"This mark is like a mirror held up in front of the viewer. It reflects where inspiration, thoughts, ideas, and stories originate—
in the mind."
Designer, Gordon Smith
The CWC is a community of writers of all genres from the curious to the accomplished.
To Learn More & To Join: Click our logo above to go to the Membership Page.
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October 1, 2022,
Volume 29 Issue 19
Word by Word ... 100 Years!
Our mission: to support local writers and promote their development through education, recognition, and community.
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A Word From the President
Dave Collins
Last week the weather changed in a minute. Or so it seemed. Warm one day, cool the next. This week we turn the calendar to a new page confirming what our senses have already told us. Fall has arrived. And thanks to John McGillicuddy, who has been doing some research on the history of the club, fall is no longer just another season to me: It’s the season in which the Charlotte Writers Club had its first meeting.
October 3rd, 1922 to be exact. Before we knew that, we scheduled Sarah Archer’s conversation with Therese Fowler at the Mint for October 2nd. So close! Anyone remember Shakespeare’s Hamlet? “There is a providence that shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will.” If you haven’t yet bought tickets to the October 2nd celebration that marks the second part of our centennial celebration, you have a day or two to do so. And I hope you will!
John’s research into the history of the CWC has sent me in another direction as well. He learned from a second article in the Charlotte Observer that not long after the club was founded its members began to get acceptances from publishers. They wanted to see their work in print.
I think a lot about different kinds of writers. The classic “pantsers” v. “plotters” dichotomy comes to mind. How about writers who love promoting what they’ve done v. more introverted types for whom self-promotion is agony, writers who feel the act of writing is satisfying enough and are content to put their work into a drawer v. writers who can’t rest until their work has been accepted and printed.
Like the first members of the CWC, I fall into the latter group. Yes, writing is sometimes therapeutic. And that’s a good thing. But in my mind, writing is all about communication—and there has to be someone to communicate with. I’d encourage you to emulate the charter members of the club. When what you’re writing is done—when you've tried it out on family and friends, other writers, the members of your critique group—send it into the world.
Maybe enter a contest? Start with the Charlotte Writers Club’s own contest. Flash Fiction is open now and will remain open until October 18th. Our nonfiction contest opens the day Flash Fiction closes. No question about it—start close to home. Charlotte Lit’s nonfiction contest is open and will remain open until November 1st.
Not a contest person? Send your work to a literary journal. Looking through the back pages of Poets and Writers or Writers Digest will help you to find out who is looking to publish what. If you want to cast your net a little more widely, think about a subscription to Duotrope (duotrope.com), an absolutely exhaustive list of opportunities.
Sure, you’ll get rejected more often than you’ll get accepted. It’s part of the game. But getting those acceptances feels so very, very good!
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Don't MISS This Special Event! | |
Therese Anne Fowler sits down with CWC's Sarah Archer to talk books and writing and to celebrate our 100 years of words. Click the image above to purchase tickets and to get a signed copy of Fowler's latest novel,
It All Comes Down To This.
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Join Us at the Tyvola Senior Center,
2225 Tyvola Road, Charlotte 28210
for our regular monthly meeting.
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6:15-Doors Open
The meeting time is 6:30 pm-8:00 pm
on site & via Zoom contact the CWC Membership Guru for your link.
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A.J. Hartley,
on Adaptation and Working with Sources (Human and Textual)
A.J. Hartley (AKA Andrew Hart) is the New York Times bestselling author of 24 novels in a variety of genres including mystery, fantasy, sci-fi, thriller, paranormal, children’s and young adult. He has written adaptations of Macbeth and Hamlet with David Hewson (the latter winning Audible’s book of the year for 2014), and UFO mystery/thrillers with Tom DeLonge of Blink 182.
The first book of his Steeplejack trilogy won International Thriller Writers’ YA book of the year for 2017.
His most recent book is a playful, time-traveling fantasy adventure called Burning Shakespeare. Learn more about A J Hartley online, and about his presentation at the CWC Events page.
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CWC Contest Season is OPEN!
Click the image below to learn more about the 2022 Ruth Moose Flash Fiction Contest and Ashley Memory who will serve as judge. Submit your work through Submittable.
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Members: Are you looking for a Critique Group?
Here is a list of the current groups OPEN to additional voices. NEW groups are forming with writers looking for support with specific needs like genre, meeting location (in person or online) or time (day or evening)
- Dilworth: Mixed genre group
- Plaza Midwood: Non genre specific. Newcomers to the club are welcome.
- Gaston County: (leader is wiiling to travel). Prose/Fiction group
**Member writing YA looking to
connect with others writing for young adult readers.
**Member looking for support from an online fiction group.
**First time member looking for a fiction group that meets during the day.
**Members looking to connect with a group whose genre is children's picture books.
Contact Dave Collins to learn more.
Free Event at Davidson Public Library, 119 South Main Street, in Davidson.
A reading by Landis Wade from his book Deadly Declarations
Discussion to follow
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 6 p.m. Click Landis's photo for more about this event cohosted by the Library
and Charlotte Writers Club North.
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Virtual Writing Salon & Social Time
On October 10th Tiffany Grantham will be back online for this free online monthly write and share session with
prompts to spark writings that will amaze you.
At 6:00 p.m. take 75 minutes, drop in and check it out. You'll be inspired to make this Zoom event a habit when you meet other writers who have discovered the zen of this monthly write and social time.
No pressure, no angst, just writing fun! Hope to see you there!
*Please register for this event.
Check out the details and how to register at Calendar of Events page.
"I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn."
Anne Frank
Donate $25 & Get
a Cool Centennial T-shirt as our Thank You!
Click the T-shirt (above) to contribute. Then tell us what size you need and where to mail your t-shirt. Thank you for helping us keep supporting, educating, and celebrating writers like you!
My Vespa Shirt
Ilene Bauer
My t-shirt was bought on vacation.
It pictures a Vespa in front.
On seeing it, I felt elation,
Completing my souvenir hunt.
A kiosk outdoors was displaying,
With other reminders of Rome,
The shirts for which tourists were paying
In Euros to pack and take home.
I wear it and I can envision
Those tees flapping out in the breeze.
I bought it with no indecision,
Just know-what-I-like expertise.
An object can oftentimes trigger
A memory flash in the mind,
Investing it with enough vigor
That moments don’t get left behind.
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Deb is a semi-retired small business owner with a Business Administration degree from UNC-Charlotte. Her current manuscript, Unwelcome Signs, is loosely based on her experiences as a textile mill supervisor. She was selected as a semifinalist in N.C. Writers’ Network Thomas Wolfe Fiction Competition with a submission from an excerpt of this novel.
As a new writer, she has immersed herself within the writing community through membership and support of N.C. Writers’ Network, S.C. Writers Association, and the Charlotte Writers Club. Deb is a fervent traveler, alum, and volunteer. She chairs the UNC-Charlotte Botanical Gardens Advisory Council and serves as a Visit Lake Norman Ambassador. Once Deb is a published author, she plans to use a portion of the profits from her novel to offer assistance to impoverished mill communities or public gardens.
Deb’s best ideas originate from odd jobs and road trips around this beautiful country. She and her husband, Mark, are fortunate to call Lake Norman their home. Her blog, Deb’s Mostly Useless Tips, can be found on the website https://debisaacs.com.
To start a conversation with Deb
send her a message through the Member Directory.
Login first, then go to Member Directory.
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Sibusisiwe Vulamasango Ncede
A sense of knowing
Being content in my individualism
A sense of fulfillment
Being able to accept what I cannot change
A sense of belonging
Being able to recognize what love can or cannot achieve
A sense of maturity
Being able to distinguish what is best for me
A sense of achievements
Being able to be a true leader.
"That is the beauty of literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong."
F. Scott Fitzgerald
"You are only free when you realize you belong no place -you belong every place- no place at all."
Maya Angelou
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Deb Says:
When and Where Do I Write?
I’m not a morning person, but I’ve discovered it’s the best time to write before I get distracted by phone calls, emails, and social media. My favorite spot is a comfy chair beside a mug of coffee emblazoned with the message Careful, or you’ll end up in my novel. I also write when actively procrastinating about a dreaded task like paying bills or cleaning the oven.
My Favorite Writing Tool?
I began with Scrivener but have switched solely to Microsoft Word. I take my iPad everywhere which offers quick and easy access when an idea pops into my head.
My Favorite Writing Resource?
I'm a voracious consumer of writers’ resources. During my frequent travels, I enjoy listening to audiobooks or the Charlotte Readers Podcast. Steven King, Ann Patchett, Courtney Maum, and Jane Friedman’s books have offered infinite wisdom. My family has been helpful with their particular skills. My oldest daughter is a high school English teacher, and she’s great at answering pesky grammar questions and giving honest feedback. My other daughter, a small business owner, recommended an excellent website designer and podcaster. I’ve received insight and perspective from my husband, a high school history teacher.
Best Writing Advice I've Received and Actually Taken?
Develop a thick skin so you can handle constructive criticism.
One Thing I Would Like More Help With?
Public speaking in large groups
Send your JPG headshot.
Send a bio of your choice.
Answer five simple questions.
Send the info by the 10th of the month to Newsletter Editor Teresa Taylor
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"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."
Edward Everette Hale
To Join
Click on JOIN US
We're waiting for you!
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What's the Good Word?
Share your publishing news at MEMBERS' KUDOS
so we can celebrate too.
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Stay Tuned for new information forthcoming.
Contact Axel Dahlberg
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We Asked, You Answered...
The 2022-2023 Leadership Team:
Executive Board:
David Collins,President
Axel Dahlberg,V.P. Membership
Lisa Otter Rose,Treasurer
John McGillicuddy, Secretary
VP/President-Elect OPEN
Advisory Board
Elizabeth Gaines,
co-workshop coordinator
with Anshu Gupta;
Elizabeth Ouzts,tech squad
with Blair Peery
Judy Hovis,co-program chair
Tara Marshall, CWC North
co-liaison with Sandra Phillips
Teresa Taylor,Newsletter Editor
Caroline Kane Kenna,
Immediate Past President
Debra S.Wallin,
Tech Squad Consultant
"There is no I in team, but we're sure glad there is U in our volunteers"
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Answer the Call for Volunteers:
Serve the Club on the Leadership Team
We need you, your ideas, your enthusiasm, your time, talents and expertise to sustain and to grow this writing community. See the job descriptions in our Policies and Procedures document and think about donating a year or more to serve our club.
Executive Board seats are open: are: President Elect and Secretary.
Contact President Dave to learn more about the opportunities to serve the club
Several positions on the Advisory Board are currently open.
Co-program Chair
Critique Groups Coordinator
Social media/marketing/publicity, a co-position or a team
Dave for more information.
"No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burdens of another."
Author Unknown
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We've Got You Covered!
More than 25 new book jackets in 2022
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We began showcasing new cover jackets with the mid-month newsletter in January and members, you all have responded!
Let's Celebrate You!
Please snap a picture and submit your book jacket. We feature a few each month--It's first come first serve-
Next submission deadline is October 10th.
Submit your cover to Caroline Kenna ckennak264@gmail.com
or Teresa Taylor gorgeoustt@aol.com
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Charlotte Lit: The Annual Lit South Awards.
These are nonfiction, fiction and poetry awards are open now. The deadline to enter your work is November 1.
Click the image above to learn more about the judges, submission guidelines & more.
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Beyond 300...
Charlotte Readers Podcast
Click the image to see what podcast creator, host and CWC member Landis Wade, and his co-hosts Sarah Archer (also a CWC member) and Hannah Turner have for us in October.
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Spring 2023 Personal Story Publishing Project
Open through Dec. 15 for stories of 750-800 words on the theme of “Lost and Found.” Losing it. Finding it. Losing out. Finding out. Being found out.” Stories about personal effort, serendipity, regret, and celebration of loss and good fortune, by grace and ill will.
Continuing the successes of seven previous anthologies showcasing the skills of writers across the country but emphasizing the work of North Carolina writers, Click the flyer for more information.
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Thank you for being a partner!
Charlotte Writers Club is supported, in part, by the Infusion Fund and its generous donors*.
*To see the complete list of donors, go to the Foundations for the Carolinas website.
Scroll down below “Contributors to the fund include”
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5 monologues will be selected to be performed at “SHINE: ILLUMINATING BLACK STORIES” during Barter’s Appalachian Festival of Plays and Playwrights (Feb, 2023—DATE TBD). The 5 winning playwrights will each receive a stipend of $300 plus housing to attend the performances. Playwrights unable to attend will receive a video link to the evening’s performance.
Deadline for submission: December 1, 2022
For Submission Guidelines, Click Here.
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Click the logo above to find out more about what the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library has on the calendar to benefit writers. | |
Verse & Vino is Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation's "celebration of reading, writing and the joys of libraries." The 9th annual fundraiser is on Thursday, November 10th, click the logo to see the authors who will be featured and to purchase your tickets.
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Join Wiley Cash as he discusses his novel When Ghosts Come Home, at an in-person event Monday, October 10, 2022, at 7 pm.
Author, television writer, and producer Michael Schur will discuss his book How to Be Perfect with Joe Posnanski during an in-person event on Saturday, October 15, 2022, at 2 pm
For additional information and events go to ParkRoadBooks
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Fall Conference 2022
Friday November 18-Sunday November 20
Holiday Inn Resort
1706 North Lumina Avenue
Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
Register online
wnload Mail-Iegistration Form
For more information and events go to
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Open Mic Night at Mugs Coffee
Where members practice reading their work
Click the image to learn more and see who read at open mic the previous month. The Open Mic is Every fourth Friday of the month
(Only Members can register to read - all others welcome to hear great stories!)
7:00-9:00 p.m.
Click the Open Mic Image to register to read on Friday, October 28
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Membership in the Charlotte Writers Club entitles you to participate in workshops, critique groups, contests, and guest speaker programs. The cost is a modest $35 per year for individuals and $20 for students.
We welcome all writers in all genres and forms to join our Charlotte-area literary community. Your membership in the Charlotte Writers' Club helps support writers, readers, and literacy at a critical time in our nation's and our city's history.
To Join or Renew click this Membership Link and follow the instructions.
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