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This week is "Start With Hello Week" a national call-to-action week dedicated to making new social connections and creating a sense of belonging among youth, by Sandy Hook Promise. See the details below on how we're recognizing this week.

When to Keep Your Child Home from School

Please keep in mind that children need to be healthy in order to be successful in the classroom. A sick child is unable to perform to their potential during the school day. Chartiers Valley School District follows the Allegheny County Health Department, CDC, and AAP guidelines to keep all children healthy in our schools. 

Being informed on when to keep your child home helps protect everyone and gives them time to recover. 

Please read the guidelines below to know when to keep your child home:

  • Fever greater than 100 degrees
  • Must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication before return
  • Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea
  • It must be 24 hours since symptoms have subsided
  • Contagious Illnesses:
  • Strep Throat
  • Pink Eye
  • Positive Covid-19
  • Flu
  • Undiagnosed rash
  • Chicken Pox
  • Fifths Disease
  • Must wait 24 hours from the start of antibiotic before returning to school
  • Continuous coughing/sneezing that affects your child’s ability to focus in the classroom

Please be sure to reach out to your child’s physician with these symptoms and notify your child’s school nurse of any illnesses. 

Student Absences and Early Dismissals

If your child is absent from school, please complete this form to ensure that the CVPS office receives documentation. This form is also to be completed and submitted to request approval for educational trips.

If your child has an early dismissal, please click here to access the online early dismissal form. This form needs to be completed before 2:30 p.m. on the day of the early release. All other dismissal pickups (calls after 2:30 p.m. or those without a completed dismissal form) must be signed out at the office.

News from the PTG

The Scholastic Book Fair is Next Week!

A Book Fair letter and class shopping schedule is being sent home this week in your child’s folder. You can also shop the fair online starting on 9/25.

Colt Bolt Donations

All students at the Primary School will be participating in the Colt Bolt on Thursday, October 12, at the High School Track to promote school spirit, physical activity, healthy eating, and fun! The Colt Bolt is a jog-a-thon fundraiser where students collect donations for the jogging they will do during the event. 

To collect online donations, log into Membership Toolkit (or create an account) and access your child’s donation page in ‘My Account’ under ‘Fundraising Campaigns’. You can share this donation page with family and friends. Paper donations are also accepted on the pledge form that is being sent home this week. All proceeds from this event benefit students at CVPS!

Important Dates:

Sept 25-29: Fall Book Fair

Sept 28: Open House & Parent shopping night at the Book Fair. Bring some cash for ‘Teacher Time’ raffle tickets and Sarris candy at the PTG table!

Yearbook Submissions: Send your 1st day of school pictures for consideration to [email protected]

Chartiers Valley School District is proud to provide the Here Comes the Bus App for all parents and students. Here Comes the Bus enables parents to see the location of their child's school bus on a smartphone, tablet, or personal computer.

This program provides peace of mind; parents can view their student's bus location in real-time. No more worrying whether your student made it to or from school safely! 

Here Comes the Bus also provides text and email alerts in the event your student's bus is running late due to traffic, delayed departure, or other unforeseen circumstances.

Please remember to be at your bus stop ten minutes before the scheduled pick-up. Do not rely on Here Comes the Bus to tell you when to be at your bus stop, or you risk missing the bus.





Dismissal Form

Educational Field Trip Form



PS Instagram

Chartiers Valley Primary School
125 Thoms Run Road
Bridgeville, PA 15107

Main office: 412-429-3270
Attendance: 412-429-7017

The 2022-2023 CVSD Annual Report

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Inspiring, achieving, celebrating excellence