California Fire Resources
In 2017, in a scenario that has become all too familiar, a devastating fire burned across northern Napa Valley. Among the community members and organizations responding to the disaster and its aftermath were the Family Resource Centers and CFRA members, On the Move and Upvalley Family Centers. While supporting families during the crisis, they also had the forethought to document their efforts and lessons learned, to support other nonprofits, around California and beyond, in thinking through their own preparedness for future disasters. For more on the lessons learned and information, you can find the full report here .

Our hearts go out to our colleagues and partners in Sonoma, Los Angeles, and other communities impacted by this year’s fires, and we hope that you find this helpful.

CFRA has complied a list of resources for individuals and agencies that have been affected or want to contribute to the recent fires. We hope these serve as a good resource central. For any of our members that have been directly affected, contact us for ways that we can support.

  • The governor's office has set up a Resources site that has the latest information on wildfire incidents, housing, transportation, and more
  • Sign up for the CalOES Emergency Alert System
  • AirBnb has provided a list of homes that are open to first responders and evacuees
  • GoFundMe has set up a page where you can directly support any campaigns created to raise funds
Job Postings
CFRA Program Manager
CFRA is looking for it's next program manager. The CFRA Program Manager is responsible for the leadership, operation, effectiveness, and sustainability of all CFRA programs. The CFRA Program Manager oversees and directs all CFRA program staff and is responsible for development and execution of CFRA’s membership structures and development including, but not limited to, internal and external communications, identifying emerging needs and opportunities for the association and its members, ensuring member satisfaction, retention, and growth, fund development strategies, advocacy initiatives, legislative affairs, and strategic partnerships. The CFRA Program Manager also oversees the Statewide Child Abuse Training and Technical Assistance (CC) Program, known as the Coalition for Victims of Child Abuse (CVCA).

You can find the full job description here . Interested applicants can email Human Resources ( jravarra@thecapcenter.org) .
OES Statewide Coordination and TA Project Manager
The Project Manager is responsible for activities that support the Coalition for Victims of Child Abuse (CVCA) and CFRA, including but not limited to, managing the CVCA Statewide Program under the Cal OES grant and supporting CFRA’s work in conjunction with the CFRA Program Manager. The CVCA program provides leadership, coordination, and resources to approximately 80 child abuse treatment centers (OES sub-recipients) across California. In addition, the Project Manager will work collaboratively with CFRA to coordinate efforts within the family strengthening field by building capacity in members to promote statewide advocacy efforts.

You can find the full job description and information on how to apply on the Child Abuse Prevention Center's website .
Statewide FRC Survey Results and Webinar Discussion
In June 2019, Harder+Company Community Research, with funding from the David and Lucille Packard Foundation, conducted a statewide online survey of Family Resource Centers in California. The goal of the survey was to build the body of knowledge about FRCs in California and highlight their reach and scope of services. Over 160 responses, representing 213 FRCs from 48 California counties were received! Our sincere thanks to all who participated.

On Tuesday, November 5 th at 2pm Pacific, we invite you to join us online for a webinar presentation and discussion of the survey results, what they mean for FRCs in California and how they can be used to further support FRC advocacy efforts at the state and local levels. Please register for the webinar using the link below:

We hope that you will join us for this important discussion. Please feel free to reach out to Carolina Mantilla emantilla@harderco.com with any questions about the survey or the upcoming webinar.   
Applications due November 4, 2019
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize honors U.S. communities working together in new ways so that everyone can live their healthiest life possible. The prize recognizes work that has already been accomplished, and awards whole communities rather than just individual organizations and initiatives.

Applications accepted on a rolling basis until December 31, 2019
The Walmart Community Grant Program will award grants of up to $5,000 to local nonprofit organizations located within the service areas of individual Walmart stores in the areas of hunger relief and healthy eating, health and human services, quality of life, education, community and economic development, diversity and inclusion, public safety, and environmental sustainability. 

Applications accepted on a rolling basis
The Well Life Foundation accepts proposals for small community projects (up to $10,000) that benefit and improve the lives of women, with a particular focus on vulnerable women such as those recovering from domestic violence or are using non-shelter community services. 
CFRA's Monthly Policy Calls
Every fourth Friday of the month, CFRA updates members to discuss state and federal legislation which impacts the family strengthening field. We have representatives throughout the state to give the varying perspectives of our diverse clients and regions. To participate in our next call, click here.

Our next call will be November 22.
Strategies 2.0 Learning Communities
Growing knowledge and networks for professionals working with families
Family Resource Centers: Vehicles for Change
January 13-14, 2020
Over the last two decades, Family Resource Centers have evolved to become established community-based organizations that promote family and community well-being. They are characterized by a set of support services and an approach that emphasizes the power of neighborhood leaders and organizations joining together to address social ills and improve the well-being of families and communities.

This interactive, 2-day training is designed for team participation and emphasizes the dual role of family resource centers: service provision and community-building through family and community engagement. It offers the frameworks and tools that distinguish Family Resource Centers and provides an opportunity for organizational FRC teams to reflect on their programs, structure and practice and determine action to promote healthy families and strong communities.

Family Resource Center teams must be made up of three to five team members to participate in the training, with at least one a decision maker (Executive Director, CEO or FRC Director), a supervisor or program/ site manager, and a program staff member (home visitor, coordinator or parent educator). Other members could include parents, program participants, community members, or board members.

To sign up for this FREE training, go to the Strategies catalog. Please note, space is limited.
Train-the-Trainer: Vehicles for Change
November 14, 2019
Orange County
applications due Nov.1
January 9, 2020
applications due Dec. 9
Strategies 2.0 is offering a Train-the-Trainer program to approved individuals to train on Vehicles for Change. It will aim to strengthen trainers and networks to train their staff on the frameworks and tools that distinguish Family Resource Centers. With a diverse team of regional professional trainers, Strategies 2.0 intends to expand its reach by selecting and certifying individuals who will deliver the Vehicles for Change training for their own organization or region. The primary advantage to the individual trainer being certified is further development as a trainer and family strengthening professional.

This training will only be provided for CFRA members . If you are not a CFRA member or are unsure of your status, contact Jenn Santos at jsantos@thecapcenter.org.

For application details or more information, contact Michael Williams at mwilliams@thecapcenter.org.