Vote in Calflora's 9th Annual Photo Contest!
1. Click on photo(s) and / or all contestants link(s) below.

2. Sign in to Calflora (upper right)

3. If you're looking at all contestants, click on a photo to see larger view

4. Click “Like” (lower left of photo) to vote for that photo.

You may vote on one or more photos in one or more categories.
Frontrunners below.
Calochortus venustus
by Mira Lockwood
Calochortus plummerae
by Elena Oey
Calochortus clavatus ssp. recurvifolius
by Morgan Stickrod
Calochortus kennedyi
by Alan Bade
Calochortus luteus
by Roy Tennant
Calochortus argillosus
by Matt Berger
Due to more Calflora Photo Contest entries than ever before, this link may take longer to load. Frontrunners below.
Asclepias cordifolia
by Karen Swift
Hosackia gracilis
by Steve Conger
Diplacus pulchellus
by Karen Swift
Paeonia brownii
by Karen Swift
Anemone drummondii
by Karen Swift
Lilium bolanderi
by Morgan Stickrod
Juncus bufonius var. bufonius
by R.A. Chasey
Carex concinnoides
by Dana York
Hordeum brachyantherum ssp. brachyantherum
by Denise Defreese
Festuca californica
by Veronica Yates
Eleocharis macrostachya
by Ron Vanderhoff
Lamarckia aurea
by Anthony O'Dea
Frontrunners below
Pinus muricata
by Karen Swift
Pseudotsuga macrocarpa
by Bryant Baker
Juniperus grandis
by Christopher Collier
Pinus monticola
by Christopher Collier
Hesperocyparis macnabiana
by Christopher Collier
Juniperus californica
by Richard Larimore
Woodwardia fimbriata
by Karen Swift
Asterella californica
by Mike Russler
Pentagramma triangularis
by Christopher Collier
Struthiopteris spicant
by Christopher Collier
Woodwardia fimbriata
by Julie Kierstead
Asterella palmeri
by Jordan Collins
I want to vote, but I don't see the word "like."
Are you signed in? If so, you'll see your name in the upper right of the page. If you are signed in, do you see "comments" at the top of the page? If not, you're not on the detail page yet: go back to step one above. Here's a video tutorial showing how to cast your vote(s).

Can I sort alphabetically by plant name or photographer?
Click on your column heading of interest, e.g., "Plant" or "Observer."

See a misidentified photo?
During Contest and always: comment on it. When you comment on a record, the observer will receive an email and can defend their ID or change it. Here's more on the Calflora Quality Control and Commenting System.

Reply to this email with questions!