"It's Always Been Like That"
Some improper electrical installations are very obvious. High-tech equipment or IoT sensors are not needed to pick up on this installation issue. Vertical busway installations are vulnerable to failures due to joint damage from leaks penetrating the enclosure and contaminating the closely spaced busbars. The NEC requires curbs around busways where they penetrate floors. Although spring mounts are used in this installation, it looks like hard cementitious material abuts the busway enclosure. Will the busway spring mount function properly when the busway is bonded to the floor? Will this stack of blocks move up and down with the spring mounts?
The flexibility of Superior Bus makes the system incredibly fast and easy to install. The system is lightweight and can be installed by just 2 people. It can be easily cut on site. And it does not need precise alignment to connect with other equipment. You can install Superior Bus where other systems could never fit.
At Superior Tray, they pride themselves in how responsive they are to changing site conditions and customer requests.
In this project, they worked with the installer to supply custom transitions to accommodate obstacles encountered during installation.
Starting from a supplied sketch, Superior Tray's designers produced shop drawings and had the fittings delivered within a matter of days.
Contact us today for the information on any Superior Tray product!
Education presentations available upon request.
(7x24 Exchange Member)