JUNE 2020
"Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character; and character, hope."
Romans 5:1-4
Dear CYT KC Community,

My name is Jerry Lynch and as you read this I hope you’re having a blessed day. As the newest CYT KC board member, I’ve been told by my fellow board members that our monthly meetings and the overall functioning of the organization is without question not normally like what we’ve experienced in the last three months. Can’t that be said for what our community, state, country and the world has been through so far in 2020? These are unprecedented times and the impacts of COVID-19 will have a long-standing influence on what we’ve known as our normal. We encourage all of you to stand strong in the Word as we’re told in Philippians 4:6-7: Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. 

Please visit cytkc.org for the most up-to-date information regarding this summer’s planned activities. We’ve had to make a number of very difficult decisions concerning the business side of CYT, but from a personal health and safety perspective, guided by local and state guidance, the health and well being of our families and extended families are always first and foremost.

It’s also worth mentioning that I’ve seen amazing commitment and generous giving showing up in our community during my short time on the board. We have families donating enrollment fees back to CYT, families doing individual fundraising, selling raffle tickets, and most importantly praying for God’s provision to bless this organization.

There is a need within CYT that is being supported by many families, sponsors and donors, yet the need continues – which is always a difficult ask but especially during troubling financial times for so many.

How can you help? There are a few simple ways, including:

  1. Make a donation instead of requesting a refund for cancelled camps. This is important for us right now. If you are not able to donate, consider leaving money on account for future purchases.
  2. Consider adding a little extra to your gift. If you're already a CYT KC sponsor, or provide donations, feel free to make your gift a little larger than usual to help us close the gap.
  3. If you're not yet a sponsor or donor, consider starting now. A gift of ANY size makes a difference.  If you give through payroll deduction, your employer may match your gift by up to 100% thus doubling your generosity.
  4. Come back to CYT KC. We are currently offering online dance classes and summer camps. When you’re ready to sign up, bring a group!
  5. Don't forget the arts—like, share, comment on social media. Many of us are relying on the arts (movies, books, music) as we stay at home. Follow us on Facebook and stay tuned to our website for news and updates.
As always, CYT KC is blessed by the families that make this organization what it is. We don’t exist without each child, family and extended family that have supported us for the past 20 years. My wife Lisa and daughter Danielle have been so blessed by the many families they have come to know over the past few years. I myself have been drawn to CYT to serve this great mission of developing character and creativity in kids through quality theater arts. I really enjoy being around kids and have coached soccer and volunteered in various capacities. I believe this is what God has called me to do next and if anyone reading this feels the same way reach out to a board member and start the conversation. It’s very impacting to see God work through the lives of these kids – your kids – and see their lives change and watch them, in turn, impact others around them. It’s truly amazing and inspiring!

Please stay in prayer for CYT KC - for direction, guidance, wisdom, health and discernment, as together we navigate these next few months prayerfully culminating with shows in the fall and our rescheduled Gala in October.

Jerry Lynch for the CYT KC Board of Directors

CYT KC Board
Paige Illum, President
Nate Hancock, Vice President
Pam Chapman, Secretary
Scott Liggett, Treasurer
Rhonda Brown
William Easley
Jerry Lynch
Cheryl Parisi
Claire White
Share your talent for CYT Kansas City and you could win a virtual Meet & Greet with Film Director of Crazy Rich Asians and In the Heights, Jon M. Chu!
CYT is celebrating 40 years of character building through theater arts and is calling ANYONE of all ages, from across the nation, to share your talent for CYT! CYT is here to stay, but this nationwide fundraising event will offer some much needed support during COVID-19, and benefit ALL CYTs around the country. That means CYT Kansas City!
There have been many changes in our world due to Covid-19, and we at CYT KC have had to adjust our summer plans accordingly. However, we have an incredible line-up of online and in-person programming scheduled for this summer! Check out our updated summer schedule and offerings, and make plans to join us!

PLEASE NOTE: Our Covid-19 Task Force is putting together health and safety guidelines for all of our summer camps. We will continue to update our CYT community as decisions are made regarding the protocols that will be in place to keep both campers and staff safe.

Please see below for most recent changes:
Ages 8-13
CYT Studios
(6800 W. 153rd St., Overland Park, KS)
Full-day camp hours will be 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday. On Friday, campers will stay til 5 p.m. in order to film the showcase performance.
Due to Covid-19 gathering restrictions, the camp showcase will be recorded and emailed out as a link to all families.
July 13-17 & 20-24
The African savannah comes to life on the stage with Simba, Rafiki and an unforgettable cast of characters as they journey from Pride Rock to the jungle and back again in this inspiring, coming-of-age tale. Featuring beloved songs including “Hakuna Matata,” “Circle of Life,” “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King,” and more, this summer camp production is going to be one that you won’t want to miss! (Courtesy of MTI)
July27-31 & August 3-7
Join all of your favorite characters as they embark on an epic, ice-filled journey of self-discovery, camaraderie, and the real meaning of true love. Adapted for young performers, this musical includes favorite Frozen  songs such as “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?,” and “Let It Go,” as well as wonderful new songs from the Broadway production. This production of  Frozen KIDS  is sure to prove that “some people are worth melting for.” (Courtesy of MTI)
If you were already registered in one of our Frozen Kids or Lion King Kids camps at an offsite church location, please see your email for information on how to move into one of these camps.

Ages 10-16
CYT Studios
(6800 W. 153rd St., Overland Park, KS)
Experience a week of action-packed adventures while we explore the world of theater! You’ll learn stage combat, improv, and technical theater skills. Campers in this non-musical theater camp will produce a filmed showcase, where they will perform an original script featuring some of their favorite characters.

Xtreme camp meets from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday. On Friday, campers will stay to 5 p.m. in order to film the showcase performance. Due to Covid-19 gathering restrictions and the size of our CYT Studio, the camp showcase will be recorded and emailed out as a link to all families.
June 29-July 3

Join us as we explore the Star Wars universe. Whether you are a Jedi, a Sith, or anywhere in between, there is adventure and excitement to be had! We will discuss all things Star Wars, work on lightsaber combat, and even craft our own lightsaber. We will also be learning about improvisation, technical theater, and stage makeup. At the end of the week, the padawans and acolytes will be filming their performance of an original story from the Star Wars universe. Join us for it is your destiny. The force will be with us always!
Join us in June for LIVE Zoom Dance Classes!
  • 3 weeks of class
  • 3 levels of dance
Lots of fun and a great way to stay in shape and stay connected!
July 6-12
Congratulations to the cast!
July 27-August 2
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Ages 11-14
Limited Space Available!
July 19-26
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Ages 14-18*
*Campers may be 19 if they have just graduated from high school in the spring of 2020.
We are so excited and ready to embrace our summer blessings that God has planned ahead for our community as we prepare for our time together again. We are praying for new and exciting opportunities of learning and growing. The safety and well being of all of our students and families is our number one priority. 

If you have a child with a developmental disability that will attend camp this summer, we would like to remind you of the HEART registration guidelines: 

Please review the COVID camp guidelines with your child before attending camp. And remember, CYT does not offer one on one support. 

We are so grateful for your family and can’t wait to see you! 

He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within us. - Ephesians 3:20
And the Winner is...
Molly Satsieluk!

Each season, two high school students from each production are nominated for the Houston St. John Memorial Scholarship (tuition for High School Musical Theatre Camp). Students are chosen who demonstrate the qualities that were evident in Houston's life. Houston loved God and loved people. He was blessed with amazing talent, and he had a passion for performing.

Each nominee is asked to write an essay about what CYT means to them and one essay is chosen by Houston's parents, David and Theresa St. John.

Congratulations, Molly!
Join CYT Worship Coordinator, Rana Schmidt for a Live Zoom Worship session! All are welcome!

WHEN: Sunday, June 14th @ 4pm
MEETING ID: 891 3392 2074

See you there!
Follow our social media outlets to stay up-to-date on everything happening at CYT KC!

God-willing, we will all be together again soon!

CYT Kansas City - (913) 681-3318 - cytkc.org