Yoder Update - December 2024

God’s greatest gift was sent to all

He was born in a lowly manger stall

The gift of Jesus to those who believe

Is a gift of love and life for all.

By Christina Pulsifer

Telling others about God’s greatest gift is the ministry goal of Christian World Outreach (CWO). If we would list all the things we do, this may not seem to be the case. The purpose of meeting the physical, social and education needs opens the door to share about God’s greatest gift.

Providing leadership training to church leaders in Haiti, Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka is one way we multiply sharing about God’s gift. Many of the church leaders have had no formal seminary training. Providing church leaders, with seminars, conferences and other training events equips them to disciple those in their churches and evangelize in their communities. 

The Feminine Training Center (FTC) and the Village of Opportunity (VOO) gives CWO the opportunity to share about God’s gift to women receiving vocational training. Chapels held every week and beginning classes with singing and prayer at the FTCs has given the staff in Haiti the opportunity to speak into the lives of the women. Daily morning devotions with the young women and living life together at the Village of Opportunity has done the same.

New moms in Haiti and single moms raising sons in South Africa are told of God’s gift that they can share with their children. The Health and Nutrition Center in Haiti gives new moms an opportunity to start the life of their children well by helping them care for themselves and their child both physically and spiritually. Although single moms and their sons deal with issues the Single Moms Raising Sons ministry in South Africa can get them on the right track as they learn about a heavenly Father who gave the greatest gift. 

Medical care through the Mobile Clinic in Burkina Faso has been a great tool for sharing about God’s gift of Jesus. People who have no access or very little access to medical care have it brought to their villages. While people wait to be seen by a medical person an evangelistic team has time to pray with them and tell of God’s gift. Many times these clinics are held at a church so those who accept Jesus as their Savior can be discipled and learn more about God’s gift through the church.

What a great opportunity CWO has to share about God’s gift to children through the Feeding Program in Haiti, the Men Molding Men Camps in South Africa, the After School Program in Sri Lanka and the Our Kids Program in Zimbabwe. Raising up the next generation of those who will continue tell about God’s gift is a tremendous blessing.  

These are just some ways we use to tell about God’s greatest gift. Thank you for praying for the ministries in Burkina Faso, Haiti, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe and for us and we support those working hard to bring God’s gift to others in these places.

Serving Together,

Greg and Laura

  • For the CWO ministry leaders and staff who work tirelessly to tell of God’s gift.
  • For providing the prayer and financial support for the CWO ministries.
  • For keeping our staff safe during difficult times.
  • The January Leadership Conference in Haiti.
  • The Christmas program the children will have in Sri Lanka.
  • Those who will hear about God’s greatest gift in 2025. Pray that they will accept the gift of Jesus and that they will grow in their faith.
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