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3 May 2022
3 de mayo 2022
Order Coffee ...
Sandra carefully dries your coffee under the tropical sun for 4 or 5 days
(Photo by John Kurc)
Order some delicious 100% organic coffee cultivated, roasted, and packed by the Café Justo cooperative. Frontera de Cristo and Café Justo developed the Coffee and Compassion program in 2020 in response to the economic downturn due to COVID and the concurrent drop in sales of Café Justo when churches stopped meeting together in person.

We are also working with the farmers to provide coffee at migrant hospitality centers in Nogales, Agua Prieta, Reynosa, Gomez Palacio, Sasabe, and Tapachula through the Love Mercy, Do Justice ministry.

To order coffee by mail instead of online, just download this form.
This Week's Conversation
Join the conversation by Zoom:
But the Q&A sheet here:
Join the conversations by Zoom:
June 2 de junio
Choosing Welcome in the Face of Rejection:
Migration in the Borderlands
July 7 de julio
The Border as a Place of Encounter:
Life and Faith of Frontera de Cristo
Chiapas, Here I Come! Everyone who participates in at least one of our Thursday "conversations" between February 3 and July 7 will have their name entered into a raffle for a $700 scholarship to attend our Border-to-Border Delegation to Chiapas in November (see the flyer below). Participate in two: get your name entered two times. Four? Get your name entered four times. Just one prize will be awarded, but you still have three more chances! Join us this Thursday!
Celebrate the 20th Anniversary
of Café Justo in Chiapas!
Sign up now for this amazing trip! You can register online here, or you can download the PDF registration form and mail it in with your deposit.
Café Justo Videos
Please enjoy our videos about Café Justo, the coffee growers and their families, and the blessing of this amazing cooperative to folks on both sides of the border. 
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