Issue highlights:
Read below for more news and events.
The legislative session ends on Aug. 31 and Gov. Gavin Newsom has until Sept. 30 to sign or veto measures passed by the Legislature. Join the Cal Cities team for a review of the top bills on the Governor’s desk that cities will want to consider advocating for or against. Register today
Few communities have collaborated as extensively when supporting unhoused residents as Corona and Norco, something experts cite as a primary factor in reducing homelessness. For Corona, its low-barrier, systems-oriented approach led to a sustained, 33% drop in the number of unsheltered residents. Read more
The Annual Conference and Expo is just one month away! Join Cal Cities and over 1,700 city officials in Long Beach for three days of learning, collaboration, and celebration. Scheduled for Sept. 7-9, the annual conference is the way to spur important ideas and discussions about challenging, city-specific issues. Read more
The federal government launched a critical railroad safety improvement grant program. Additionally, the Local Infrastructure Hub, a partnership between the National League of Cities and Bloomberg Philanthropies, is holding a webinar about the federal Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program. The National League of Cities also released new data about how cities are using American Rescue Plan Act funds, including in the arts. Read more
Friday, Aug. 5, 10:30 a.m. — Are you working on your first municipal tax, assessment, or fee? Are you puzzled by Propositions 218, 26, and 13? Are you an established attorney looking for a refresher in municipal revenue sources? If so, this "Essential Hour" presentation is designed for you! Join us for a presentation where we discuss municipal finance basics, offer tips and suggestions, and provide some suggested best practices. Participatory minimum continuing legal education credit is available to those who participate in the “live” webinar. Register today
Tuesday, Aug. 9, 1:00 p.m. — Since becoming Cal Cities President in 2021, Walnut Creek Mayor Pro Tem Cindy Silva has shaped discussions that set Cal Cities' 2022 advocacy priorities, led delegations to the state and federal Capitols to advocate on behalf of cities, and urged lawmakers for funding to advance city priorities. Join us for the August installment of our Speaker Series, where President Silva will discuss what it means to be a leader, drawing on her experience in Cal Cities, local government, and business. Register today
The League of California Cities is seeking forward-looking session proposals for the City Managers Conference, a three-day educational and peer-sharing event. Scheduled Feb. 8-10 in Carlsbad, the conference will bring together more than 500 California city managers, including deputy and assistant city managers, to discuss the most pertinent issues affecting cities. Read more
Cal OES is hosting an Aug. 24 webinar on the federal Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities fund. The program supports hazard mitigation projects at the local level and will replace the existing Pre-Disaster Mitigation program. The webinar will cover key program dates, requirements, changes, and preparative steps. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is also holding a series of webinars on its hazard mitigation programs, many of which focus on the new program. Read more
The California Statewide Communities Development Authority announced the issuance of $8,363,000 in affordable housing bonds for Noble Creek Apartments in Beaumont. The bonds will support the acquisition and rehabilitation of 72 affordable housing apartments. The apartments will remain 100% affordable and provide one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments to very-low and low-income residents. Read more
It is officially week one of the Legislature’s committee hearing palooza. By the end of Aug. 3, Senate and Assembly appropriations committees will have heard nearly 650 bills, with more on the way next week. Then, it is off to the appropriations committee’s suspense files — a biannual financial gauntlet that determines the fates of certain measures based on their financial impact. Any bills that survive this legislative culling will then move to the floor for a vote and potentially, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk for his signature or veto. Read more
Cal Cities is accepting leadership applications for the chair and vice chair positions for all seven policy committees. Made up of city officials from throughout the state, policy committees actively shape and steer Cal Cities’ advocacy efforts. The chair and vice chair roles are critical positions, as they work with the committee to develop and provide recommendations to the Cal Cities Board of Directors to determine the organization's policy positions. Applications must be submitted online by Aug. 12. Read more
Cal Cities is accepting online applications for the Coastal Cities Group Leadership Committee through Aug. 12. Composed of the 61 cities located within the coastal zone, the Coastal Cities Group collaborates on sea level rise mitigation efforts, land use regulations, and other coastal issues. Applicants will be reviewed on their leadership skills, policy awareness, expertise on coastal issues, and experience within Cal Cities. Read more
Public officials often want to participate in public discussions about ballot measures. But the risks can be high. Laws that control election-related advocacy by local government agencies and officials are more restrictive than laws governing private campaigners. There is a difference between public officials informing constituents about issues in an impartial, factual way, and using public funds to campaign for or against a ballot measure. Read more
Tuesday, Aug. 9, 11:00 a.m. — Although many local governments have successfully leveraged technology to increase public participation, engaging under-resourced communities continues to be a challenge. Drawing on examples from several local governments, this webinar will explore ways to design a sustainable and equitable virtual engagement strategy that accounts for language access, digital literacy, intentional outreach, and collaboration with community organizations and champions. Register today
I started this year with just one goal: To help all of us, as city leaders, re-energize and put new vigor into our collective work to improve the quality of life of all Californians. Little did I know, the year would turn out to be so much more. I learned valuable lessons that will serve me well beyond this year as president. Read more
Public agencies are often caught between demands for swift action to solve or hide homelessness and the reality that sustainable solutions take time, investment, and political will to bring to scale. Officials throughout California are finding bold, creative ways to break this decades-old stalemate. Read more
Aug. 5
Aug. 9
Sept. 1
Sept. 7-9
Dec. 7-8 (Save the date!)
Dec. 7-8 (Save the date!)
Dec.7-9 (Save the date!)
Feb. 8-10 (Save the date!)
Mar. 8-10 (Save the date!)