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CW CESU Newsletter

Summer 2023

Volume 6, Issue 2

Research Coordinator's Corner

We have several exciting achievements to share in this edition of the Chesapeake Watershed CESU Research Network Newsletter. These achievements would not have been possible without the effort of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science – Appalachian Laboratory’s efforts drafting our Strategic Plan, which I encourage our cooperators to revisit. The Strategic Planning process would not have been possible without the feedback that we received from many of our partners during the Strategic Planning process last year.

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CW CESU Network Updates

CW CESU Student Awards

A new award program from the Chesapeake Watershed Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CW CESU) recognizes graduate students who make outstanding contributions to a CW CESU-facilitated research project. The first awards will be presented at the Annual Partners Meeting on July 21, 2023.

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Projects Update

The National Capital Regional Office of the National Park Service graciously provided the Chesapeake Watershed CESU Research Network with some supplemental host support funding to help address some of the goals that were identified in the most recent Strategic Plan

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CW CESU Project Spotlight

First-of-Its-Kind Harmful Algal Bloom Control Technology Incubator Launches

To help find solutions to control Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs),the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is partnering with The University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science’s (UMCES) Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET), a unit within the Host University of the Chesapeake Watershed CESU, to create the US Harmful Algal Bloom Control Technology Incubator (US HAB-CTI), a first-of-its-kind center designed to solicit, fund, research and develop commercially viable technologies to control HABs.

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Professor Al Place leads the US Harmful Algal Bloom Technology Control Incubator (US HAB-CTI) at the UMCES Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology.