One of the newest ministries of Christian World Outreach (CWO) is Single Moms Raising Sons (SMRS). SMRS is a ministry that started in South Africa by Thembi and Jeanette, two single moms who were raising boys. Having firsthand knowledge of the difficulties single moms experience they felt called to minister to other single moms.
As we look back, it was one of those God things that led to Thembi and Greg’s first meeting. Someone who knew about CWO referred Thembi to a friend who was a CWO board member who referred her to a CWO missionary who had returned to the States from Zambia who then led Thembi to Greg. At their meeting in 2020 there seemed to be a like-mindedness of how to do ministry. Thembi has said that she is impressed how CWO works with national leaders in-country who have a heart for ministry.