Pentecost Sunday
(wear RED to celebrate Pentecost!)
7 AM - Atherton Chapel
9 AM - Sanctuary
11 AM - Parish Hall
View the worship bulletins
10 AM - Online
Via Zoom or Facebook
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Central Union Windward Ministry
Sunday Worship
10 AM - Windward Sanctuary
Peggy Anne Siegmund will deliver
a Memorial Day message
from Kahu Walenta
Dr. Sunyong Hwang, Worship Musician
38 Kaneohe Bay Drive, Kailua, Hawai‘i 96734
(808) 254-3802 • cuwindward@gmail.com
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Central Union Pohnpei Ministry
Sunday Worship
11 AM - Atherton Memorial Chapel
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Pastor Mary is currently out of the office for a family health emergency and will return on Wednesday, May 31. Please keep her family in your prayers!
The Church Office will be closed on Monday, May 29, for Memorial Day.
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Throughout this month of May, we've reflected on our six values—Discovery/Kaunānā, Transformation/Loli‘ana, Faithfulness/Mana‘o‘i‘o, Justice/Kaulike, Love/Aloha, Care/Mālama—which ground us and help to guide our actions. | |
We hope you've given some prayerful thought to how you might Step Up, Step Out with Central Union Church!
This coming Sunday, May 28, we invite you to turn in a completed Commitment Form. If you did not receive it in the mail, you can view and submit it online!
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Lend a Hand in the Courtyard! | |
We are having a work day at Central Union to refresh the administration courtyard and adjacent areas in time for summer and our new Senior Minister. It’ll be this Saturday morning, May 27 from 8:30 to 11:30 AM. We’ll meet in front of the Church Office entrance.
If you are interested and willing to help, please contact Natasha Dator (808-440-3004) so we can better plan the garden projects. You’ll need gloves and protective clothing. We’ll bring the garden tools, water, and snacks!
—Dona Hanaike
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Wear Orange on National Gun Violence Awareness Day | |
Any questions or need help attending the Honolulu events?
Email: evyhao@gmail.com
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+ Wear Orange to worship on June 4! | |
A significant note: At the 200th ‘Aha Pae‘āina of the Hawai‘i Conference United Church of Christ in 2022, a proposed resolution of witness—authored by Rev. Brandon Duran and Rev. Mary Herbig and sponsored by Central Union Church—which entreated the HCUCC, its churches and their members “to make their voices heard in the wider community” that “the time has come for us all to actively promote peace and engage in efforts to end gun violence.” It implored churches “to pray for peace and for an end to these horrific acts of violence, and to let our prayers move us to meaningful action.” | |
Announcing the Women’s League Scholarship Committee 2023-2024 Awardees | |
On behalf of the 2023 Women’s League Scholarship Committee (Laura Dornbush, Yosen Lam, Elizabeth Roulston, Sylvia Young) we are pleased to announce this year’s 23 scholarship recipients who will each be awarded $2,000 for the 2023-2024 academic school year. The awardees come from various schools around O‘ahu and even Maui and Hawai‘i Island. | |
Registration is filling up! | |
Central Union Church’s Children’s Ministry is excited to invite keiki from ages 3 through grade 5 to Compassion Camp, an exciting opportunity to learn more about compassion and how to share God’s love with others!
Compassion Camp is a half-day program scheduled for the week of July 24-28 on the church campus. Activities include Bible Stories, crafts, games, and a community service project. A suggested donation of $40 per child is appreciated.
Registration will close once Compassion Camp has reached capacity or on June 15 (whichever comes first). Register online at bit.ly/compassion2023cuc. Confirmations with additional information will be emailed within 7-10 business days of submitting the online registration form.
If you are interested in volunteering at Compassion Camp, contact our Director of Children's Ministries, cayanna-herrera@centralunionchurch.org.
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The content due date for the June 2023 Spire publication is Friday, June 2.
Please submit articles to news@centralunionchurch.org.
June 2023’s publication of The Spire will come out on June 8.
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Volunteer at the CUC Thrift Shop
Volunteer with the Flower Committee
- Fridays or Saturday mornings
- Contact the church office for more info
Volunteer with Serving Aloha
Wednesdays, 10 AM - 1:30 PM; check in outside Women's Building
NEED FOOD? Walk-in: 11 AM - 12 PM; Drive-through: 12 PM - 1 PM
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- Give thanks for the empowering gift of the Holy Spirit which we will celebrate this Sunday on Pentecost!
Pray that our commitments of extra time and finances for the Step Up, Step Out campaign will be a catalyst for the church’s vision for the future. Commitment forms will be collected in worship on Sunday, May 28. Forms can also be completed online or mailed to the church office.
- Pray for our church family to provide encouragement and support for each other and the staff as we move through this extended period of transition.
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The Coconut Wireless is a weekly e-newsletter of what is happening in and around the Hawai‘i Conference United Church of Christ. Get word on the latest news, events, learning opportunities, and more. Connect, share news and resources with sister churches. | |
We welcome relevant news and events to include on the CUC website, e-blast, and/or to post on our bulletin boards. Please submit items to news@centralunionchurch.org by Wednesday to be published in the following days. The content due date for the June 2023 Spire publication is Friday, June 2.
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