Hello everyone!

I hope you are staying safe and well and that you were able to enjoy the long weekend. As we are all aware, last week the Provincial Government announced that as of Tuesday, our local public health unit is in the Red - Control zone of the province's COVID-19 Response Framework. Many local businesses are in the process of, or have already re-opened their doors with the appropriate measures in place.
To see what these measures are across the different sectors, and to understand what this means for your business, or for other local businesses, take a look at the framework here. We encourage you to support local where and when you can, and to continue to follow the guidance of our local public health unit.

We were very excited to launch the Shop Local Centre Wellington Coupon Book two weeks ago. The publication will reach over 12,500 households and businesses on or around March 25, and will be FREE for businesses to participate in. Coupon and ad submissions were due earlier this week, but the submission form will remain open while we work on pulling together the information to go to the design team. If you haven't yet participated and want to, please check out the details here and submit your info ASAP.

Lastly, a reminder that nominations for the 2021 Awards of Excellence are open until March 7! Please have a look at the categories, and consider nominating or self-nominating a deserving individual, business, organization, or group. Our committee has worked hard to create a plan for the 2021 gala-substitute, which will be a week-long celebration starting on June 14. We are in the process of confirming sponsors and will look to share all of the event plans with you all in the coming weeks! In the meantime, please consider submitting nominations!

Stay safe everyone, and we look forward to connecting soon!
