Emergency Rental Assistance Program
As of February 1, 2021, the County of Orange launched an Emergency Rental Assistance program and will accept applications through February 28 from eligible renter households with unpaid rent or utility bills due to the impact of COVID-19.
- Rental households that can demonstrate their housing is at risk due to unpaid rent or utility bills resulting from their income being negatively affected by COVID-19.
- Rental households who have rental arrears or past due utility bills and home energy costs. Does not include past due internet or telephone bills.
- The household’s income must be at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).
- The households cannot be receiving federal rental subsidies or receiving assistance from other rental programs.
Households in Orange County, excluding the Cities of Anaheim, Santa Ana and Irvine, which are ineligible for this program. Click on the name of the city to be connected to their Rental Assistance programs.
Click here to access the ERA frequently asked questions.
Eviction Moratorium Extended
On January 29, 2021, Governor Newsom signed legislation to extend the state’s landmark eviction moratorium through June 30, 2021. The legislation pauses evictions for tenants who declare under penalty of perjury an inability to pay all or part of their rent for COVID-19 related reasons. Tenants are still responsible for paying unpaid amounts to property owners, but those unpaid amounts cannot be the basis for an eviction, even after the moratorium ends.
Click here to access the full press release.
Othena Manages COVID-19 Vaccination
Individuals who live or work in Orange County can register online through www.Othena.com to view available appointments and to stay informed about future availability.
Othena is a vaccine scheduling system created by CuraPatient in conjunction with leading health care experts and public health agencies, including Orange County Health Care Agency. Othena is a highly secure (digitally encrypted and HIPAA compliant) app that matches you with vaccine providers, sets up your appointments, and guides you before, during, and after your vaccination. In addition to making an appointment for your primary vaccine, Othena will help you ensure you receive the correct second dose at the correct time.
Social Services Agency to Re-open Four Regional Centers
The County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA) announced that it will re-open four regional offices with limited functionality effective Monday, February 1, 2021, in accordance with the state’s lifting of the stay-at-home order. The re-opening will provide Orange County residents with additional access to public assistance benefits and related services, while continuing to provide safeguards that help maintain the protection of SSA clients and staff during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Beginning February 1, 2021, the following locations will be open to the public with limited functionality, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.:
Anaheim Regional Center, 3320 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim, CA 92806
Laguna Hills Regional Center, 23330 Moulton Parkway, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Garden Grove Regional Center, 12912 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, CA 92840
Santa Ana Regional Center, 1928 S. Grand Ave., Bldg. B & C, Santa Ana, CA 92705
The same services provided by the regional offices can be accessed online, as well the SSA Call Center. SSA urges OC residents to use alternative access points, if possible.
Click here to access the press release.
OC Health Care Agency COVID-19 Vaccine Newsletter
Sign up to receive the HCA’s Vaccine Facts newsletter and receive a weekly digest of information and the news you need to know. Click here to subscribe.
Upcoming Webinar in the Community
Health Equity Issues and the Community Experience
Provider Alert: Medi-Cal and COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A (posted 1/22/21)
CalOptima Regulatory Alerts
Due to the rapidly changing situation surrounding COVID-19, CalOptima is posting a roundup of federal/state rules, guidance and news related to COVID-19. It will be updated frequently.
Below are the recent COVID-19 Regulatory Highlights:
DHCS Equitable Access to Oxygen Services for Medi-Cal Members (posted 1/25/21)
CDPH SNF Conference Call Notification Weekly COVID-19 Update Call Notes (posted 1/22/21 through 1/15/21)
DHCS Women’s Preventive Health QI Postcard (posted 1/14/21)
CDPH HCF Conference Call Notification Weekly COVID-19 Update Call Notes (posted 1/25/21 through 1/14/21)
Providers and other health care professionals with questions can contact the Provider Relations department by phone at 714-246-8600 or email at providerservices@caloptima.org.
How to Contact CalOptima During the COVID-19 Pandemic
CalOptima Customer Service remains ready to respond to member needs. Members can call Customer Service from the safety of their home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have staff who speak their language.
Medi-Cal toll-free: 1-888-587-8088
OneCare Connect toll-free: 1-855-705-8823
OneCare toll-free: 1-877-412-2734
TTY 711
PACE: 1-714-468-1100; toll-free: 1-855-785-2584
PACE TTY: 1-714-468-1063
Our buildings are closed to members, but we are continuing to serve our members through our Customer Service phone lines, as we adhere to guidelines to reduce the possibility of COVID-19 transmission.
505 City Parkway West
Orange, CA 92868
Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
13300 Garden Grove Blvd.
Garden Grove, CA 92843
County Community Service Center
15496 Magnolia Street, Suite 111
Westminster, CA 92610
(Limited community partners are providing services on-site. CalOptima services are being provided remotely to ensure the safety of our members and employees.)
For CalOptima-specific updates on COVID-19, please visit our home page at www.caloptima.org.
National information can be found on the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) website at www.coronavirus.gov and local information can be found at the Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA) website at www.occovid19.ochealthinfo.com.
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