July 22, 2020
OC COVID-19 Testing Super Site
Appointments Required
COVID-19 testing is now available through an appointment-based drive-thru site that can serve more than 1,000 people daily. Testing is available for Orange County residents at no-cost for people who meet Public Health priorities for testing and cannot get a test through their medical provider (doctor).

Who Can Get Tested?

Should you have health insurance, please get testing through your provider. This is very important if you have an HMO. If your provider cannot assist you or you do not have insurance, Orange County residents may get tested at the Anaheim Convention Center Testing Site if they meet the following requirements:


The drive-thru COVID-19 testing is located at the Anaheim Convention Center, West Street entrance on Wednesday-Sunday from 8 a.m.–4 p.m. APPOINTMENTS ARE REQUIRED.

To make an appointment and for more information about the Anaheim Convention Center testing site process go to http://occovid19.ochealthinfo.com/supersite .
Governor Gavin Newsom Lays Out Pandemic Plan for Learning and Safe Schools  
On July 17, Governor Newsom announced his plan for learning and safe schools ahead of the 2020–2021 school year, as the California Department of Public Health issued a framework for when and how schools should reopen for in-person instruction.

The Governor’s plan centers on five key areas:

  1. Safe in-person school based on local health data
  2. Strong mask requirements for anyone in the school
  3. Physical distancing requirements & other adaptations
  4. Regular testing and dedicated contact tracing for outbreaks at schools
  5. Rigorous distance learning

Click here for the full guidance from the California Department of Public Health. 
California Hope Helpline for Those Who Need
Emotional Support
California HOPE (CalHOPE) builds community resiliency and helps people recover from disasters through free outreach, crisis counseling and support services. The CalHOPE Warm Line is 833-317-HOPE (4673).

CalHOPE services include:
  • Individual and group crisis counseling and support
  • Individual and public education
  • Community networking and support
  • Connection to resources
  • Media and public service announcements

CalHOPE’s values are:
  • Help — Give support in a caring an inclusive manner.
  • Outreach — Connect with people, communities, volunteers and partner organizations
  • Possibilities — Provide Opportunity to recover and improve
  • Empowerment — Strengthen communities with knowledge, tools and resources
CalHOPE delivers crisis support for communities impacted by a national disaster. It is a Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP) funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)​, and run by Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)​.
For more details visit the CalHOPE website .
Providers Encouraged to Ask
Suicide-Screening Questions
California medical and behavioral health providers are encouraged to ask their patients the four “ Ask Suicide-Screening Questions ” developed by the National Institute of Mental Health. The request was from the directors of DHCS and DPH and the California Surgeon General.
As the COVID-19 public health emergency continues, many Californians are continuing to experience secondary impacts on their mental health. Social isolation, financial insecurity, and unemployment all drive increases in deaths from suicide, overdose, and illness, disproportionately impacting communities of color. Individuals who have a history of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are particularly at risk.
Suicide Prevention Resources:

Help for health care workers:
Routine Vaccination During the COVID-19 Outbreak
A CDC report released in May 2020 found a troubling drop in routine childhood vaccinations as a result of families staying at home. While families followed public health warnings about going out, an unfortunate result was many missed routine vaccinations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend every child continues to receive routine vaccinations during the COVID-19 outbreak.

It’s OK to see the doctor during COVID-19. Doctors are taking extra steps to protect your children during their visit, such as separating sick and well patients. Some clinics even offer curbside appointments, where you get care without leaving the car.
Contact Tracing Scams
The Orange County Sheriff wants you to beware of criminals looking to capitalize on the COVID-19 pandemic. Scams involving fraudulent contact tracers are being reported across the state. Most often, these scams come through in a spam text message with a clickable link.

Contact tracers will only call to determine any individuals you may have had close contact with, if you test positive for COVID-19. They will NEVER ask for any personal information, including your bank account, social security number or credit card number.
COVID-19 Hotline
State of California Department of Aging
COVID-19 has changed the lives of all Californians in so many ways. Millions of people of all ages are staying home to save lives and are having to reinvent how to live, work, and connect with our family, friends, and communities. Many are experiencing isolation, interruption in services, or loss of needed income due to the pandemic and resulting recession. Others cannot stay home because of essential work and services or do not have a home and face greater risks of exposure.

The California Department of Aging (CDA) is committed to learning from the challenges, changes and losses due to COVID-19. CDA will use these learnings to inform the Governor’s Master Plan for Aging, which will be released in December 2020.

The COVID-19 Impacts & Recommendation Survey, available in English , Spanish , and Chinese , invites respondents to share their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and thoughts on how to increase support for older adults, persons with disabilities, and families and caregivers throughout California.
CalOptima Regulatory Highlights
Due to the rapidly changing situation surrounding COVID-19, CalOptima is posting a round-up of federal/state rules, guidance and news related to COVID-19. It will be updated frequently, as we receive information from our regulatory agencies.
Below are the recent COVID-19 Regulatory Highlights:

  • Health Equity Postcard and COVID-19 Supplemental Resources (posted 7/14/20)
  • Suicide Prevention Letter (Medi-Cal) (posted 7/13/20)
  • COVID-19 Testing Task Force Lab List (posted 7/13/20)
  • Immunization Resources: Toolkit and Webinar (posted 7/10/20)
  • CMS Five Things About Nursing Homes During COVID-19 (posted 7/9/20)
  • DHCS Medi-Cal Reimbursement for Clinical Laboratory Services Related to COVID-19 (posted 7/8/20)

For Regulatory highlights prior to July 8, 2020, please visit the Providers section of our website at:  www.caloptima.org/en/Features/COVID-19/ProviderCommunication.aspx

Providers and other health care professionals with questions can contact the Provider Relations department by phone at 714-246-8600 or email at   providerservices@caloptima.org .
CalOptima Provider Alerts
Below is the recent Provider Alert:

  • Supporting Family Caregivers of Older Adults through Times of Stress and Isolation: A Panel Discussion (posted 7/10/20)

For Provider updates prior to July 10, 2020, please visit the Providers section of our website at:  www.caloptima.org/en/Features/COVID-19/ProviderCommunication.aspx
How to Contact CalOptima During the COVID-19 Pandemic
CalOptima Customer Service remains ready to respond to member needs. Members can call Customer Service from the safety of their home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have staff who speak their language.

  • Medi-Cal toll-free: 1-888-587-8088
  • OneCare Connect toll-free: 1-855-705-8823
  • OneCare toll-free: 1-877-412-2734
  • TTY 711
  • PACE at 1-714-468-1100 or toll-free at 1-855-785-2584
  • PACE TTY users can call toll-free at 1-714-468-1063

We are continuing to serve our members through our Customer Service phone lines, as we adhere to guidelines to reduce the possibility of transmission. Our buildings are closed to visitors .

505 City Parkway West
Orange, CA 92868
Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly ( PACE)
13300 Garden Grove Blvd.
Garden Grove, CA 92843
County Community Service Center
15496 Magnolia Street, Suite 111
Westminster, CA 92610

For CalOptima specific updates on COVID-19, please visit our home page at www.caloptima.org .

 National information can be found on the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) website at  www.coronavirus.gov and local information can be found at the Orange County Health Care Agency (OC HCA) website at www.occovid19.ochealthinfo.com .
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