Dear CRA Members,
I want to update you on two new pieces of information related in COVID in California.
At today's LA County BOS meeting, the board of Supervisors supported Dr. Barbara Ferrer's recommendation to move forward with the vaccine verification. You can access the presentation from the Public Health Department HERE with the recommendations on the final page (page 17).
The update HOO is expected to be released by the end of this week. The first
vaccination dose will be required by October 7 and the second by November 4.
I am pleased to share with you that due to CRA proactive outreach on this issue, retail is NOT included in the ordinance.
Here are the specifics:
- Require vaccine verification or a negative test <72 hours prior at outdoor mega events for participants and employees
- Require vaccine verification for customers and employees at indoor portions of bars, wineries, breweries, nightclubs, and lounges (establishments with either no restaurant permit or a low risk restaurant permits
- Strongly recommend vaccine verification at indoor portions of restaurants
- Maintain indoor masking requirement
This was just a receive and file, there was no vote. There was also no objections from any of the supervisors.
Cal/OSHA Advisory Committee Invitation to discuss draft
COVID-19 Permanent Regulation
Steve McCarthy, CRA's Vice President for Public Policy has been invited by
Cal/OSHA to serve on the COVID-19 advisory committee that will be meeting on September 23, 2021.
The advisory committee will provide input to Cal/OSHA on proposed permanent COVID-19 prevention regulations. Further information on the meeting including an agenda and draft text will be posted on Cal/OSHA’s advisory meetings webpage for COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards.
The committee will consist of persons from business and industry, labor and community groups, public agencies, and the health sciences.
Once we receive materials for the meeting, we will forward to member companies for input.
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out directly the Steve HERE.