Cafe Update

Week of August 7, 2022

Hello Cafe Family,

As we continue to navigate our individual journeys, let us consider how we can collectively maneuver to create a world where all possibilities are considered when confronted with challenging opportunities. This week's update provides information about many engagements where we can explore those possibilities in our homes, our community and beyond.

We would love to see you at Wednesday's Colors Cafe! We will share stories and music about colors and co-create around this inspiring theme.

August's Cafe Creativity Collection includes many items to celebrate the colors in your life and create your own original works or co-create with others. Download the guide to create your own kit or adapt to you and your household's interests and abilities.

We close out this week's update with information about another organization shifting the narrative around dementia--Dementia Possibilities. Save the dates for this year's conference in September!

To learn more about the Hummingbird Memory Cafe and our collective creativity, visit

Please let the café know if there is anything else we can do to support your journey. Contact us at or call 505-787-6322.

May this week provide opportunities to co-create with others and engage in experiences that celebrate all of the colors around us.

Please share this update and any of the details contained within with others who might benefit from knowing they are not alone and that there are others who are learning about ways to live well with dementia and find joy in their JOurneYs.

Join us at the Colors Cafe August 10 2:00 PM MT as we celebrate the colors in our lives and co-create around this inspiring theme! The cafe will open at 1:45 PM MT for song requests!

Use this link to join:

This month's creativity kit includes multiple suggestions for creating around the theme of Colors. 

14 requests for kits were filled and delivered via USPS this week.

Use this link to read and download the kit's guide:

Join the Dementia Possibilities Team as we explore how we can live well with dementia and find joy in all of our JOurneYs.

September 9 we will gather online via Zoom. September 10 we will gather in person in Santa Fe.

More details coming soon!

Check out last year's conference by visiting the Dementia Possibilities YouTube Channel.

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