Running Start Special March Edition
We understand this is a scary time and we are sending good thoughts to you and your family. Health and safety is our primary concern.

To this end, like your school, ALL Cabrillo College classes are transitioning to on-line formats and ALL events and workshops have been canceled until further notice.  The good news is that you can access all services and information online! There’s plenty of time to meet the deadline to earn priority registration on April 3. Miss this deadline?
No Worries!

Keep going with the steps, you will register for classes a bit later in May. 
Important dates:

  • April 3: deadline to complete steps to earn priority registration 

  • May 7: registration opens for students that completed the steps by April 3

  • May 19: registration opens for students that completed the steps after April 3

A reminder of the steps required to earn priority registration:  
  • Complete Orientation
  • Complete the Placement Process 
  • Add one course to the fall 2020 term in Student Planning (we suggest CG51)


Watch the videos and take the quizzes.

You'll see the steps to complete are listed on the website along with a slide deck. 

You are encouraged to view the slides first to understand your options for English and math.

There are links throughout the deck for you to see additional course level information and details. 
You then need to complete and SUBMIT the

Add a course to your fall 2020 plan in Student Planning 
Login through MyCabrillo
 Follow this navigation:

  1. On the left -select USER ACCOUNT
  2. select SELF SERVICE this launches the dashboard
  4. You need to add a class to fall 2020, we suggest CG51. 

  THIS GUIDE displays step by step instructions for Student Planning
We’re here to help.  This is a changing situation and we're doing everything we can to support you and the best we can to keep everyone safe.