Meet the Calaveras Crew!
Jessica Honnold
Arnold Customer Service Representative (2 years)

Where did you grow up? “I grew up in Arnold.”

What are some of your hobbies? “Knitting, cross stitching, home renovation & do-it-yourself projects.”

What is one of your favorite local spots to visit? “I like walking along the Arnold Rim Trail.”

What do you like about your job? “I enjoy talking with people.”

What is your New Years Resolution? “to be more eco-friendly.”

Favorite Food? “Vanilla Mochi, a Japanese dessert”
Daniel Mack
Commercial Frontload Driver (3 years) 

Where did you grow up? “I grew up in Valley Springs.”

What are some of your hobbies? “Anything health & fitness related, like nutrition, and training. I also like Martial Arts, target practicing, & fishing.”

Favorite place to fish? "Camanche Lake and Middle Bar Bridge"

Favorite local spot to visit? “The cross on top of the mountain in Valley Springs! It overlooks the whole town & I have a lot of great memories growing up with my brothers there!”

What do you like about your job? “with a Frontload route, I’m able to get out of the truck frequently and keep active.”

New Years Resolution? “to find balance in the things I prioritize, and the things I should prioritize.” 
Get the Cal-Waste Recycles Right app today!

You can request service reminders and notifications, so that you never miss a can or cart pick up.
Save Resources And Help The Environment By Signing Up For E-Billing!
If it is your first time logging into the E-Billing portal, make sure you have one of your monthly statements handy. You will need your Account Number and Access Code from your statement to register.

Once your account is setup, you will go to "Billing Options" and set "E-Mail Notifications With Bill Attached" to "ON". Simple as that! If you have any additional questions or you are in need of help with this process,
please call us at (209) 795-1532.
Reminder: Please make sure all snow is cleared on and around all carts, cans, and containers so they can be serviced. If you utilize a bear box for your receptacles, please be sure to clear a path up to and in front of your bear boxes. If we are unable to access your cart, can, or container we may not be able to provide service.
We're hiring for a Commercial Driver
in Calaveras County!
Local Business Spotlight: Bistro Espresso
Bistro has been family owned and operated since 2005. Our shop was expanded at its old location to include concerts on the patio with an expanded interior space. We outgrew that location with a vision to serve the community in a larger venue and expansion of our menu offerings. We are now located in the center of town, open daily from 8-6pm, proudly serving a variety of options with a large open outdoor space for families to run around and play. We offer FREE concerts with our Taco Tuesday events and other live music events throughout the summer months. Our focus is in serving our community with a friendly and professional experience as well as preparing excellent options to eat in an environment you will enjoy.

Larry has been the sole proprietor at its original location in Meadowmont Center. Having come from a professional career as a mechanic he saw an opportunity to do something different, closer to home. Larry has a passion for helping others and enjoys the great outdoors in the Sierra Mountains. He has four daughters, an amazing son-in-law and two grandchildren. He is married to a special woman with two children who shares his passion for serving the community and building the business to its full potential. They have hired on an incredible support team over the last few years to assist us in our growth.

Larry and Nicole are grateful for community support during the Covid-19 pandemic and look forward to serving the Arnold community for many more years. They specialize in American food; serving breakfast and lunch all day. They get rave reviews for our burgers and BBQ, high quality salads and other selections. They serve organic, fair trade espresso and coffee drinks.
If you would like to have your business featured in the future, please email us at CustomerServiceCalaveras@Cal-Waste.com
Contact our helpful Customer Service Team!


The Cal-Waste Team