California FFA News
June 2021
Incoming Seniors: Register for the Change Makers Summit!
What does the future hold? What happens after high school? How can I continue to improve as an individual? Who can help me? What is my life's purpose? What do I have to look forward to? 

We will strive to answer these questions and many others as seniors embark on the Change Makers Summit: The Future Awaits! Click the link below to learn more and to register for the event.

Gustine FFA Honors Our Fallen Heroes
Gustine FFA is home to over 360 FFA members. Our chapter is located in a small town in the Central Valley of California. Gustine FFA participates in multiple activities including community service events, competitions, leadership conferences and Career Development Events. One of the most sentimental events Gustine FFA participates in is placing crosses and flags on the graves of deceased military members at the Hills Ferry Cemetery.
Turlock FFA Chapter Scoop
It is no secret that this year presented challenges for FFA chapters across the state, but many chapters overcame the setbacks with creativity and resiliency. The challenges provided an opportunity for Turlock FFA to showcase the strength of its chapter. The Turlock FFA year started with uncertainty in Zoom meetings, but, as time progressed, the chapter leaders found creative solutions to bring the members together. Turlock FFA began holding drive-through events and virtual game nights, all in an effort to uphold the community aspect of FFA
Monache FFA Chapter Scoop: End of the Year Banquet
On May 26th, Monache FFA held its annual End of the Year Banquet. The banquet was a drive-thru, and fortunately our members were still able to receive their awards and enjoy a cool treat afterwards. Although it had to be a socially distanced drive-thru event, it was still a great success with over 150 members participating during the meeting.