CWC logoNov..jpg

"This mark is like a mirror held up in front of the viewer. It reflects where inspiration, thoughts, ideas, and stories originate—

in the mind."

Designer, Gordon Smith

The CWC is a community of writers of all genres from the curious to the accomplished.

To Learn More & To Join: Click our logo above to go to the Membership Page.

September 1, 2022,

Volume 29 Issue 17

Word by Word ... 100 Years!

Our mission: to support local writers and promote their development through education, recognition, and community.

Welcome Back to the 2022-2023 Program Year

A Word From the President

Dave Collins

If you read this newsletter, you know already that I have just taken over as president of the CWC – full of enthusiasm, full of energy, and eager to lead our club into a new era. There are so many good things happening right now that it is hard to know where to begin. Certainly, the soon-to-be unveiled new web page has to lead the list. I’d follow that up with our next event at the Mint Museum on Randolph featuring New York Times Bestseller Therese Fowler in conversation with our own Sara Archer.

(Get you ticket now! Do it!)


On top of all that, Judy Hovis (Program Chair) and I have combined to line up a stellar list of monthly speakers that begins in September with Kelly Mustian, the ultimate debut novelist who has promised to take us back to the place where it all begins, “sentences where you can set a cadence that enhances your style, create an atmospheric sense of place, build suspense through wordplay, and develop memorable characters using carefully crafted dialogue.” Not to be missed!

 But I don’t want to get too far before taking a minute to look back. A couple of days ago I came across a single sentence that stopped me in my tracks: “We write by the light of every story we have ever read.” A very few words, astounding because anyone who writes recognizes how true they are.


We build on what has been done whether in writing or in any other enterprise. And so, I want to take a moment to look back and to thank those who have devoted so much time and so much energy to making the Charlotte Writers Club into the vibrant organization it is today. There is no way I can cite all the names here. I’ll mention only two, Caroline Kenna, our immediate past president from whom I have learned so much, and Debra Wallin, president before Caroline and webmaster par excellence for so many years. 

Join Us at the Tyvola Senior Center,

2225 Tyvola Road, Charlotte 28210


September 20, 2022

6:15-Doors Open

The meeting time is 6:30 pm-8:00 pm

on site & via Zoom contact the CWC Membership Guru for your link.

Before you come, visit

The CWC Events Page for a "Note About Covid"

Our Speaker:

Debut Novelist Kelly Mustian


Line by Line: Making Every Word Count

Kelly is the author of the USA Today bestseller, The Girls in the Stilt House.

Set in 1920s Mississippi, this debut Southern novel weaves a beautiful and harrowing story of two teenage girls cast in an unlikely partnership through murder—perfect for readers of Where the Crawdads Sing and If the Creek Don't Rise...Click the book jacket to learn more

See the CWC Calendar of Events page for more on Kelly Mustian and her presentation.

Club Information

CWC Contest Season is OPEN!

Click the image below to learn more about the 2022 Ruth Moose Flash Fiction Contest and Ashley Memory who will serve as judge. Submit your work through Submittable.


Members: Are you looking for a Critique Group?

Here is a list of are the current groups OPEN to additional voices. NEW groups are forming with writers looking for support with specific needs like genre, meeting location (in person or online) or time (day or evening)

  • Dilworth:Mixed genre group

  • Plaza Midwood: Non genre specific. Newcomers to the club are welcome.

  • Gaston County: (leader is wiiling to travel). Prose/Fiction group

**Member writing YA looking to

connect with others writing for young adult readers.

**Member looking for support from an online fiction group.

**First time member looking for a fiction group that meets during the day.

**Members looking to connect with a group whose genre is children's picture books.

Contact Dave Collins to learn more.


A Free Poetry Reading!

CWC North begins its program year on Sunday September 11, with the Davidson debut of Chris Arvidson's poetry chapbook.

The House Inside My Head is published by Finishing Line Press.

CWC North and Main Street Books are co-sponsoring this event.

Click the flier above for details and plan to be in Davidson to cheer on this CWC poet!

Virtual Writing Salon & Social Time

In October, Tiffany Grantham will be back online for this free online monthly write and share session with

prompts to spark writings that amaze you.

Take 75 minutes.

Drop in and check it out. You'll be inspired to make it a habit when you meet other writers who have discovered the zen of this monthly write and social time.

No pressure, no angst, just writing fun! Hope to see you there!

*Please register for this event.

Check out the details and how to register at Calendar of Events page.

"I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn."

Anne Frank

Donate $25 & Get

a Cool Centennial T-shirt as our Thank You!

Click the T-shirt (above) to contribute. Then tell us what size you need and where to mail your t-shirt. Thank you for helping us keep supporting, educating, and celebrating writers like you!



I am Rhonda Copeland Lyle author of WARRIOR MOM: How I Fought To Get A Great Education and Scholarships For My Children and Others, $10M Won! I am the CEO and Founder of The Scholarship Strategist. 

I wrote and published my book during the pandemic in my home office that I love. I like using Word to write and spent many hours searching resources on the internet for all phases of my writing. 

I am writing an article for the Smithsonian Magazine and would love to get help with proofreading. 

I am originally from Philadelphia and lived in Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington DC for many years. I moved to the Republic of Panama for a time, returning to the U.S. just before the pandemic shut the world down. I now reside in Charlotte NC.

Check out my landing page and get a copy of the book on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Warrior Mom is now included in the Library of Congress collection in Washington DC and was featured in Publisher Weekly, as well as is in the local library.  

As a Scholarship Strategist, I provide parents, students, school districts and counseling organizations with the essentials to obtain resources to acquire exceptional scholarship opportunities. I have helped secure $10 million dollars in scholarships for my children, and other students in grades 5-12 for private school, and educational enrichment programs, like leadership, technology, medical, legal fields, study abroad and college. 

To start a conversation with Rhonda

send her a message through the Member Directory.

Login first, then go to Member Directory.

Rhonda says:

When and Where Do I Write?  


I write in my home office.

A favorite writing tool?

I like using Word to write.

A favorite writing resource:

The internet.

Best writing advice received and ever taken?

The best advice I was given by several friends who have authored several books, was to get a great editor. I did! 

One thing I would like help with?

Help with proofreading.

If you'd like to participate in Meet-a-Member please contact the newsletter editor,

Teresa Taylor or  Caroline Kenna.

Send your JPG headshot.

Send a bio of your choice.

Answer five simple questions.

Send the info by the 10th of the month to Newsletter Editor Teresa Taylor

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

Helen Keller

To Join

Click on JOIN US

We're waiting for you!

What's the Good Word?

Share your publishing news at MEMBERS' KUDOS

so we can celebrate too.


Stay Tuned for new information forthcoming.

Contact Axel Dahlberg


We Asked, You Answered...

The 2022-2023 Leadership Team:

Executive Board:

David Collins,President

Axel Dahlberg,V.P. Membership

Lisa Otter Rose,Treasurer

John McGillicuddy,Secretary

VP/President-Elect OPEN

Advisory Board

Elizabeth Gaines,

co-workshop coordinator

with Anshu Gupta;

Elizabeth Ouzts,tech squad

with Blair Peery

Judy Hovis,co-program chair

Tara Marshall, CWC North

co-liaison with Sandra Phillips

Teresa Taylor,Newsletter Editor

Caroline Kane Kenna,

Immediate Past President

Debra S.Wallin,

Tech Squad Consultant

"There is no I in team, but we're sure glad there is U in our volunteers"

CWC newsletter Cbooks for.jpg

We've Got You Covered!

More than 25 new book jackets in 2022

We began showcasing new cover jackets with the mid-month newsletter in January and members, you all have responded!

Let's Celebrate You!

Please snap a picture and submit your book jacket. We feature a few each month--It's first come first serve-

Next submission deadline is September 10th.

Submit your cover to Caroline Kenna [email protected]

or Teresa Taylor [email protected]

Answer the Call for Volunteers:

Serve the Club on the Leadership Team

We need you, your ideas, your enthusiasm, your time, talents and expertise to sustain and to grow this writing community. See the job descriptions in our Policies and Procedures document and think about donating a year or more to serve our club.

Executive Board seats are open: are: President Elect and Secretary.

Contact President Dave to learn more about the opportunities to serve the club

Several positions on the Advisory Board are currently open.


Co-program Chair

Critique Groups Coordinator

Social media/marketing/publicity, a co-position or a team


Dave for more information.

Coming to the Davidson Library in October:

A discussion with

Landis Wade & his latest release Deadly Declarations.

Co-hosted by the Davidson Public Library & CWC North.

Watch your inbox, the CWC Norrth Events Page and the mid-month news for more about this free event.

Support Our Members & Community Partners

visit our Member Resources page


Charlotte Lit: The Annual Lit South Awards.

The submission period for these prose and poetry awards is open now. The deadline to enter is November 1.

Click the image above for the judges, guidelines & more.

Beyond 300...

Charlotte Readers Podcast

Click the image to see what podcast creator, host and CWC member Landis Wade, and his co-hosts Sarah Archer (also a CWC member) and Hannah Turner have for us in September.

Spring 2023 Personal Story Publishing Project

Open through Dec. 15 for stories of 750-800 words on the theme

of “Lost and Found.” Losing it. Finding it. Losing out. Finding out. Being found out. Stories about personal effort, serendipity, regret, and celebration of loss and good fortune, by grace and ill will.

Continuing the successes of seven previous anthologies showcasing the skills of writers across the country but emphasizing the work of North Carolina writers,   Click the flyer for more information.Or

Thank you for being a partner!

Charlotte Writers Club is supported, in part, by the Infusion Fund and its generous donors*. 

*To see the complete list of donors, go to the Foundations for the Carolinas website.

Scroll down below “Contributors to the fund include”

News You Can Use

5 monologues will be selected to be performed at “SHINE: ILLUMINATING BLACK STORIES” during Barter’s Appalachian Festival of Plays and Playwrights (Feb, 2023—DATE TBD). The 5 winning playwrights will each receive a stipend of $300 plus housing to attend the performances. Playwrights unable to attend will receive a video link to the evening’s performance.
Deadline for submission: December 1st, 2022

For Submission Guidelines, Click Here.

NC Playwights Lab.png

The 2022 North Carolina Playwrights Lab will develop 2 full-length, original plays, written by NC playwrights, over 2 weeks with 2 staged-reading presentations for a public audience. Chosen selections will have gone through a 2-step reading process by a seasoned reading committee. 

4 selections have been chosen.

Click on the image above to learn more about the Playwrights Lab.

In Person!

EMBRACE YOUR POWER - Saturday September 10 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at South Boulevard Library.

Join us for a bookmark making workshop to acknowledge the beauty of being you. Together we will create beautiful mandala bookmarks and embellish them with the power of your affirmations. All supplies will be provided.


Registration is required.

 Sign Up Here


Join us for Writers Beyond Borders on September 21, 2022 at 9:30 AM EST.

Learn More & Register for this Virtual Program. Literary agent Priya Doraswamy is the guest speaker.

 Learn more and Register Here.


Join illustrator Vanessa Brantley-Newton as she launches her new picture book, Mary Had a Little Plan, with a reading and activities on Tuesday, September 6, 2002, at 4 pm.

Meet author and firefighter Peter O'Donnell at a signing for his book, The Merlins Visit the Fire Station. He will be signing on Thursday, September 8, 2022, from 5 - 7 pm. 

For additional information and events go to ParkRoadBooks

The Zoom event will start at 7 pm EST and is open to the members and non-members. Advanced registration is required.

For more information and events go to 



Open Mic Night at Mugs Coffee

Where members practice reading their work

Click the image to learn more and see who read at open mic the previous month. The Open Mic is Every fourth Friday of the month

(Only Members can register to read - all others welcome to hear great stories!)

7:00-9:00 p.m.

Click the Open Mic Image to register to read on Friday September 23rd


Membership in the Charlotte Writers Club entitles you to participate in workshops, critique groups, contests, and guest speaker programs. The cost is a modest $35 per year for individuals and $20 for students.

We welcome all writers in all genres and forms to join our Charlotte-area literary community. Your membership in the Charlotte Writers' Club helps support writers, readers, and literacy at a critical time in our nation's and our city's history.

To Join or Renew click this Membership Link and follow the instructions.

Visit our Website