Time to Fertilize  Grapevines, Fruit Trees and Berry Plants too!
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We will continue shipping plants and trees through April
It's Time To Plant!        Don't Miss It

It's time to fertilize!


We eagerly look forward harvest season but we can't overlook this easy step that only takes minutes and has such a great impact. Just thinking about the delicious tastes of summer and fall can make your mouth water. Grapes, berries, apples, pears, plums, peaches and the list goes on. To get higher fruit yields and delicious fruit later - give your plants what they need now.  Check out our website for specific recommendations for your fruiting plants.


Where do I begin?
Calcium Nitrate - is a must.
5 lb. bag
only $9.95 

Calcium nitrate contains two of the basic nourishment elements that plants must have: Nitrate nitrogen and calcium. Calcium nitrate is the best choice for any kind of plant in all soils and climates for top fertilization.
  • It increases yield and quality 
  • it builds up resistance to disease and pests
  • it extends the storage life of fruits
  • rapid absorption of calcium and nitrate

Rate of 1 cup per 50' row. Recommend ¼ lb. per plant.

What is the best fertilizer for my specific variety of plants?   
For years customers have asked for the best fertilizers to use specifically for their fruiting plants and trees. The special blends needed are difficult to impossible to find in local stores. In the past you would have to resort to a standard fertilizer for everything. We are pleased to announce that Ison's Nursery & Vineyard has partnered with a national fertilizer company to develop and bring you our Specialty Fertilizer Blends.
Here are some quick links to our Specialty Fertilizer Blends:

Check It Out... 




Check out growing supplies 

for the organic gardeners.

Click Here

Need To Raise Your pH?

Quickly raises soil pH, neutralizes soil acidity and provides Calcium. Improves soil structure.
Check It Out...



We are happy to assist you with your selections and answer any questions that you may have.


(800) 733-0324 

or email us at: ison@isons.com

Fruit Tree Spray
1qt / $23.95

A complete liquid fruit tree spray containing Captan 12%, Malathion 6%, Carbaryl .3% and a spreader sticker. Simple to use. No plugged nozzles. As little as 1 1/2 tablespoons per application. Excellent for the home orchardist.

Our best all-purpose spray! Bonide® Fruit Tree Spray is the easiest, most effect way to control fruit tree insects and diseases. It applies to so many problems. 

  • Controls both insects, and diseases on fruit trees, flowers, evergreens, and strawberries
CAPTAN 50W Fungicide

12 oz. Only $18.95


Captan is what we use on our muscadine vines, fruit trees and berry plants. We apply two tablespoons per gallon of water and spray it on the infected area.


A wettable powder fungicide specially formulated to mix easily with water to control fungus disease on fruits and ornamentals.

Zinc Sulfate
for Pecans
This is a must!

 4 lb bag Only $16.00


The secret to growing high-quality pecans. Zinc sulfate is critical for growing pecan trees. Low soil levels of zinc stunt tree growth and cause malformed nuts. For best results apply in early spring. 







Our 2014 Catalog
To view an online version of our catalog or to request a printed catalog, CLICK HERE!