U.S. Economic Development Administration: FY2018 Disaster Supplemental Funding
Deadline: Ongoing until funds have been expended
Amount: Maximum amount is 50% of the Project cost
Match: Generally, EDA's maximum allowable grant rate is 50% of the approved project cost
Eligibility: County governments, Private institutions of higher education, State governments, Public and State controlled institutions of higher education, Nonprofits, Cities, Special Districts, federally recognized Indian tribal governments
EDA will award investments in regions experiencing severe economic distress or other economic harm resulting from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, and of wildfires and other natural disasters occurring in calendar year 2017. Under this announcement, EDA solicits applications under the authority of its EAA program. The EAA program is intended to be flexible and responsive to the economic development needs and priorities of local and regional stakeholders, including those seeking assistance recovering from Federally declared disasters. EAA funds can be awarded to assist a wide variety of activities related to disaster recovery, including economic recovery strategic planning grants, and public works construction assistance. It is a flexible resource that responds adaptively to pressing economic issues and is well-suited to help address challenges faced by regions recovering from natural disasters.