HomeVisit by CoreLogic
CVR MLS has partnered with HomeVisit so that you can order marketing materials right from Matrix. You can access HomeVisit by clicking on its tile on the MLS dashboard, through the My Matrix tab, or the postcard buttons in Realist and Matrix Public Record Search.

Initially available services include: Dedicated listing websites, Photo editing, Postcards, Brochures, and Flyers 

Future services will include: Professional photographs, Aerials, and 3D tours 

HomeVisit is offering a RISK FREE trial of services to see for yourself why thousands of real estate professionals are happy repeat users. Simply use the code CVR at checkout. 
HomeVisit will be offering a webinar on September 23rd at 11AM for people interested in what our new integration, HomeVisit, is and how it can be used. Get familiar with Image Retouching, Postcards, and Property Websites for your properties! 
Tech Time with CVR MLS
Join us each Thursday at 4:00 pm, click the button below for more information.
Technology Provider Training
Upcoming Webinars

To register for Instanet TransactionDesk training, click the links below.

Recorded Webinars

Throughout August of 2020, RPR hosted several training webinars. Click the links below to view the recorded webinars or search “RPR Webinar” in the CVR MLS knowledge base.

Monthly Matrix Tip
Client Opt In for Matrix emails

If your client clicks the link the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of an email sent from Matrix, it will disable their auto email search. For instructions on how to resubscribe your client, click the link below. Click the button below for more information.
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