Hello everyone,
As we enter May this weekend, we enter the 14th month of “this” ... these unprecedented times, where we seem to endlessly think about covid, and overuse words like pivot, lockdown, and what if. It is hard, there is certainly no denying that. And everyone is feeling it in some way, shape, or form. As they say, we are all on the same ocean, but not all in the same boat. 

Something that’s popped up a few times in my social media feed recently is a definition of languishing. “Languishing is a sense of stagnation and emptiness. It feels as if you’re muddling through your days, looking at your life through a foggy windshield. And it might be the dominant emotion of 2021.” We still have energy and we don’t feel completely hopeless, but are feeling a sense of being joyless and aimless. 

The full article is here, and while enlightening and helpful to give a feeling a name, that alone isn’t going to “fill my cup”. But what does fill our cups these days? What re-energizes us when we are running on fumes? Weekends away with friends are paused. Family dinners are paused. Travel is paused. Meeting new people or connecting with old friends at an in-person event (a CWCC event of course!), paused. I’ve shared on a few calls this week that my idea of some self care and a good weekend through this latest lockdown has become a bit contradictory... a couple of long walks and a lot) of our local, incredible take out! 

All of this to say (aside from the obvious but totally subtle plea for your favourite walking trails and dishes from local restaurants to try!), we’re in this together and let’s all look for that light at the end of the tunnel and some opportunities to take care of ourselves along the way. What’s filling my cup this week? We challenged you all to #CWSignWars and I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Check out the inspiration and a few of our early adopters! Feeling left out because you don’t have a sign? A piece of paper and a sharpie and a well-snapped pic will go a long way! Remember to keep it classy, keep it supportive, keep it fun, and tag us in or send us your pics!

We held our first Google My Business workshops this week, with 20 businesses joining us to learn how to make Google work better for them! Even those of us who already had GMB listings set up learned something in the Beginner and a lot in the Advanced workshop. These will run again in May and June, so do take a look at the details here. Recordings for all will be available after the June session. As per the workshop, we learned the best way to get Google Reviews (which help your SEO and overall googleability) is to simply ask - so if you feel so inclined, here’s our link :) 

We are thrilled to have received Canada Summer Jobs funding and are in the process of hiring for a 6 month part-time contract for a Marketing Assistant position. Anyone between the ages of 15 and 30 is welcome to apply. Check out the job posting here. This role is in addition to our Communications & Events full-time co-op student who will be starting next week, look for an intro to Liam in your inboxes soon!

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, ideas, etc, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Stay safe everyone.
