 • (808) 254-3802 •

Central Union Pohnpei Ministry

Sunday Worship

Will join the 10 AM worship service in the Sanctuary


The Church Office will be closed on Monday, May 22, the day after the Annual Meeting; and on Monday, May 29, for Memorial Day.

Take a look at what we've done together in the past year!

View the 2022-2023 Annual Report:

We are in the midst of our Step Up, Step Out campaign which was created as an opportunity for us to further participate in the mission and ministry of Central Union Church!

Throughout the open conversations hosted by the Vision Team leading up to the March 5th special congregational meeting, we heard many ideas of what could be done to support the church. We give thanks that our members have expressed a greater desire to contribute in new and exciting ways!

Our Step Up, Step Out campaign lifts up specific ministries of the church with much potential for growth. It also offers ways to support what is currently happening in the life of our church.

Throughout the month of May, we are each invited to pray about how we can individually Step Up by increasing our financial contributions, or Step Out with our time, energy, and presence to share in the transformative work of our church.


Honoring 2023 Graduates

We celebrate the students graduating this year! We will acknowledge 2023 graduates on June 4th and would like to honor the graduates among us. If you, or a loved one, are a 2023 graduate of any level, please let us know so we can honor and celebrate their accomplishments together!

Submissions may include a photo of the graduate, the graduate's name, school/future school, area of study, a brief message/bio (12- words).

Please send what you'd like shared to by Wednesday, May 24. (Remember that the information will be viewable by the public so share with caution!)

Lend a Hand in the Courtyard!

We are having a work day at Central Union to refresh the administration courtyard and adjacent areas in time for summer and our new Senior Minister. It’ll be Saturday morning, May 27 from 8:30 to 11:30 AM. We’ll meet in front of the Church Office entrance.

If you are interested and willing to help, please contact Natasha Dator (808-440-3004) so we can better plan the garden projects. You’ll need gloves and protective clothing. We’ll bring the garden tools, water, and snacks!

—Dona Hanaike

Sign up to help

Registration is filling up!

Central Union Church’s Children’s Ministry is excited to invite keiki from ages 3 through grade 5 to Compassion Camp, an exciting opportunity to learn more about compassion and how to share God’s love with others!

Compassion Camp is a half-day program scheduled for the week of July 24-28 on the church campus. Activities include Bible Stories, crafts, games, and a community service project. A suggested donation of $40 per child is appreciated.

Registration will close once Compassion Camp has reached capacity or on June 15 (whichever comes first). Register online at Confirmations with additional information will be emailed within 7-10 business days of submitting the online registration form. 

If you are interested in volunteering at Compassion Camp, contact our Director of Children's Ministries,


Click to view the May 2023 edition of The Spire:

The content due date for the June 2023 Spire publication is Friday, June 2.

Please submit articles to

June 2023’s publication of The Spire will come out on June 8.



Volunteer at the CUC Thrift Shop

  • Wednesdays and Saturdays, between 9AM - 3PM
  • Volunteers are needed to assist customers on the sales floor
  • Contact Joanne Matsumoto

Volunteer with the Flower Committee

  • Fridays or Saturday mornings
  • Contact the church office for more info

Volunteer with Serving Aloha

  • Wednesdays, 10 AM - 1:30 PM; check in outside Women's Building
  • NEED FOOD? Walk-in: 11 AM - 12 PM; Drive-through: 12 PM - 1 PM


Virtual Aloha Lanai Zoom Online Fellowship

  • Sundays following the online worship service, around 11 AM
  • JOIN ON ZOOM (Meeting ID: 859 7383 9801; Passcode: Aloha)

Centering Prayer Meditation

  • Mondays, 7 PM • JOIN ON ZOOM
  • Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 PM • Music Building, Honolulu campus

Mindfulness Meditation with Marion

Mindful Movement with Bamboo Sticks


  • Pray about how you can Step Up and Step Out in the life of our church! Reflect on how we can partner together in Faithfulness/Mana‘o‘i‘o to work for Justice/Kaulike.

  • Pray a blessing over our Annual Meeting. May God's presence be felt among those helping to facilitate it and all of us who will gather to celebrate what's happened in the past year and faithfully prepare for the year ahead.

  • Pray for those who are feeling unwell, who desire healing of their body or mind.
Share Prayer Request



View this week's

Coconut Wireless

The Coconut Wireless is a weekly e-newsletter of what is happening in and around the Hawai‘i Conference United Church of Christ. Get word on the latest news, events, learning opportunities, and more. Connect, share news and resources with sister churches.


We welcome relevant news and events to include on the CUC website, e-blast, and/or to post on our bulletin boards. Please submit items to by Wednesday to be published in the following days. The content due date for the June 2023 Spire publication is Friday, June 2.

Visit our website!


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The Spire

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