August 10, 2023

In This Issue

CalOptima Health News

$15 Million Allocated for Naloxone Distribution to Medi-Cal Members 

Notice of Funding Opportunity

CalOptima Health to Host Back-to-School Health and Wellness Event

$50 Million Invested to Address Provider Shortages 

Street Medicine Program Shows Early Success

4,000+ Attend Community Resource Fair 

CalFresh Work Requirement Changes 

Last Chance to Apply for Grant Funding to Address Homelessness 

DHCS Dashboard With Medi-Cal Renewal Data 

Leaders Provide Input on Community Health Assessment 

CalOptima Health Visits FTOC Community Health Center 

CalOptima Health Sponsors OCBC Newsletter

CalOptima Health Welcomes New Board Member 

Community News

Increase in COVID-19 Activity in Orange County

CalFresh Resource Application Event

Dental Visits for Back-to-School 

Older Adults Needs Assessment

Start Dates for OC Schools

Father Saying Goodbye To Children As They Leave For School
CalOptima Health News

$15 Million Allocated for Naloxone Distribution to Medi-Cal Members 

To protect members against the tragic effects of the opioid epidemic, CalOptima Health’s Board of Directors has approved spending $15 million from financial reserves to purchase and distribute life-saving naloxone. The medication (brand names include Narcan and Evzio) is administered as a nasal spray. It can restore breathing while waiting for emergency personnel to deliver care to someone experiencing a potential overdose situation caused by opioids, such as fentanyl, heroin or prescribed opioid medications. 


“The fentanyl overdose epidemic can affect anyone in our community,” said Richard Pitts, D.O., Ph.D., CalOptima Health’s Chief Medical Officer. “This funding enables CalOptima Health to create programs to put [Naloxone] in members’ hands when seconds count to save someone.” 

CalOptima Health will use the Board-approved funding to purchase 250,000 doses of naloxone that will be distributed to members through targeted programs in development, including events held across the county. The agency will partner with community leaders, elected officials, health care providers and others to identify the most efficient and effective methods to achieve widespread distribution and raise awareness about naloxone use and administration, via programs beginning this fall. 

Notice of Funding Opportunity Portal is Now Open

In further support of the ongoing Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program (HHIP), CalOptima Health's Board approved the release of a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to help build the capacity of smaller, grassroots community-based organizations (CBOs) serving populations experiencing health disparities. This NOFO will identify CBOs and connect them to technical assistance that helps them more effectively partner with the health care sector, position their organizations as potential health care service providers and craft effective proposals that convey those concepts.

This Nonprofit Health Care Academy is set to include a series of learning experiences, skill-building sessions and 1:1 support to prepare these organizations for contracted partnership with CalOptima Health and, more broadly, partnership with the health care sector. In its initial phase, CalOptima Health will identify and onboard up to 20 CBOs who are interested in participating in the Nonprofit Healthcare Academy. Eligible CBOs must have operating budgets of $5 million or less.

The NOFO is now available through this portal. All applications are due by September 15, 2023, at 5 p.m. (PST). Interested CBOs can contact Danielle Cameron or Jasmine Awadallah with any questions about submitting an application.


In addition, CalOptima Health will host a virtual community forum to answer all questions regarding the NOFO application on August 22 at 9 a.m. Register in advance for the Zoom meeting here.

CalOptima Health to Host Back-to-School Health and Wellness Event

Join us for a Back-to-School health and wellness event to help children and families get ready for the new school year! The event will be held on Saturday, August 26, from 9 a.m.–1 p.m. at St. Anthony Claret Catholic Church (1450 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim).

The event will offer families:  

  • Medi-Cal, CalFresh and CalWORKS enrollment 
  • Free vision exams, eyeglasses, dental services, sports physicals and haircuts by appointment at the event (1 service per member)
  • Community resources for basic needs, mental health, early childhood education, and services for older adults and people with disabilities 
  • Distribution of food, diapers, bike helmets and backpacks while supplies last  
  • Cultural performances, music, games, crafts and activities  

$50 Million Invested to Address Provider Shortages 

To address the crisis of health care provider shortages and disparities, CalOptima Health is funding a $50 million Provider Workforce Development Reserve Fund aimed at increasing opportunities for education, training, recruitment and retention of providers needed to serve our diverse membership. We are also developing a five-year plan for local provider workforce development that will include learnings from statewide health workforce initiatives as well as engagement of local provider and member communities. 


A 2019 report from California Future Health Workforce Commission forecasts that within 10 years, California will face a shortfall of more than 4,100 primary care clinicians and 600,000 home care workers, and will have only two-thirds of the psychiatrists it needs. These shortages — especially evident for Medi-Cal members — have accelerated since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Street Medicine Program Shows Early Success

Since launching in April, CalOptima Health’s Street Medicine Program has made significant strides in providing health care and social services to the unhoused population in Garden Grove. During the first 100 days of operation, our contracted provider Healthcare in Action has successfully engaged 129 individuals and now has 62 active participants in the program. In addition: 

  • 529 patient visits have been completed 
  • 81 individuals have enrolled in CalOptima Health Connect 
  • 54 individuals have been evaluated and treated for substance use disorder 
  • 11 individuals have been evaluated and treated for opiate use disorder, including fentanyl 
  • 40 individuals have been evaluated and treated for mental illness 

More than 4,000 Attend Community Resource Fair 

Bottom from left: Anh Tran, Director, the County of Orange Social Services Agency; Richard Pitts, D.O., Ph.D., CalOptima Health Chief Medical Officer; Yunkyung Kim, CalOptima Health Chief Operating Officer; Avelino Valencia, Assemblymember District (AD-68); Paulette Chaffee, Ambassador for Office of OC Supervisor Doug Chaffee; Vicente Sarmiento, Orange County Supervisor; Wild Wind, Anaheim Ducks mascot; Nancy Huang, CalOptima Health Chief Financial Officer; Lou Correa, U.S. Representative (CA-46). 

Underscoring the need for help with Medi-Cal renewal and community resources, approximately 4,200 people attended a resource fair hosted by Supervisor Vicente Sarmiento, the County of Orange Social Services Agency, the city of Anaheim and CalOptima Health in Anaheim on July 29. CalOptima Health COO Yunkyung Kim kicked off the event with opening remarks welcoming families and thanking community partners in attendance. Media covered the event with spots on NBC and Telemundo. Event highlights included: 


  • Medi-Cal renewal and applications and CalFresh applications (The County of Orange Social Services Agency and Abrazar) 
  • 60 community-based organizations in attendance  
  • 900 food boxes (provided by Community Action Partnership OC- CAP OC) 
  • 7,480 pounds of apples (provided by CAP OC) 
  • 1,000 diaper boxes (provided by CAP OC/Tom Tom Diaper Stork) 

CalFresh Work Requirement Changes 

Food insecurity is a primary social determinant of health affecting our members, and we encourage those who qualify to access healthy food through CalFresh. With CalFresh, a family of four can qualify for up to $939 monthly for groceries and up to $281 monthly for individuals. As part of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA) signed into law by President Joe Biden on June 3, the work-reporting requirement for the CalFresh increased from ages 18–49 to 18–55. As a result, more members are now subject to work requirements. However, the FRA also expanded exemptions from work requirements to include veterans, individuals experiencing homelessness, and youth ages 18–24 who are aging out of the foster care system.

Last Chance to Apply for Grant Funding to Address Homelessness 

Application closes August 15, 2023 (5 p.m. PST) 

As part of our efforts to overcome health disparities, CalOptima Health is participating in the Department of Health Care Services’ Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program (HHIP). Through the program, CalOptima Health is administering a funding opportunity for capital projects to increase equitable and countywide access to permanent, affordable housing. The total grant funding available is $52.3 million. Individual grant requests must be between $1 million and $8 million.  

For information on the project requirements and proposal evaluation criteria and to apply, visit:

New DHCS Dashboard With Medi-Cal Renewal Data

Medi-Cal renewal is in full swing. Recent data from SSA shows that only 50% of households have returned their Medi-Cal renewal paperwork leaving them vulnerable to losing their coverage. You can help spread awareness by using CalOptima Health’s Medi-Cal Renewal communications toolkit. The toolkit includes information and resources about the renewal process you can share with members and community stakeholders through your communications and social media pages. Thank you for your help! 

On Monday, DHCS published a new interactive Medi-Cal dashboard detailing statewide and county-level demographic data on Medi-Cal application processing, enrollments, redeterminations, and renewal outcomes. DHCS will update, and continue to adjust, the dashboard monthly throughout the remainder of the year-long redetermination process.

Leaders Provide Input on Community Health Assessment 

From left: CalOptima Health leaders: Bárbara Kidder-García, Manager, Population Health Management, Thanh Mai Dinh, Supervisor, Population Health Management; Brian DeGeer, Program Manager; Donna Laverdiere, Executive Director, Strategic Development; Peter Bastone, Chief Strategy Officer; Katie Balderas, Director, Population Health Management; Ann Mino, Manager, Population Health Management; Janette Valladolid, Program Manager.  

On July 26, CalOptima Health strategy executives and leaders from Population Health Management attended a presentation by the Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA) on their Community Health Assessment. Joining other health systems, public agencies and community-based organizations, our leaders offered input and feedback to help refine HCA’s findings. HCA is hosting a follow-up collaborative session on August 23, from 9 a.m.–Noon, to work with the community and identify the County’s health priorities for 2023–2025. You can RSVP here. 

CalOptima Health Visits FTOC Community Health Center 

From left: Duyen Nguyen, Program Coordinator, CalOptima Health; Katie Balderas, Director, Population Health Management, CalOptima Health; Marie Jeannis, RN, MSN, CCM, Executive Director, Population Health Management, CalOptima Health; Thanh Mai Dinh, Supervisor, Population Health Management, CalOptima Health; Richard Pitts, D.O., Ph.D., Chief Medical Officer, CalOptima Health; Flora Asuncion, MBA, Chief Operating Officer, Families Together of Orange County (FTOC); Bárbara Kidder-García, Manager, Population Health Management, CalOptima Health; Alexander Rossel, Chief Executive Officer, FTOC; Esmeralda Muñoz, Clinic Manager, FTOC; Claudia Magee, Director, Community Support and Development, FTOC. 

CalOptima Health leaders recently visited Families Together of Orange County’s (FTOC) Community Health Center in Garden Grove to learn about the center’s services. In addition to medical, dental, vision, physical therapy and mental health services, the center offers a state-of-the-art 3D mammography machine to provide breast cancer screenings for patients and community members. We’re proud to partner with FTOC through our $50.1 million Comprehensive Cancer Screening and Support Program, as we move to achieve the lowest incidence rate nationwide for late-stage breast, cervical, colon and certain lung cancers.

CalOptima Health Sponsors OCBC E-Newsletter 

CalOptima Health is the new sponsor of Orange County Business Council’s (OCBC) e-newsletter called e-Indicator. The organization works to enhance Orange County’s economic development and serves as the voice of business in the sixth-largest county in the U.S. Please visit this link for the most recent newsletter and click here to subscribe.

CalOptima Health Welcomes New Board Member 

CalOptima Health welcomes Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA) Interim Agency Director Debra Baetz to our Board of Directors. Baetz began her career with the County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA) in 1989, promoting into various roles across the agency’s Assistance Programs, Adult Services and Family Self-Sufficiency, and Administrative Services Divisions until becoming SSA’s Director in 2018. She retired from the role in 2022 but was asked to come out of retirement to serve as HCA’s Interim Agency Director while the County conducts a recruitment for the permanent director. Baetz earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in public administration from California State University, Fullerton, and recently completed her MBA as part of an Executive MBA fellowship program at the UC Irvine Paul Merage School of Business. She was appointed to our Board in July 2023.

Community News

Recent Increase in COVID-19 Activity in Orange County

Doctor and senior man wearing facemasks during coronavirus and flu outbreak. Virus and illness protection_ home quarantine. COVID-2019

The OC Health Care Agency (HCA), Communicable Disease Control Division is reporting an increase in the percentage of positive COVID-19 PCR tests in Orange County residents over the past month. To minimize the severity of the recent increase, the HCA is reminding residents to take preventive actions to reduce the risk of severe illness or hospitalization. To read the press release, click here.

For more information on COVID-19, visit Additionally, the HCA responds to community inquiries through the Agency’s Health Referral Line at 1 (800) 564-8448, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

CalFresh Resource Application Event

Join Supervisor Andrew Do for a CalFresh Resource Application event. The event will be held on Saturday, August 19 from 9 a.m.–1 p.m. at Westminster Library (8180 13th St., Westminster).

The event will offer families:  

  • Medi-Cal, CalFresh and CalWORKS enrollment
  • Distribution of food, diapers, and backpacks while supplies last  

The flyer is available in English and Spanish.

Home Delivering food to senior citizens in quarantine during Covid-19 Coronavirus epidemic. Donation box with foods_ meals. Quarantine concept. Courier delivering shopping to senior woman

Dental Visits for Back-to-School 

California law requires that children have a dental checkup 12 months before entering public school for the first time or by May 31 of their first year (Kindergarten or 1st Grade). This requirement is called the Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment. With Medi-Cal, children are covered for two dental checkups a year. To learn more about dental services, visit the Smile, California webpage

Dentist examining little boy s teeth in clinic

Older Adults Needs Assessment

Old man choose check mark on box

Paid providers that serve 60+ year-olds in OC can participate in the AdvanceOC’s Older Adults Needs Assessment, a survey in partnership with the County of Orange and Office of Aging. The survey will be closing on August 30. Results from this survey will be used to support the development of Orange County's Master Plan for Aging.

Start Dates for OC Schools


With the start of the 2023-24 academic year fast approaching, the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) Newsroom has compiled a rundown of all school start dates in Orange County, including charter schools. The timeline looks slightly different depending on the district. While start dates vary, all schools in Orange County follow the state-mandated requirement of providing students with 180 instructional days over the course of an academic year.

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