If you are a REALTOR® and need general technical assistance, contact the Virginia REALTORS® Tech Helpline.
The helpline is a free REALTOR® member benefit.
Phone: 800.276.4216
Email: support@techhelpline.com
Online Chat: chat.techhelpline.com
Follow the troubleshooting tips below for a seamless transition to your new device:
· Make sure your Operating System is up-to-date
· Make sure your browser is up-to-date
· It never hurts to have a second browser on your device to troubleshoot if needed.
Remember: Internet Explorer is no longer supported, so make sure you use an alternate browser, such as Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
· Turn your device off. Shut it down completely. Wait ten seconds, then turn your device back on.
· Clear your device’s browsing history, cache, and cookies.