About The CalCoast Wave

CalCoast™ publishes The CalCoast™ WAVE Thursdays without charge to readers up and down the California coast and around the world. CalCoast™ WAVE readers are from federal, state and local governments, as well as NGOs, coastal consultants, academia and students. We have been publishing our weekly e-newsletter since 1997 and we now reach more than 3,200 readers each week .
Each edition of The CalCoast™ WAVE includes important and relevant news articles and op-eds, timely announcements about grants, fellowships, etc. from government agencies, NGOs and others, as well as relevant information about conferences, meetings, and job openings. We encourage readers to forward the CalCoast™ WAVE to friends and colleagues. In addition, please send us any news tips, announcements, events, or job openings that may be of interest to our readers.
Please add steveaceti@calcoast.org to your address book so The CalCoast™ WAVE does not end up in a Junk Mail folder. Thank you for reading The CalCoast™ WAVE!

Editor's Notes:

Beverly Hills Bans the Sale of All Tobacco Products
Last month, the Beverly Hills City Council unanimously approved an ordinance to prohibit the sale of tobacco products in the city starting on January 1, 2021.  Key provisions of the ordinance include:

  • A permanent exemption/carve out for three existing cigar lounges;
  • Effective January 1, 2021, hotels, existing and future, may only sell to guests;
  • Effective January 1, 2021, all other businesses shall stop selling tobacco products;
  • A hardship exemption provision for retailers that demonstrate the ban would cause undue  hardship; and
  • City Council review of the impacts on tourism in three years.
The city banned the sale of flavored tobacco products last year. For more information about the new ban, call (310) 285-2424 or click here.
Highlights From The Articles & Content Below:


  • 'Retreat' Not An Option For A California Beach Town, But It's Already Happening In Duval County
  • $97M in RESTORE Act Funding for 5 Gulf Coast States
  • Can the "masters of the flood" help Texas protect its coast from hurricanes?
  • Governor calls proposed federal regs to protect right whale 'foolish'
  • Mega pod of dolphins frolic off California coast
  • While Homeless Population Balloons, San Francisco Residents Use Environmental Lawsuit to Stop Homeless Shelter
  • Property taxes to increase 2% for most homeowners this year



For a list of current grant opportunites, please click here.

Coastal Commission News
Federal Government
State Government
Drought, Water, & Wetlands News
Beach & Coastal News
Local Government News
Climate Change & Environmental News

For a list of current announcements, please click here.

Employment Opportunities

For a list of current employment opportunities, please click here.

For a list of conferences and meetings, as well as a digiral calenddar of events, please click here.

You have received this e-newsletter from the California Coastal Coalition (CalCoast™), a non-profit advocacy group comprised of 35 coastal cities; five counties; SANDAG, BEACON and SCAG; private sector partners and NGO's, committed to protecting and restoring California's coastline through beach sand restoration, increasing the flow of natural sediment, wetlands recovery, improved water quality, watershed management and the reduction of marine debris and plastic pollution. When possible, we try to post articles that are not protected by pay walls.  
Steven Aceti, JD
Executive Director,  
California Coastal Coalition

3132 Avenida Alcor | Carlsbad, CA 92009