CWSF Newsletter
Organizational Highlights
A Word from the Executive Director
These are unusual and stressful times. We know that many of you are facing enormous challenges and unknowns. Our thoughts are with all of you. So too is our hard work, which we are focusing on to ensure our members continue to receive the most reliable, consistent, and timely information and services. We will get through this difficult time, and meanwhile, we wish every one of you safety and health. 

In light of concerns related to the coronavirus outbreak, the 2020 CWSF / WFLC Spring Meeting in-person meeting in Manhattan, Kansas has been canceled. The meeting will still be convened virtually - details to come soon.
Meet a Forester
This month we are pleased to feature Kansas State Forester, Jason Hartman. 

We invite you to meet Jason !
Policy Update
The U.S. District Court for Alaska handed down a decision on the Prince Wales Landscape Level Analysis timber project following the logging injunction from 2019. The Great American Outdoors Act of 2020 (Great American Outdoors Act) was introduced in the Senate this month. As the coronavirus pandemic has spread to the United States, government agencies have altered their normal policies to ensure employees are able to work safely and abide by social distancing guidelines. Meanwhile, Congress has been working on stimulus packages for businesses, agencies, and individuals to provide needed support during these unprecedented times.
News and Notes from Our Members and Partners
LANDFIRE (LF) is a multi-partner program that produces consistent, comprehensive, geospatial data and databases that describe vegetation, wildland fuel, and fire regimes across the United States.

The last data submission deadline for the current data call is  March 31, 2020.  Submissions after March 31 will be considered in subsequent efforts.
The primary focus for this data call is to collect polygon disturbance and treatment activities from 2019 but activities from 2017 and 2018 that were not previously submitted to LF are also welcome. Please visit the website for more information.
Job Blog
Find your next position in western forestry on our job blog !

If you would like to submit a job to be listed, please send Kelsey Cruickshank a web link to the job announcement.
2020 Event Calendar
Please click the button below to find the 2020 calendar for events hosted by CWSF / WFLC and partner organizations.

If you have an event that you would like added to this calendar, please send the date and location to Kelsey Cruickshank .
What's Happening in Western Forestry?
Each month, we share member news and announcements. We do this by gathering information from newsletters, news releases, and updates in a monthly blog post on the CWSF and WFLC websites. Share news from your state or region by emailing Kelsey Cruickshank .

View the CWSF March post and the WFLC March post .