Updates and
Michael Hunn Appointed Permanent CEO
On March 3, CalOptima’s Board of Directors appointed Michael Hunn as permanent CEO, effective immediately. Hunn started at CalOptima as interim CEO in November 2021, bringing nearly 25 years of experience and leadership in the health care industry to the agency.
“Each and every one of our members is counting on us to be champions for their health,” said Hunn. “I’m honored to be given the opportunity to serve them and be held accountable for ensuring we get it right each and every time.”
Read about Hunn’s background here.
CalOptima Prepares $2 Million CalFresh Campaign
CalOptima’s Board recently approved a $2 million campaign to address food insecurity among CalOptima members through the CalFresh program. The campaign includes contacting eligible members by mail, phone and text message; holding community events at grocery stores and community organizations; and working with the County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA) to streamline the CalFresh enrollment process.
CalFresh provides monthly food benefits of up to $250 for low-income individuals and up to $835 for a family of four.* Nearly 344,000 CalOptima members may be eligible for CalFresh but are not enrolled. CalOptima encourages staff and community partners to promote CalFresh with members who could benefit. *Eligibility requirements apply, and benefit amounts vary. Enrollment in CalFresh won’t impact immigration status.
InfoSeries: A Local and National Snapshot on Homelessness
The event will provide a presentation by Orange County United Way on the United to End Homelessness℠ initiative. It will also give attendees the opportunity to learn about solutions to address homelessness, dispel commonly held myths about the homeless population, CalAIM and services that support members experiencing homelessness.
CalOptima Seeks Candidates to Participate on Board Advisory Committees
Use your knowledge of California Children Services (CCS), Medi-Cal or Medicare to help guide and shape CalOptima's programs by joining one of the agency’s Board Advisory Committees.
Board Advisory Committee members provide input and recommendations to CalOptima’s Board of Directors. The following committees seek to fill seats during CalOptima’s annual recruitment, which takes place through March 31, 2022:
· Member Advisory Committee (must be a
....CalOptima Medi-Cal member)
· Provider Advisory Committee
· Whole-Child Model Family Advisory
Contact CalOptima Program Manager Cheryl Simmons at csimmons@caloptima.org or call 714-347-5785 for more information. Learn more about each committee and apply here.
The Orange County Health Care Agency makes it easy for individuals to get a COVID-19 vaccine. There are several ways to find an appointment. Click here for the various options.
CalOptima COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics for Kids and the Community
Children ages 5–11 accompanied by a parent/guardian and unvaccinated community members of all ages are invited to the upcoming CalOptima clinics from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on:
· 2nd Saturday of March and April (3/12 and 4/9) — Building 95 (MPR 100) 15751 Gothard St.,
...Huntington Beach
· 3rd Saturday of March and April (3/19 and 4/16) — St. Anthony Claret Catholic Church, 1450
...E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim
· 4th Saturday of March and April (3/26 and 4/23) — County of Orange Social Services Agency
..Central Regional Office, 2020 W. Walnut St., Santa Ana
CalOptima will be on-site to check CalOptima Medi-Cal eligibility, give $25 Member Health Rewards to eligible members and host a resource table. The County of Orange Social Services Agency will be on-site to provide CalFresh and Medi-Cal enrollment.
California Updates Masking Guidance
As of March 1, masks are no longer required for unvaccinated individuals, but are strongly recommended for all individuals in most indoor settings. Masks are still required for everyone in high transmission settings, such as public transit, emergency shelters, health care settings, correctional facilities, homeless shelters and long-term care facilities.
For K-12 schools and childcare facilities after March 11, masks will no longer be required but will be strongly recommended. Click here to read the state’s full guidance.
Update on Medi-Cal State Hearing Requests During COVID-19
At the start of the pandemic, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) extended the timeframe for Medi-Cal members to request State Hearings when a treatment is denied from 90 days to 210 days. On April 16, 2022, the extended timeframe of 210 days to submit a State Hearing request will end and the timeframe will go back to 90 days from the date on your Notice of Action. Click here to learn more.
Medi-Cal Dental Benefit Presentation
Smile, California is hosting two Facebook Live presentations for Medi-Cal members in March 2022 at 1 p.m. — one in English on March 10 and one in Spanish on March 11. The presentation will discuss the Medi-Cal dental benefit and answer questions from members and the community.
Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit
The Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit are substancial tax refund payments that people can receive when they file a tax return. The 2021 American Rescue Plan expanded who can receive these payments and increased the amount of money available to many families and individuals. Visit ChildTaxCredit.gov to learn more on how to get the Child Tax Credit and/or Earned Income Tax Credit.
Helping People Change and Grow Webinar
Working Through Bias Webinar
The CSU Fullerton Department of Social Work’s Integrated Behavioral Health Education and Leadership program and Be Well OC invite you to attend Helping People Change and Grow: Ambivalence, Motivation and Effective Clinical Skills, a virtual webinar on Friday, April 8, from 8:30 a.m.–1 p.m. Click here to register. Click here to access the flyer.
Join Planned Parenthood of Orange & San Bernardino Counties for a virtual webinar on Being a Trusted Adult: Working Through Bias on Wednesday, March 15, from 3-4 p.m. The webinar is recommended for professionals who work with youth. Click here to register.
How to Contact CalOptima During the COVID-19 Pandemic
CalOptima Customer Service remains ready to respond to member needs as we adhere to guidelines to reduce the possibility of COVID-19 transmission. Our building is closed to visitors. Members can call Customer Service from the safety of their home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have staff who speak their language. Members can also visit www.caloptima.org and access their member portal.
CalOptima, A Public Agency www.caloptima.org