News about California Community Colleges building makerspaces with support from the CCC Maker CCCCO grant under the Doing What Matters for Jobs and the Economy framework. 

Project Updates June 2019
Final CCC Maker initiative activities included:
  • CCC Maker premiered the final initiative video, The Impact and Potential of College Makerspaces at Maker Faire in May and it is on the CCC Maker You Tube channel.
  • CCC Maker community college students told their stories of transformation at the CCC Maker Student Showcase on Friday, May 17 at the Maker Faire Bay Area.
  • CCC Maker students and college teams hosted a booth at Maker Faire.
  • The CCC Maker Makermatic Workbook for Coaches was finalized and it and other CCC Maker publications are being posted on the website.
  • The make/SHIFT Makerspace Ecosystem Summit videos produced by community college student, Truong L Nguyen, were posted on the CCC Maker You Tube channel featuring highlights, the keynote speakers and the Community College President's Panel.
  • Representatives from CCC Maker colleges and the leadership team made five presentations at the California State University Maker Convening held May 30-31 at CSU Sonoma.
  • CCC Maker and Sierra College papers were accepted for the International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces (ISAM) to be held October 16-18, 2019 at Yale University in New Haven, CT. Five CCC Maker videos were are submitted for consideration.
  • 570 people have downloaded the CCC Maker Makerspace Startup Guide
  • Participating colleges submitted final fiscal and narrative reports for the initiative by June 13. 
  • The CCC Maker  team worked on the final report for the initiative and will provide it to the Chancellor's Office by July 25, 2019; it will be posted on the website.
  • The CCC Maker website will remain online to serve as a resource for the Maker Community.
Colleges Report Final Makerspace Impact

The CCC Maker colleges quantified results of their makerspaces in June and they are automatically tabulated and posted in real time on the CCC Maker website. The results can also be viewed by college or by quarter.

Data from September 2017 though May 2019 showed that as a result of CCC Maker:
  • 63,740 students have been engaged & makerspace visits average nearly 3 hours
  • 642 faculty participated and have experienced 1142 professional development activities
  • 513 courses have been held at a makerspace and 2247 badges were earned
  • 838 students have completed internships
  • 1228 employers are involved and have attended 383 advisory meetings
  • 725 blog posts were written telling makespace stories
  • $7,933,451 in matching funds have supported the CCC Maker makerspaces
College Makerspace Network Drives Innovation

In less than three years, the CCC Maker Initiative has seen an acceleration of development in all four project outcomes: Internships, Makerspace Development, Community of Practice and Curriculum. Across the network, college makerspaces are driving innovation, improving student performance and preparing students for careers.

CCC Maker colleges have demonstrated significant value to their internal and external ecosystems. As the CCC Maker initiative concludes, colleges are funding makerspaces with Strong Workforce, Perkins, NSF and Title III grants as well as institutional, bond and private funding. Longer term sustainability is growing as apportionment funds are increasing with formalized curriculum, colleges monetize their makerspaces to cover supplies and equipment, and colleges team up to access regional funds.

A well laid foundation of transdisciplinary collaboration and equitable, inclusive programming now exists to fulfill the needs of the broadest range of students and to meet the goals of the California Community College Chancellor's Office Vision for Success.

Faculty members are collaborating across disciplines to identify opportunities for contextualized learning, transdisciplinary research and career exploration in makerspaces, and as a result are redefining what it means to be well educated in the 21st century:
  • Extensive K-12 and community outreach activities are building STEAM pathways to post-secondary education (Allan Hancock, Hartnell, Moreno Valley & Sierra colleges). 
  • Non-traditional students, including many returning students, are actively utilizing makerspaces to gain new technical, creative and soft skills, and have successfully translated their experience into employment opportunities, entrepreneurial ventures and transfer (Folsom Lake, Sacramento City & Sierra)
Formal curricula at the course and program level are integrating makerspaces into:
  • Student success and tutoring programs (Butte & Sacramento City)
  • Course and Certificate approvals (Glendale & Sacramento City)
  • Entrepreneurship programs (Sierra & Cabrillo)
  • Teacher prep programs (Foothill)
  • Interdisciplinary research (Folsom Lake)
  • Math, English and Humanities (Sierra, Butte & Woodland)
Makerspaces seeded by CCC Maker are creating off-shoots in multiple locations:
  • Mobile makerspaces (Moreno Valley & Mt San Jacinto)
  • Libraries (Allan Hancock, City College of San Francisco & Woodland)
  • K-12 partners (College of Alameda & Moreno Valley)
The CCC Maker network now has college makerspaces:
  • Focused on a range of growing technologies including digital fabrication, digital and multi-media, AR/VR, biotech, drone technology, mechatronics, coding and wearable tech.
  • Producing prototypes for surfboards, bio-packaging and prosthetic devices as well as student businesses in fashion, furniture and food. 
  • Becoming solution centers for local businesses working with student teams to solve real world problems and have drawn mentors whose expertise is freely available to students in a supportive, informal environment.
Students Lead CCC Maker Network Gathering at Maker Faire 

The Student Showcase as well as the student run booth at Maker Faire fulfilled the CCC Maker leadership's vision of empowering students through community college makerspace communities. 

The Student Showcase was MC'd by Folsom Lake College student Nicole Shuman. Ten students from seven community colleges shared their projects as well as personal and professional growth gained through the makerspace experience at their campuses. 

The student presenters received comments and affirmations from a team of mentors including Kevin Cobb, Principle of AP Architects; Denise Bushnell, Professor of Computer Science at Sierra College; and Brian McKeown, a CCC Maker advisory committee member. The students' slide decks and video clips are posted under resources on the CCC Maker website.
Makermatic Contributes to Over 800 Internships 

Collectively, CCC Maker colleges exceeded the initiative's goal of 800 internships. These work-based experiences increased student and employer engagement, and prepared participants to be an adaptable workforce using entrepreneurial and makerspace skills. For example, College of Alameda collaborated with Elder Care Alliance. The students developed simple art and maker projects for seniors. Using the scalable team internship approach of Makermatic, Cabrillo College students worked with Calfee Design on the challenge of bringing the Calfee Streamliner electric trike vehicle prototype to market.

CCC Maker developed the Makermatic Team Internship model as a way to streamline the typical internship model of matching one student to one employer. This was tested at six CCC Maker colleges with very positive results. Makermatic Workbook for Coaches has been published and is posted on the CCC Maker website for free download. To share the colleges' experiences as they prototyped the internship approach, a second open source publication will soon be available: Makermatic: A Scalable Approach to Team Internships.
CSU & CCC Build CA's Makerspace Network 

CCC Maker representatives presented five topics at the the CSU Makerspace Convening at CSU Somona, expanding the higher education makerspace community in California.
  • Courtney Cogan, Employment Specialist, Goodwill Central Coast & Internship Coordinator, Cabrillo College
  • Maura Devlin-Clancy, MakerSPHERE Coordinator, San Francisco City College
  • Zach Dowell, Faculty Lead, Innovation Center, Folsom Lake College
  • John Graulty, Dean of Visual, Applied, and Performing Arts, Cabrillo College
  • John Hogan, Graphic Arts Instructor, Laney College
  • Clare Sadnik, Makerspace Director, Moorpark College with Ayrlron Arellano & Ivy Lovett, students
  • Deborah Bird, Technical Assistance Provider, CCC Maker 
  • Salomon Davila, Technical Assistance Provider, CCC Maker 
  • Goli Mohammadi, Publication Writer, CCC Maker
  • Carol Pepper-Kittredge, Statewide Project Director, CCC Maker 
CCC Maker Colleges in the News

Moorpark College Student Voice (May 8, 2019) Makerspace looks to adapt after the end of $250,000 grant By Danny Stipanovich 

Saving US Manufacturing ( May 8, 2019) -- Makerspaces Play new Role in Career Technical Training at Community Colleges by Michele Nash-Hoff

Boing Boing (May 10, 2019) Maker Faire: A "Bright Spot" for the Future by Dale Dougherty (May 14, 2019) Transformative College Makerspaces Prepare Students for Careers

Diversity in STEAM Magazine (May 2019) Urban Workshop Sets High Bar For Makerspaces by Michele Nash-Hoff
Important Dates

July 18, 2019 ISAM deadline to submit posters with abstract and videos for ISAM Oct 16-18 conference

Oct. 12-13, 2019 Fifth Annual Maker Ed Convening in Pittsburgh, PA (

Oct. 16-18, 2019 ISAM 2019 at Yale University in New Haven, CT

June 3-5, 2020 NACCE make/SHIFT Makerspace Ecosystem Summit will be in Coeur d'Alene, ID hosted by North Idaho College
Carol Pepper-Kittredge | CCC Maker | 916-660-7801 | Email Carol | CCC Maker Website

The CCC Maker initiative is funded by Grant # 16-203-001 awarded by the California Community College Chancellor'sOffice , Workforce and Economic Development Division, to Sierra Joint Community College District.