Who can advertise or promote events in the Whittier Uptown Association (WUA) Calendar?
WUA Members in good standing can have their event(s) published on this Calendar for
Submit your information (including flyer in JPEG or PDF format) and a link where subscribers can register or find out more about the event. The calendar is generally sent out on Monday of each week.
Email me at olivia@whittieruptown.org.
As a member, you can schedule a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony or Grand Opening at no cost. We will help to promote your special event with friends, family and our community.
If you are not a WUA Member, there is a nominal cost to promote/publish your event.
Ask how you can be an Associate Member and receive Membership benefits.
Feel free to contact me directly should you have questions
(562) 696-2662
Have a great week!
Olivia E. Rios
Operations Manager