Updates and
CalOptima COVID-19 Clinics Vaccinate Nearly 2,000 Community Members
A total of nearly 2,000 Orange County kids and community members received a COVID-19 vaccine at the COVID-19 vaccine clinics jointly hosted by CalOptima and the County of Orange, and over 500 CalOptima members received $25 Member Health Rewards. Thank you to St. Anthony Claret Catholic Church in Anaheim (December 4), Los Olivos Community Center in Irvine (December 8) and Toyota Place in Garden Grove (December 11) for hosting the clinics. More than 2,000 vaccinated community members are now safer from COVID-19 by participating in December's events.
Interim CEO Michael Hunn and other CalOptima leaders attended the December 4 clinic as the public received COVID-19 vaccines and booster shots, as well as information on community resources offered by the agency and local partners. The December 4 clinic was featured as a lead story by NBC Los Angeles in a televised broadcast.
CalOptima gives special thanks to Toyota Place General Manager Sam Chaalan (at left) for his part in making the December 11 clinic possible. Sam, who lost a close colleague to COVID-19 last Thanksgiving, paid for rental tables, chairs and other necessities, as well as promotion for the clinic. Toyota Place Facility Manager James Hodnett (st right) also helped get heaters to keep staff and attendees warm on the day of the clinic.
Beginning on January 1, 2022, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) will assume responsibility for most pharmacy claims for CalOptima’s Medi-Cal members, moving this benefit from Medi-Cal managed care to a fee-for-service model directly overseen by DHCS and its contractor Magellan. Individuals with questions can visit https://medi-calrx.dhcs.ca.gov/member, contact the Medi-Cal Rx Customer Service Center at 1-800-977-2273 or RxCarveOut@dhcs.ca.gov.
To support Medi-Cal Rx, members can request a CalOptima replacement ID card from CalOptima and/or Benefit Identification Card (BIC) from the County of Orange Social Service Agency. Click here for information on how to request a CalOptima replacement ID card. Click here for information on how to request a replacement BIC card. Members can also visit the CalOptima Pharmacy information page here.
CalOptima Releases New Trusted Messenger Videos
To boost vaccination rates among hesitant populations and the homebound, CalOptima partnered with community leaders to create a new series of videos featuring trusted messengers. The videos are available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. One set of videos aims to address and correct myths about the vaccine, and the other set provides a resource so homebound individuals can request an at-home vaccine. View and share the videos at this link.
CalOptima COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic for Kids and the Community
Children ages 5–11 accompanied by a parent/guardian and unvaccinated community members of all ages can attend upcoming clinics in January:
- Saturday, January 15, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Orange County Social Services Agency Central Regional Office, 2020 W. Walnut St., Santa Ana
- Saturday, January 22, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Orange County Social Services Agency Central Regional Office, 2020 W. Walnut St., Santa Ana
CalOptima will be on-site to check CalOptima Medi-Cal eligibility, give $25 Member Health Rewards to eligible members and host a resource table. Vaccine event flyers are available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese.
Register at 1-714-834-2000 or www.othena.com. CalOptima Medi-Cal members can arrange transportation at
The Orange County Health Care Agency makes it easy for individuals to get a COVID-19 vaccine. There are several ways to find an appointment. Click here for the various options.
COVID-19 Self-Collection Test Kits Available to Air Travelers
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, travelers arriving in the U.S. are advised to get a viral test 3-5 days after travel, regardless of vaccination status.
The OC Health Care Agency and John Wayne Airport are distributing no-cost, self-collection COVID-19 testing kits to travelers. The test kits can be picked up in Terminals A and C. For more information about self-collection tests, click here.
Pediatricians Available to Speak About COVID-19 Vaccines
The American Academy of Pediatrics Orange County Chapter (AAP-OC) team of providers and medical staff champions are available to speak with groups of parents, schools, or community groups about COVID-19 vaccines for children and their families. For more information, or to invite an AAP-OC representative to speak to a group, contact Jamie McDonald at jamie@aap-oc.org or 949-752-2787.
CalOptima partners with University of California, Irvine (UCI) for regular contributions to the Community Announcements. The contributions are from UCI infectious disease experts and cover COVID-19 hot topics.
This week’s article addresses the Omicron variant and the importance of boosters before the holidays. Click here to read the articles.
The Benefits of Breastfeeding
For years, new moms have been encouraged to breastfeed, because of the benefits it can provide to the mother and baby. To learn about the benefits breastfeeding can offer, click here. To learn more about CalOptima’s maternity health program, Bright Steps, click here.
Health Care Forecast Conference
Join the 31st Annual Health Care Forecast Conference in February 2022. National experts will present on what to expect from state and federal policymakers in the coming year, tools available to advance health equity through delivery transformation and the changing healthcare delivery models in the U.S. Register now for an early bird discount.
Virtual Healthier Living Workshops
California Healthier Living presents several reputable and effective evidence-based health promotion programs to meet the needs of Orange County’s older adults and caregivers. Workshops are free and held virtually. To access the workshop flyer, click here.
Immunizations for Children
The widespread use of safe, effective childhood vaccinations has been one of the most successful and cost-effective public health interventions in the U.S. and globally. Immunizations for children entering kindergarten remain steady at around 95%. In 2020, 94.7% of Orange County kindergartners had up-to-date immunizations, a 6.8% increase from the 10-year low of 88.7%.
To learn more about immunizations and other key data on the well-being of our community’s children, read the 27th Annual Report on the Conditions of Children in Orange County here.
How to Contact CalOptima During the COVID-19 Pandemic
CalOptima Customer Service remains ready to respond to member needs as we adhere to guidelines to reduce the possibility of COVID-19 transmission. Our building is closed to visitors. Members can call Customer Service from the safety of their home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have staff who speak their language. Members can also visit www.caloptima.org and access their member portal.
CalOptima, A Public Agency www.caloptima.org