CWA Flash Newsletter - November 24, 2020
CA Vaccination Plan Will Prioritize Most Vulnerable
Latinx people make up 40% of California’s population, but 60% of its COVID-19 cases and 48.5% of its deaths. Only 6% of Californians are Black, but 7.4% of COVID-19 deaths. As we get closer to availability of a vaccine, California intends to prioritize communities disproportionately affected by the disease. The state is in early planning stages, but data like death and infection rates, along with housing status, age, economic stability, health care coverage and ethnic backgrounds could all play a role in who might be among the first groups to get vaccinated, according to the California Department of Public Health’s draft vaccination report.
COVID and CA Tenant Protections
CA Senate Human Services: Hunger & Food Access
This time of year, before the official legislative session begins, informational hearings are held at the California Capitol on a number of issues. Last week the Senate Human Services Committee held a hearing on hunger and food security. You can access the agenda and background materials here.
CA Fiscal Outlook: Emerging Info
Lots of factors will impact the economic health of our state as we look to January 2021, when the Governor releases his budget proposal, and by July 1, with the legislature, approves the next state budget. In October the CA Legislative Analyst’s Office released the overview of the state spending plan for the 2020-21 state budget, and this month predicted an unexpected windfall, due to a number of factors, one being that personal income, corporate and sales tax collections were higher than predicted. For example, those in higher earning jobs were not impacted with job loss, as those in lower wage jobs. It unfortunately spotlights the economic divide, when so many are experiencing great loss, while others are not. The fallout from the pandemic will continue to become more clear, and ongoing analyses will provide more insight into the gaps and needs for our recovery. This budget forecast could result in some prior proposed program cuts being not be necessary or as deep. The state is hoping to receive federal pandemic recovery funds that will also support a speedier recovery and can change the outlook. The LAO cautions that the windfall is one time and the state needs to be consider our reserves and predicted future spending deficits for years out.
Welcome Del Norte County WIC!
Our CA WIC local agency family just grew with the addition of an 84th local agency serving Del Norte County through the County Health and Human Services Dept. located in Crescent City. The plan is for the agency, in early 2021, to serve about 900 participants that are currently served by Humboldt County WIC in the beautiful, most northern parts of CA. Welcome to Melody Cannon-Cutts as the Interim WIC Director. You can send Melody a warm WIC welcome, or put her in your contacts. A WIC Director position will be opening for a RD with WIC experience very soon.
CDC, Medical Groups: Thanksgiving Travel Not Advisable
The CDC has issued a warning to avoid traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday and urged the public to cancel plans to visit relatives who are not part of their households. The American Nurses Association, the American Hospital Association and the American Medical Association published an open letter Thursday saying, "We are all weary and empathize with the desire to celebrate the holidays with family and friends, but given the serious risks, we underscore how important it is to wear masks, maintain physical distancing and wash your hands."
Exclusive Breastfeeding Linked to Fewer Dental Problems
Children who were exclusively breastfed for 6 months were less likely to have dental disease, according to data presented at the virtual American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo. Previous research has demonstrated that breastmilk contains immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G, which protect against bacterial and viral infections. Data showed that in children from 6 months – 5 years, those who were breastfed exclusively for 6 months were 28% less likely to have dental tooth decay, cavities or toothaches than children who were never breastfed.
Food Insecurity Raises Death Risk From Heart Disease
The COVID-19 pandemic's economic and social toll has exacerbated food insecurity, and those facing this issue may have an increased cardiovascular death risk, according to research published earlier in November in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. Researchers comparing cardiovascular mortality rates against annual percent change in food insecurity and found that in counties with the highest increase in food insecurity, the death risk increased from 82 to 87 per 100,000 individuals. The mortality rate also increased 0.83 percent along with every 1 percent increase in food insecurity. The findings may be linked to the prevalence of risk factors among those facing food insecurity, including diabetes, hypertension and medication access, the researchers said. The research team now plans to study whether measures that improve food security also lead to better cardiovascular outcomes.
Mask Mandates Work to Curb Spread of COVID-19
Researchers analyzed coronavirus infection rates in Kansas following a statewide mask mandate. They found that counties that chose to enforce the mandate saw their cases decrease. Counties that chose to opt out saw their cases continue to rise. The CDC and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment analyzed trends in county-level cases before the mandate went into effect and two months afterward. Though rates were considerably higher in the 24 counties that required masks, over the two-month study period they brought the growth of cases under control and even reduced them. The counties that didn't require masks continued to see their cases increase. On average, the counties that required masks saw a 6% reduction in cases. In contrast, the counties that opted out saw a 100% increase.
SF WIC Farmers' Market Partners Stand Up to COVID
This summer due to the COVID-19 shelter in place orders, the SF WIC program faced challenges with distribution of Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)vouchers. To connect families with critical food resources, SF WIC partnered with local farmers' markets, and DoorDash to deliver organic produce boxes to families. Instead of distributing the vouchers, they were redeemed on behalf of the families who signed up to receive a produce box. The farmers market utilized the Soda tax funding to match the FMNP voucher amount to provide $56 worth of produce to 1500 families. Due to the program's success, the city funded an additional 1500 families. The project infused $124k into the local economy ($84k went directly to farmers). It also helped connect hundreds of gig economy workers to work. Most boxes were delivered to Latinx families who report the worst food insecurity rates and to communities most impacted by the pandemic. A survey of over 500 families indicated improved access to fruits and vegetables during the pandemic and an increased demand to continue the service. To learn more view this recorded webinar or contact Grethel Pallaviccini,
Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month. Here in California we have 6 Indian and Native American local WIC agencies who serve urban and rural Native populations. California is home to 109 federally recognized Native American tribes, and her at CWA, our office is on land that is the traditional home of the Nisenan. You can find virtual events and resources for Native American Heritage month here, as well as media and resources specifically for children here.
CDPH COVID-19 Guidance for Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
Returning to the Dentist During COVID-19
Addressing infant formula marketing has been an issue CWA and state and national partners have, for decades, invested heavily in, to ensure hospitals and health care providers are not marketing channels for infant formula, and to also respect and protect parents’ feeding decisions. Over time those marketing strategies shift and are now also digital. Just released by The Public Health Advocacy Institute, is Reducing Digital Marketing of Infant Formulas, describing how infant formula is marketed to parents via digital means by infant formula manufacturers, third party retails and digital platforms like Google and Facebook. The report also provides recommendations for decision makers and industry to come to terms with the pervasive means to influence parents’ critical decisions and during vulnerable and influential times in their lives.
Reducing Digital Marketing of Infant Formula: New Resource!
Addressing infant formula marketing has been an issue CWA and state and national partners have, for decades, invested heavily in, to ensure hospitals and health care providers are not marketing channels for infant formula, and to also respect and protect parents’ feeding decisions. Over time those marketing strategies shift and are now also digital. Just released by The Public Health Advocacy Institute, is Reducing Digital Marketing of Infant Formulas, describing how infant formula is marketed to parents via digital means by infant formula manufacturers, third party retails and digital platforms like Google and Facebook. The report also provides recommendations for decision makers and industry to come to terms with the pervasive means to influence parents’ critical decisions and during vulnerable and influential times in their lives.
Going "Home" for the Holidays - Safely!
Thanksgiving can be spent with the entire family, albeit from a distance and through a screen using a method we've become all too familiar with. In a 2020 holiday gift to all, Zoom will lift its 40-minute limit on free calls globally from 12:01 a.m. ET Thursday through 6 a.m. ET Friday. Anyone can join Zoom to set up a meeting and invite friends and family.
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