September 10, 2020
More of Orange County Re-Opens with Move to Red Tier
The County of Orange moved from the purple tier (widespread) to the red tier (substantial) on September 8. The tiers are a part of Governor Newsom’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy to reduce COVID-19. Restaurants, places of worship, movie theaters, gyms, nail salons, tattoos and body waxing can open indoors with modifications, including reduced maximum capacities.

For the County of Orange Health Officer’s New Orders and Strong Recommendations as well as related FAQS, please click here
Mental Health Resources During COVID-19
Although face-to-face interactions may be limited during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to be vigilant about suicide prevention and to “Know the Signs.” For suicide prevention and mental health resources during COVID-19 please visit the Each Mind Matters Resource Center here.

September is National Recovery Month and September 6–12 is Suicide Prevention Week. This year’s theme is “Hope, Resiliency & Recovery.” To help promote Suicide Prevention Week 2020 in our community visit Each Mind Matters, California’s mental health movement. It has guides, information and suggested activities. Resources can be used throughout the year.

  • CalOptima members can access mental health services toll-free at 1‑855‑877‑3885 (TTY 711), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • OC Links: 855-OC-Links (855-625-4657)
  • The OC Warm Line: 877-910-WARM (877-910-9276)
  • Orange County Crisis Prevention Hotline: 877-727-4747
  • Teen Line: 800-852-8336
  • Trevor Line for the LGBTQ community: 866-488-7386

To view the OC HCA list of resources for all click here.
Social Services Agency Drive-Thru Benefits Consolidated at Santa Ana Regional Center
The County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA) announced that their Saturday drive-through benefits issuance has been consolidated to the SSA Santa Ana Regional Center. It is by appointment only. SSA will continue to provide weekday benefits issuance by appointment at multiple locations. To schedule, call the SSA Call Center at 800-281-9799.

SSA’s Aliso Viejo, Anaheim, Garden Grove and Santa Ana Regional Centers are open to the public with reduced hours, from Mondays through Fridays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For more details and to view the announcement, click here.
Translations Available for COVID-19 Testing Fliers
Translations are available for COVID-19 testing fliers in eight languages including English, Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Farsi, Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese. Visit the OC Health Care Agency’s website for other fliers about COVID-19 testing. 
CDC Issues Temporary Eviction Moratorium
To temporarily halt residential evictions to prevent the further spread of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an agency order to protect renters from eviction from September 4 to December 31, 2020 for nonpayment. People covered under the temporary eviction moratorium are those who expect to earn less than $99,000 or no more than $198,000 if filing a joint tax return for calendar year 2020. For details about the order and definition of “covered person” and other requirements, please click here.

The agency order issued on September 4 does not relieve any individual of any obligation to pay rent, make a housing payment, or comply with any other obligation that the individual may have under a tenancy, lease, or similar contract. 
COVID-19 Emergency Preparedness Guide for Kinship Families and Grandfamilies
“Kinship Families and Grandfamilies” are families in which children are raised by their grandparents, other extended family members, or adults with whom they have a close family-like relationship. During emergencies, including natural disasters or pandemics, these challenges are magnified for them.

The Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (SGRG) Advisory Council to developed a resource guide with resources on:

  • COVID-19 resources for kinship family and grandfamily caregivers
  • General COVID-19 information from the federal government
  • Tips for staying connected in an emergency
  • Helplines and hotlines
  • Resources for health care and social service providers

To learn more about SGRG, click here. The SGRC Advisory Committee was created by an Act of Congress, and is under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living.
OC Animal Care Hosts Virtual Adoption Event and
Drive-Thru Pet Pantry
On September 12, OC Animal Care will give families the opportunity to sign up to get a low-cost adoption voucher. The 100 vouchers are first-come, first-served and are limited to one per household. The first 100 families will receive an email confirmation with a voucher and have 30 days to make an appointment and adopt their new pet.

The event will also feature the contactless Family Fur-st Drive Thru Pet Pantry from 8–10 a.m. Dog, cat and rabbit food are available while supplies last. 

For more details about the pet food pantry, visit
Food Distribution Event
Upcoming Webinars in the Community
2020-21 Orange County Community Indicators
Virtual Rollout
ACES Aware Provider Conversations
Compassion Fatigue/Vicarious Trauma for the Provider
CalOptima Regulatory Alerts
Due to the rapidly changing situation surrounding COVID-19, CalOptima is posting a round-up of federal/state rules, guidance and news related to COVID-19. It will be updated frequently.
The alerts below are posted to the CalOptima website when we receive them. For regulatory highlights prior to August 27, go to the Provider section of our website:
  • CDPH News Release: State Officials Award Contract for New COVID-19 Data Reporting System to OptumInsight, Inc. (posted 9/1/20)
  • DHCS Recommendations During COVID-19: Mental Health and Self Care Postcard (posted 9/1/20)
  • CDPH SNF Conference Call Notification – Weekly COVID-19 Update Call Notes (posted 8/27/20)

For Regulatory highlights prior to August 27, 2020, please visit the Providers section of our website at:

Providers and other health care professionals with questions can contact the Provider Relations department by phone at 714-246-8600 or email at
How to Contact CalOptima During the COVID-19 Pandemic
CalOptima Customer Service remains ready to respond to member needs. Members can call Customer Service from the safety of their home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have staff who speak their language.

  • Medi-Cal toll-free: 1-888-587-8088
  • OneCare Connect toll-free: 1-855-705-8823
  • OneCare toll-free: 1-877-412-2734
  • TTY 711
  • PACE: 1-714-468-1100; toll-free: 1-855-785-2584
  • PACE TTY toll-free: 1-714-468-1063

Our buildings are closed to members but we are continuing to serve our members through our Customer Service phone lines, as we adhere to guidelines to reduce the possibility of transmission.

505 City Parkway West
Orange, CA 92868
Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
13300 Garden Grove Blvd.
Garden Grove, CA 92843
County Community Service Center
Limited community partners are providing services on-site. CalOptima services are being provided remotely to ensure the safety of our members and employees.
15496 Magnolia Street, Suite 111
Westminster, CA 92610

For CalOptima specific updates on COVID-19, please visit our home page at

National information can be found on the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) website at and local information can be found at the Orange County Health Care Agency (OC HCA) website at
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