Cabrillo National Monument VIP Newsletter
February 2022 Updates for VIPs
In this issue:
Remembering Joe Janesic
Military Historian Extraordinaire and Cabrillo NM VIP
Image description: Close up photo of Joe smiling.
Joe Janesic was a giant in the field of military history, an expert only because he put the required time into researching his subjects and interviewing veterans and other related people. He wanted to get it right for history’s sake. Perhaps he will be best known for his generous sharing of knowledge and unparalleled collection of photos.  

Death comes unexpectedly, and losing Joe at age 53 of natural causes in January is a great loss to his family, friends, and the history communities he served.  
According to Tim Jordan, “Joe was involved with the Coast Artillery Study Group that raised the funds to bring Fort MacArthur in Los Angeles back to life. The old fort was running away, they were making Hollywood movies there, but little else. Joe was the fire behind restoration of some of those old buildings.”  

Tim notes that Joe’s career was in computer graphics, but was a full-time volunteer at Fort MacArthur, gathering documents and blueprints of forts across the country, to the Gulf of Mexico and into Panama. He lived in Long Beach.  

The contributions of Joe’s to the Coast Artillery operations on the Point Loma peninsula are immense. Today, of course, Cabrillo National Monument is the keeper of some of this area. A serious documentation of Coast Artillery and Army history of Fort Rosecrans was begun in 2001 by Tim Jordan, Dan Sutton, Steve Baffa, and others. “It wasn’t until some of us talked about restoring the bunker in 2011, that Joe got more involved at CNM,” Tim says. Then Superintendent, Tom Workman, supported the project. “Naturally some of us would sometimes disagree with a detail, but Joe would always admit if he was wrong.”  

Joe was a stickler for correctness. His knowledge of World War II equipment and phones for these bunkers was necessary, especially in the uniforms worn by Living History volunteers once the bunker was opened to the public.  

One of our most memorable and wonderful experiences at Cabrillo was Fort Rosecrans Goes to War staged on Pearl Harbor weekend. Our historians worked with Joe and Fort McArthur Superintendent Steve Nelson on bringing down the massive searchlight and some vintage military vehicles.  

These were spectacular presentations of World War II recognition that took place at CNM from 2011 through 2015. So brilliant was the searchlight (anchored in the parking circle and pointed toward the hill of the lighthouse), its some 800 million candlepower dressed our lighthouse in what appeared to be ice crystals. It was beautiful!  

Military tents, soldiers in uniform standing watch on the cliffs, and a medical facility set up were evidence of the devotion built into these occasions. On Sunday afternoon, a scheduled World War II aircraft flew over the Point, at which time a soldier handcranked the oppressive siren. Its sound was distressing, and we imagined what war did to the human psyche. Joe was ever a contributor to the accuracy of these events.  

As a writer and historian, I personally relied on Joe lots of times to confirm a detail, date, or offer a photo of my subject. He was my friend. I’m crushed that he is gone, and what he has left to us is his declaration to be correct in our writing and an affection of our military subjects. Here’s a kiss, Joe, as if gone off to war. 

Written by VIP Karen Scanlon  
Image description: 2014 CDSG Conference in San Diego and Los Angeles. Joe is touring Battery McGrath.
The Open Bunker on Saturday, February 26th will be in honor of Joe.

Inside the bunker, we will be setting up a memorial for Joe, with words expressing how his legacy touches thousands of visitors each year, photos, and flameless tea candles.

Volunteers and staff members who would like to share memories of Joe in person will be able to gather at the bluffs at 9:30am. Anyone not able to join us at 9:30am will still be able to come in at any time during the Open Bunker day and see the memorial inside we are setting up.

Due to COVID protocols we are still following in the park, the event is meant to be small and intimate, but all in honor of Joe's legacy here at Cabrillo National Monument. 
Image decription: Volunteers Alec Johnson and Ken Glaze staff an outdoor interpretive table at the bunker entrance and chat with two visitors. During the COVID-19 pandemic, volunteers are opening the bunker again on Saturdays when possible, but limiting the number of visitors inside to allow for 6-foot social distancing.
VIP Kudos: Safety
“Volunteer Sue Kristiansen responded to a medical emergency in the tidepools on Wednesday, January 19th (dislocated elbow/possible fracture, self-transport to hospital) and both Chad and I were very impressed and appreciative of her response. Her radio traffic was concise and informative, and she stayed calm during the incident; helping the man out of the water to where he could sit in a dry location until Ranger Chad arrived on scene. She was the only TPERPer and park representative in the tidepools at the time.” 
- submitted by Ranger Amanda  
Image description: Ranger Bob Downs holds a bright orange ring buoy during a safety training for Tidepool Protection, Education, and Restoration Program (TPERP) volunteers.
Let's keep it going! Thinking of a fellow volunteer who deserves to be celebrated? Send us your Kudos and Spotlights to [email protected] so we can share them in the next newsletter, and celebrate each other together!
COVID-19 and Safety Updates
COVID-19 Update
As of January 10th, VIPs are required to complete a vaccination attestation form when they arrive to the park for a shift, if they have not done so already. Please see this message with full details and instructions.

Masks are still required in federal buildings, by everyone - staff, partners, contractors, VIPs, and visitors regardless of vaccination status.  

Please be prepared to wear masks whenever you are inside any of the buildings at the park, including the Tidepool Trailer. 

  • People who are not fully vaccinated need to continue to physically distance consistent with CDC guidance.
  • Park management will continue to monitor status and will relay changes in operations as guided accordingly.

Thank you to everyone for your actions to reduce the spread of the virus.
Safety Reminders
Please remember to wait your turn when going through the entrance station. It is important to avoid going through the bike lane or any vegetation while waiting.

This keeps everyone - visitors, volunteers, and staff - safe and out of harm's way. Thank you for continue to keep safety as our number one priority for everyone in the park!

Image description: White ranger booth at the entrance of Cabrillo National Monument containing stop sign and National Park Service arrowhead.
Please reach out to the [email protected] or your VIP Supervisors should you have any additional questions or concerns.
Park Division Updates
Director's Order #16E Anti-Harassment Code
We want to make sure we remind volunteers and staff member of how crucial it is to us that everyone has a place where we are comfortable with conversations and actions with no threats or discrimination.

The purpose of Director’s Order #16E: NPS Anti-Harassment Policy (DO #16E) is to ensure that the NPS takes immediate and appropriate corrective action, including appropriate disciplinary action, to eliminate harassing conduct regardless of whether the conduct rises to the level of a violation of law.

The National Park Service (NPS) is committed to providing a work environment free from (1) discrimination and harassment based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, family medical history (including genetic information), status as a parent, marital status, political affiliation; and (2) illegal retaliation. The NPS will not tolerate offensive sexual or non-sexual harassing behavior against any NPS employee, intern, volunteer, contractor or other nonfederal employee, visitor, or other member of the public. The NPS also will not tolerate adverse treatment of employees because they report harassment or provide information related to such complaints.
Interpretation & Education
Image description: Judge holds up their right hand to swear in people at a naturalization ceremony. People are in their vehicles, some of which are decorated in American flags.
Naturalization ceremonies continue on Tuesdays throughout 2022!

The next Naturalization Ceremony will be Tuesday February 22nd. Thank you everyone who signed up!

The following ceremony will be Tuesday, March 29th.

Never volunteered at these ceremonies but would like to give it a try?

Email [email protected] so we can provide more details and ensure you are able to sign up!
Resources Management & Science
NPS Photo C. Aurrecoechea
Resource Management and Science Division at the Coast Trail leading to the tidepools. From Left: Pauline Geisler, Renee Heidelberg, Patricia Simpson, Lonie Brown, Dr. Linh Anh Cat and Dr. Lauren Pandori.
Breeding Bird Season
Breeding bird season is starting! The season runs from mid-February to the end of August. We have an endangered bird species at the park, the California Gnatcatcher. Their nests are tiny and low to the ground, so they are easy to knock over. They can nest right next to trails, so trimming is limited to Resources for the next several months. If you are working off trail, contact Linh Anh, Lonie or Patricia so the area can be checked to make sure it is not where the Gnatcatchers are nesting or breeding. Kevin Clark from the San Diego Natural History Museum will be at the park to do surveys later this season. As we become aware of where they are nesting, it becomes easier to do off-trail work.

Avian Flu
Avian flu is an issue again. If you see a dead crow, raven, seagull or raptor, contact Resources staff right away. Do not touch the bird, keep visitors back, and radio Resources so they can check it out. Also, if you see a bird seizing or having head tremors, etc., please contact Resources staff. Avian flu was last seen here in 2015. It reached Canada at the beginning of this year and is now in the U.S., so please be alert.
NPS Photo P. Simpson
A gull opens its beak wide.
A huge thank you to all TPERP volunteers who worked shifts in January. We had approximately 7,000 interpretive contacts, a record for one month. Great job everyone!

NPS Photo C. Aurrecoechea
VIP Scott Bergen holds a radio triumphantly after it was recovered in the tidepools, thought to be lost forever.
Engagement Opportunities
We need YOUR help for an exciting special event! In 2019, Cabrillo held a 24-hour BioBlitz – and we’re doing it again this year on April 29th, 5pm – April 30th 5pm. What’s a BioBlitz, you ask? A BioBlitz is a concentrated effort to discover and document as many species of plants, animals, and other organisms in a certain period. It’s a ton of fun and contributes to data that scientists from all over the world use.

We definitely need many hands on-deck to execute this event. VIP roles include: 
  1. Researcher liaison – be here after/before hours to check in and help groups of scientists 
  2. BioBlitz information station – let the public know about the BioBlitz (much like working a VC shift) 
  3. BioBlitz rover – engage folks you see about the BioBlitz and take pictures to contribute to science

Never volunteered at a BioBlitz event, but would like to give it a try? Email [email protected] so we can ensure you are able to sign up!
Greenhouse VIPs Wanted
Image description: Greenhouse plants.
Greenhouse is accepting new volunteers! No experience needed, just a willingness to learn and explore. 

At the greenhouse, you will learn about our staple native plants and how to best propagate them, how to collect, clean and store seeds, and best practices for planting and watering. A big thank you to the current greenhouse crew for help with planting projects off the coastal trail. We are almost done with our planting season, but lots of work needs to be accomplished at the greenhouse and seed collection will be underway in just a couple of months from now. 

Thank you for your patience as we are implementing new Best Management Practices (BMPs) at the greenhouse to be in compliance with the nursery industry.  
Email [email protected] to learn more about signing up to volunteer at the greenhouse!
Gray Whale Season Is Here!
It’s Gray While migration season, and we’re having a whale of a good time up at Whale Watch Overlook! Join the Conservation and Environmental Stewardship youth apprentices and Sam Wynns most Thursdays in February, from 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM to look for whales and to learn more about them at the Science Explorer’s Club Cart. We’ve been seeing tons of whales, so don’t miss your opportunity!  
Image description: A ranger in green with a tan flat hat stands next to a volunteer in a blue windbreaker and tan baseball cap. Both people look at the ocean through black binoculars.
Virtual Talks On All Things Birds
Hey Bird Nerds! Join the Lake Roosevelt Bird Fest 2022 for FREE virtual talks on all things bird! The festival runs  February 22 – 25, with presentations from 6:00 AM – 2:45 PM. Cabrillo’s very own Sam Wynns will be presenting about bird communication twice during the festival on 2/22 at 12:00 PM and 2/23 at 11:00 AM. You must register in advance for any of these workshops here: 
Partner Updates: CNMF
Volunteers Needed for Upcoming Moonwalk
Moonwalk – Wednesday, February 16 

Volunteers are still needed for the CNMF Moonwalk from 5 pm – 7:30 pm on Wednesday, February 16. This is a special opportunity to enjoy sunset and moonrise at the park!

Never volunteered at a Moonwalk, but would like to give it a try?

Email [email protected] so we can provide more details and ensure you are able to sign up!

CNMF is Hiring
Please share this job opportunity with anyone you know who might be interested. Cabrillo National Monument Foundation (CNMF) is hiring for a Visitor Center Associate to work in the Cabrillo Store. This is a paid, part-time position. We have an opening on Tuesdays from 9:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. as well as some Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Deadline to apply is February 18th! 

CNMF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and the premier supporter of science, education, cultural, and historical programs at Cabrillo National Monument, San Diego’s only National Park. Sales made at the Cabrillo Store fund many Park programs which would not exist without the Foundation. For more information about the Foundation and specific programs we fund, visit
If you are interested in applying, please send a cover letter email and resume to Store Manager, Dana Kaminski, at [email protected]
Celebrating Black History Month
Image description: Park Ranger Shelton Johnson portrays one of the U.S. Army's Buffalo Soldiers as part of his interpretation of Yosemite's history. Found on
In the month of February, we observe and celebrate Black History Month. The National Park Service and our partners share stories, rich culture, and an invitation for all Americans to reflect on Black history in parks and communities across the country.

The Office of Outdoor Recreation highlighted some figures that have been crucial to the evolution of public lands and outdoor recreation.

On the VIP Voice
Time Lapse Video of Changing Tides

A time lapse video was created on January 31, 2022 of the changing tides at Cabrillo National Monument. The video was created over nine hours showing the progression from high tide (+7.3 feet) around 8am going to a low tide (-2.0 feet) around...

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